A Gathering of Stitchers

Thanks so much for checking out my last post, I have really missed blogging.  The podcasting is fun, but I really love sharing photos and writing posts too.  I am hoping to post something, either a written post or a podcast episode much more frequently. So, as promised in my last post I wanted to share last December’s holiday party held by the other needlework guild I am a member of – EGA.

This was my second year to attend the EGA holiday party, but this year I opted to not stitch an ornament for the exchange.  Since I’d stitched one for Tudor Rose, and we had our annual eggnog and dessert party the night before the EGA party, I just didn’t feel like I had the time to get something done.  And it was kind of nice to go with no pressure and no expectations, just to visit and enjoy the party.

So, the party was held at one of the member’s homes and she has an amazing amount of stitched pieces that really were awesome to look at.  The wreath above is full of beautiful needlepoint/canvaswork (I don’t know the difference) ornaments.

And look at her gorgeous tree full of stitched ornaments.

Here are a few other decorations around her home.  I’m telling you I was so inspired to go home and stitch my little heart out!

And this is just one of the ornament hanger trees she had completely full of beautiful stitched pieces!

Anyway, I spent most of my time just wandering around and looking at everything.  So much to see and admire and be inspired by!

And then of course, there was the exchange.  First up, the guild President presented her board with these sweet beaded star ornaments that she made.  So pretty!

And my sweet friend Adrienne beaded this lovely ornament.  You may recall I got her beaded ornament in the exchange last year.

Isn’t that darling?  I just love it and would have loved to come home with it.  And then look at this one too.  The guild did a Temari workshop not too long before the party (which I am still kicking myself for missing, I really want to learn how to do temari).  I thought it was wonderful that two people actually made temari for the ornament exchange.  Here’s one of them.

And then here are all the exchange ornaments together.  So fun to see such a variety of types of ornaments – beaded, stitched, etc.

Here are some closer shots.  See the other temari?

More…some perforated paper, more beaded ornaments, hardanger, etc.

And the last set.  Tatted ornament and another of those beaded stars – this time in green.  And look at the cute knit Santa.

So, it was a fun afternoon and I definitely needed the non-pressure of just attending without doing the exchange.  I just had too much on my plate with the board gifts, my Tudor Rose ornament, our party, and then of course my exchange with Sylvia – which I will share next time!

Thanks for checking in!

I am grateful for being surrounded by creative people.

4 thoughts on “A Gathering of Stitchers”

  1. What fun to see all of the decorations and the ornaments in your exchange; it does inspire! Thank you for sharing…………..

  2. I have missed your blog and glad to see you are writing again. I love seeing what others are working on and find it inspiring also. Have a very happy Christmas!

  3. Beautiful stitched ornaments! I happen to see one in this post that I’m stitching right now for an exchange. I didn’t participate in our exchange this year either and I’m sorry I didn’t. As always, EGA events are so much fun! It looks like you enjoyed yours as much I enjoyed mine.

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