A Gift

Sarah Moon motif Needleminder
GAST Limited Edition Aquamarine over one on 28ct Sugar Cookie
Mill Hill Beads #03007 for beaded ruffle
Finished 7/24/07

I’ve received word that Carol received the birthday gifts I sent her. I stitched this needleminder for her, using the same finishing technique I used for my Flower of Courage. I chose to stitch a motif from the Sarah Moon sampler, because Carol loves Ackworth School samplers. I am so pleased she likes it. Happy Birthday, Carol!

It was a good, but busy weekend. I was able to get to the halfway point on Their Song, which is where I wanted to be by the end of last week. I was even able to get a bit farther yesterday. We finished watching Season 2 of Dark Angel, and now we’ve starting watching Season 1 of JAG, which is one of Eric’s favorite shows. Anyway, one of my goals for this month was to finish Their Song. I don’t know that I’m going to make it, since I won’t be stitching tonight. Oh well, I’ve made good progress on it, which I am really glad for. I would really like to finish a larger project. The only piece over a small-size that I’ve finished this year is my Lemon Meringue Sampler. So, it’s about time to get something off my WIP list. Once I finish up Their Song, I plan to get back to Baby Garden so that I can finish it up. Wouldn’t that be nice?

I’ve also had to send back the fabric that I got for the newest Loose Feathers – it was terrible. So, I’ll be exchanging it for a piece that looks a little better, I hope!

Hope you all had a great weekend!

I am grateful for the realization of which choice to make.

22 thoughts on “A Gift”

  1. I absolutely love the needleminder you stitched for Carol! Such a great idea. I stitched the Essy’s Friends version and never thought to use it in this way or to finish another piece in the same style but I think I’ll definitely try this with another design 🙂 Love your colour choices too.

    Lovely progress on Their Song – this is one of my favourite BD pieces!

  2. Lavender Rose

    Applause!! Applause!! You get the standing ovation for the most beautiful stitched gift from all the quaker designs, Michelle! It is so sweet. And, as always, your “Song,” and stitching is impeccable. Love it!

  3. Oh I love the needleminder! Just gorgeous! I saw how much Carol loved it yesterday!

    Their song is looking marvelous too!

  4. what a sweet needleminder! love all the beading 🙂 and Their Song is coming along great .. I do love this piece!

  5. This shows you how far behind I am on commenting on blogs … even though I’ve been reading occasionally when I get chance, I didn’t want to mark this post as read until I’d had time to sit down and comment hmmm. Anyway, I just wanted to tell you your Sarah Moon motif needle park is absolutely exquisite!!! I seriously adore it – you did a fantastic job 😀 Rightio, now I think I’m all caught up on your news! 😉

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