Flower of Courage

Flower of Courage
Wild Heart Designs
Esmerelda’s Friends Piece from December 2005
NPI on 32ct R&R Awareness Pink Linen
Beaded ruffle with gold beads
Finished into a needleminder
Stitching done 6/19/06
Finishing done 7/24/07

I finally did the finishing on this piece. This is my second piece to stitch from the Esmerelda’s Friends pieces from Elegant Stitch. I stitched this up super quick in June of last year. I am just now getting around to the finishing, and I have no idea why it took me so long to do it. As with the previous piece, In the Pink, the finishing was really not as bad as I was imagining it would be. This has been finished into a needleminder. I think it’s a really cute piece, and I am so pleased with how it came out. I tell you, though, the whole time I was doing the finishing on it I felt like I was holding a French macaron.

Here’s the back. Love the polka dot fabric. The loose magnet sits on the back of the piece, but I removed it for the photo so you could see the fabric.

And here’s a closeup of the ruffled beaded edging. I think I’ll definitely be making more of these in the future.

Thanks for all the compliments on Veneto. I have made a start on Liguria and hope to finish the border on it this week. I’ve also been stitching along on Their Song. I also hope to get that bottom right hand corner finished this week. I’ll post a progress photo soon.

I’m behind on my blog reading, because in between doing the finishing on this piece, I’ve been reading Harry Potter and working on a gift. I hope to get caught back up soon. I also have a couple other things I need to get back on track with – namely my Walk to Rivendell. I hope to have an update on that this week. I’ve been slacking off.

I am grateful for being honest with myself and making new choices.

20 thoughts on “Flower of Courage”

  1. Stitch Wizard

    Oh Michelle your finishes are just beautiful!! I need to learn to do the finishing part of things like that sometime. I can cross stitch, but the finishing is the hard part for me! Congratulations on a wonderful finish!! Debby 🙂

  2. Oh, what a lovely, lovely finish, Michelle! I love the ruffled beaded edging… so delicate and just gorgeous! 🙂

    The Deathly Hallows is awesome isn’t it? Glad you are enjoying it as much as I did! 🙂

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