Halloween and Christmas

Lizzie Kate freebie
DMC & GAST on 28ct Boo! by Silkweaver
Sterling Spider Charm

It’s been an interesting week. I’ve been down with a migraine, so no stitching. I did finish reading Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire though. Only two more to read before the release of the last one. I am so loving re-reading these. Earlier in the week I did finish stitching my latest travel project. I think I may finish this into a pinkeep to try my hand at one.

I had some good mail this week too. My fabric for the Neighborhood RR finally arrived. It is 36ct Meadow Rue by Lakeside Linens. I don’t think I’ve ever stitched anything on their fabric, so I thought I’d give it a try. I love the color! The theme for my neighborhood is going to be Halloween/Fall. I plan to stitch the graveyard from Village of Hawk Run Hollow in my block. What fun! I also found Prairie Schooler’s New World Sampler, which I have been wanting forever. I saw a model of this in my LNS several years ago, but it was already out of print at that time. So, I’ve been watching ebay for it at a good price. And now, it’s mine!

I also purchased a Prairie Schooler chart from Missy. This is such a cute wintry scene, I can’t wait to stitch it up. Melissa kindly sent along some PS freebies for me too. Thanks so much!!

I am really looking forward to the three-day weekend coming up, since Memorial Day is Monday. I plan to do a little sewing on my Kimonos quilt on Monday. I can’t wait! I’ve been doing a little reading and a little knitting this week, but as I said no stitching to speak of. I hope that I am back up to par tomorrow. I’ll take it easy again tonight. Thanks for all of your sweet comments on my Mermaid box and our San Antonio photos, I appreciate it!

I am grateful for shopping at the office supply store, I love pens!

40 thoughts on “Halloween and Christmas”

  1. Oooh, thanks for reminding me… I’ve been planning to re-read the HP series before reading the last one, too. Better get started soon, I guess LOL

  2. Oooh, thanks for reminding me… I’ve been planning to re-read the HP series before reading the last one, too. Better get started soon, I guess LOL

  3. Eek is very cute! It will be a lovely pinkeep.
    Nice prairie schooler wins! They both look like fun stitches. I’m a secret stationery junkie too.

  4. Eek is very cute! It will be a lovely pinkeep.
    Nice prairie schooler wins! They both look like fun stitches. I’m a secret stationery junkie too.

  5. Eek will make a great pin keep. I look forward to seeing it completed. I love your rr theme. Enjoy your new stash and I hope you’re feeling better soon.

  6. What a cute little finish.

    I must get caught up on HP before the last book comes out. Mind you my eldest DD will read it first:)

    Love your new stash!

  7. Eek will make a great pin keep. I look forward to seeing it completed. I love your rr theme. Enjoy your new stash and I hope you’re feeling better soon.

  8. What a cute little finish.

    I must get caught up on HP before the last book comes out. Mind you my eldest DD will read it first:)

    Love your new stash!

  9. quiltorstitch

    The EEK finish is cute, I like the little spider charm. I definetly say EEK! when I see a spider and I run away too 😛

    I hope the headache clears, those are awful 🙁

    I like the PS charts you got very nice!

  10. quiltorstitch

    The EEK finish is cute, I like the little spider charm. I definetly say EEK! when I see a spider and I run away too 😛

    I hope the headache clears, those are awful 🙁

    I like the PS charts you got very nice!

  11. Linen Stitcher

    The PS Christmas Village has been on my wish list for some time now. Great find! That spider charm really adds a nice touch to your little finish!

  12. Linen Stitcher

    The PS Christmas Village has been on my wish list for some time now. Great find! That spider charm really adds a nice touch to your little finish!

  13. Christine Doyle

    Wonderful finish! Congratulations on the PS sampler – that is a lovely one.

    In regards to the movie quote, it comes from The Princess Bride, when Wesley is bluffing to the prince (just before, ‘ “My God! What is that thing,” reaches your perfect ears’).

  14. Christine Doyle

    Wonderful finish! Congratulations on the PS sampler – that is a lovely one.

    In regards to the movie quote, it comes from The Princess Bride, when Wesley is bluffing to the prince (just before, ‘ “My God! What is that thing,” reaches your perfect ears’).

  15. EEEK is very cute! Congrats on the finish. I can’t wait for the final HP to come out too, but it’s coming up fast nowu

  16. EEEK is very cute! Congrats on the finish. I can’t wait for the final HP to come out too, but it’s coming up fast nowu

  17. Aussie Stitcher

    Hope you feel better soon. EEK looks lovely. I too have a pen fettish!!! What does that mean?


  18. Aussie Stitcher

    Hope you feel better soon. EEK looks lovely. I too have a pen fettish!!! What does that mean?


  19. Katrina in NZ

    hope you’re feeling better now Michelle and enjoy your long weekend. Hard to believe the new HP book will be out in less than two months now, I’m also looking forward to seeing the new movie too.

  20. Katrina in NZ

    hope you’re feeling better now Michelle and enjoy your long weekend. Hard to believe the new HP book will be out in less than two months now, I’m also looking forward to seeing the new movie too.

  21. Such a cute finish! I hope that nasty migraine has left you alone now. I hate those bad boys. Nice looking stash; I’m glad tha tyou indulged yourself. 🙂 Oh, and I love office supply stores, too. I can stand and stare at pens and pencils forever!

  22. Such a cute finish! I hope that nasty migraine has left you alone now. I hate those bad boys. Nice looking stash; I’m glad tha tyou indulged yourself. 🙂 Oh, and I love office supply stores, too. I can stand and stare at pens and pencils forever!

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