Good Tidings

Every year for the past several years I have started a new stitching project on New Year’s Day.  And somehow giving a piece that distinction makes it special to me.  I suppose for me it’s a way of celebrating and honoring the new year.  Some of my past New Year’s starts have been Mystery IX Jardin du Roi (2006), Mermaids of the Deep Blue (2008), At Home with Jane Austen (2009), And They Sinned (2010), Paradise Lost (2011), and A Return to the Sea with Jane Austen (2013).  I’ve had a couple of years where I chose to keep going on a WIP rather than start something new (most notably on Margaret Cottam, which allowed me to finish her on January 7 of 2012), but for the most part it’s a new start.

You may notice that two of those NYD starts were companion pieces from The Sampler Girl, At Home with Jane Austen and A Return to the Sea with Jane Austen.  Both were very enjoyable stitches and I finished them within a month or so of starting them.  Which brings us to my NYD start for 2014.  Tanya was having a sale on many of her patterns last year and I took the opportunity to get the third companion piece for the Jane Austen series that At Home and Return to the Sea are part of, Good Tidings with Jane Austen.

This piece really was a joy to stitch, as were the other two.  It made me happy to turn to this piece each evening and see it come to life.  I loved the little reindeer and the tree.  I had to set it aside for a short while to pick up a few colors of thread I was missing, but once they arrived it was a quick finish.  I finished it on January 28th, just a few short days before I got on a plane for Europe.

I absolutely love how this turned out and someday I’ll get these three framed.  This one was stitched on 32ct Creme Brulee instead of the 28ct Light Mocha the other two are stitched on.  Since I will likely display this one seasonally, it didn’t bother me to stitch it on a slightly higher count linen.  I used the called for GAST and Crescent Colors threads.  And here they all are together.

I really had the most wonderful NYD too.  I shared this photo on Instagram – I had my two boys on my lap, I was stitching on a new start, and finally getting to watch Season 3 of Downton Abbey.  An absolutely perfect day.

And speaking of Downton Abbey, I was a little late for the party on this mystery quilt that was offered in a Facebook group at the end of last year, but I still managed to get enabled!  I ordered the book with the pattern from the designer (Ebony Love of LoveBug Studios) and all the fabrics I needed for it (minus what I need for borders and backing).  I can’t wait to get started on this one.  I chose the Lady Mary version of the quilt and her fabrics from the Downton Abbey line.

I am glad to finally be sharing my NYD start and first finish of the year.  I’ve been working along on a few pieces, including two new starts, that I can’t wait to post about.

I am grateful for cookie butter.

14 thoughts on “Good Tidings”

  1. Lovely way to start an honor the new year. Very pretty pieces. Cookie butter is definitely something to be grateful for.

  2. Lovely way to start an honor the new year. Very pretty pieces. Cookie butter is definitely something to be grateful for.

  3. Has it been that long since your trip to Europe? It feels like it hasn’t been that long!

    Congrats on your finish! It looks wonderful with the companion pieces.

    I’ve never heard of cookie butter? What do you do with it?

  4. Has it been that long since your trip to Europe? It feels like it hasn’t been that long!

    Congrats on your finish! It looks wonderful with the companion pieces.

    I’ve never heard of cookie butter? What do you do with it?

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