Goals and Accomplishments

grey cat and black and white cat napping together

Well, since this blog is new for me, I am still not in a routine with it. So, since it is the beginning of the month, albeit a day late, I thought I would post some accomplishments and some goals. At the beginning of the summer (June 1), I set some goals for myself regarding stitching and reading. I set summer goals that I wanted to accomplish by the end of August. So, here are my goals and where I’m at so far:

Finish Voyager (Diana Gabaldon) finished
Finish The Historian (Elizabeth Kostova) finished
Read On Beauty (Zadie Smith) for bookclub on July 28 finished
Read Lion in the Valley (Elizabeth Peters)

Get caught up on Mystery 9
Start Bay Sampler Started
Start Wedding Sampler Started
Stitch And Angels Sang Finished
Stitch July, August & September Woolly Tyme blankets Finished July & Aug, started on Sept.
Stitch Flower of Courage (Essie’s Friends) Stitched – needs finishing
Start Villa (Winter Snapperland)

I have also read one other book (Neale Donald Walsch) and stitched Quaker Hedgehog and almost finished with Quaker Garden. So I think I am not doing too bad on my summer goals. But, since I have a month left to complete them, I’d better get going. So, my goals for August are:
Read Lion in the Valley
Keep up with book for class (Spiritual Economics)
Finish September Woolly Tyme
Finishing on Flower of Courage
Start (and finish if possible) Villa
Get caught up on Mystery 9
Continue stitching on Lemon Meringue Sampler
Finish Quaker Garden

I’d also really like to finish #25 on my 101 list “hang curtains in kitchen window” and maybe even sew some more kimonos for my quilt. Ambitious aren’t I? Did I mention I won’t be sleeping or eating during the month of August? The biggest issue I see is going to be Mystery 9 and getting 4 months worth of stitching done in 1 month. But I will do my best. Blogger is really ticking me off with the whole picture loading thing. Sometimes it won’t even go through the motions of loading a picture, other times, like all day today, it says it has loaded it, I click done, and no picture. I’ve tried loading from photobucket and same thing. Fiddling around with blogger trying to get a picture to load is really cutting into my stitching time. So hopefully, I can load pictures again. Ugh!!

I am grateful for MAC Cosmetics – love this eyeshadow!

2 thoughts on “Goals and Accomplishments”

  1. Oh, makeup, I love makeup. I went to an Arbonne party the other night and they had makeup and facial stuff and it was such a great, girly night. I just bought some makeup at lunchtime too. I haven’t tried MAC yet, do you like all of it?

    I love your goals. I just did some for the first time and felt they were a bit ambitious too. Well, I don’t think either of us will be sleeping much in August. 🙂 Ann.

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