Halloween Sweetbag Exchange, Part Deux

There’s not a whole lot of blogging going on around here is there, folks? There’s been a lot going on this week, and a situation going on with my family…so I would appreciate positive energy being sent this way. FYI – in case you don’t already know it, Mercury goes retrograde on the 28th, I think…so fasten your seatbelts. Now, on to the good stuff. Isn’t it so nice when you come home from a long day at work and find mail awaiting you – the good kind? Just when I had reached panic mode on why my Halloween Sweetbag Exchange had not made it to Massachusetts, I received the above card in the mail today. Let’s take a moment to just savor how completely adorable this card is…it is a Blackbird Designs notecard, and I may just have to drool on it. Too cute! This beauty is a thank you card from Nancy of Glory Bee (didn’t I just buy that Flying Monkeys chart from her???) thanking me for the sweetbag I sent to her. I am sooooo relieved that it got there. I was really slapping myself on the hand for not tracking that sucker. So, here it is in all its glory (ha ha, no pun intended).

I stitched the Chartlets – Cat (it says Scaredy Cat on it) from Sisters and Best Friends. I used the recommended Weeks, GAST and DMC threads and it is stitched on the recommended Crossed Wing fabric called Rainforest. Love this fabric. I only wish that the coverage on the black thread (GAST) had been better. I swear one day I am gonna remember to use 3 strands of black instead of 2, because it just looks so much better. I had some little yellow star buttons, that I used on the corners of the stitched piece too. Here’s the whole exchange.

The bag was filled with those chocolate pumpkins. I am so glad she liked it, and now I can finally share a pic! BIG SIGH of relief! Also, in the mail today, I received my Harmony Kingdom piece that I special ordered a while back. I love Harmony Kingdom boxes and collect them. This piece is called FelineFest and is their annual Halloween piece that is a limited edition. The box opens up to reveal more carving on the inside (this one has ghosts on the inside). Love these. They are very creative and witty in that dry British way (that I just love).

I also got my new issue of SANQ in the mail today as well. Yay! Yesterday was Eric’s birthday, so we had a great dinner and cake. I made him a lemon cake with lemon icing (as requested) and was going to share a picture of it with you, but frankly, I ice cake about as well as I wrap presents, so I thought I would reserve my dignity. You can imagine a lovely well-iced Martha Stewarty type confection, with candles. I am still stitching along on his stocking, but haven’t had a lot of time to devote to it unfortunately. I don’t have class next Tuesday night, so that will be nice to stay home and stitch. And, I think I’m on a roll, I have finished three books this month. I want to be able to spend some time with telling you about them, so I will save that for another post. But, I am reading more, which is nice. I have missed it.

Thanks so much for the great comments and a big hello to the new commenters/visitors – I appreciate you all!

I am grateful for my family.

14 thoughts on “Halloween Sweetbag Exchange, Part Deux”

  1. Your sweetbag is darling! And I particularly like the Halloween Harmony Kingdome piece as well. I’m looking forward to hearing about what you’ve been reading. I haven’t done as much of that lately as I’d like.

  2. What a darling sweetbag! And how kind and thoughtful of Nancy to send a thank you card. 🙂

    I do hope you’re OK, Michelle… Hugs from Paris!

  3. What a cute bag! I met Nancy at CATS – she is lovely. She lives in Massachusetts – I did not know! She must love it!

  4. What a “sweet” sweetbag! Your stitching is lovely!
    Will love to hear about the books you read…I’m currently reading a nightmarish book myself to get me in the fiendish mood for this week! You are right, there’s nothing better than a good book!

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