Happy 4th

I hope you are all enjoying a wonderful 4th of July, whether or not you celebrate Independence Day! I am so glad to have a holiday today and have a three-day weekend. Sooo nice! Eric and I went to see fireworks last night, and we are going to a different place tonight to see more. Eric loves fireworks, so we go every year. My family never really went to see fireworks or did anything special for the 4th of July. Eric is also making Barbeque brisket and coleslaw for dinner tonight. Yum!

Last weekend I was I decided to do a little bit of decorating around the house. I haven’t been in much of a decorating mood lately, so it was fun to finally feel like doing something. I was inspired because Eric bought a flag to put outside the house. Our house already had the bracket mounted for the pole, we just needed the flag. I thought it looked really pretty out there.

I also pulled out one of my quilt tops that still needs to be quilted, but I thought it would be fine for a week or so hanging on the wall in the dining room.

Last weekend we also watched Lawrence of Arabia (finally) for the next movie on the Academy Award list to watch. I loved it. Of course, I’ve seen the first half of it twice, but never seemed to ever see the second half. Next up is Tom Jones, which I have never seen. We also watched National Treasure 2, which was entertaining.

During Lawrence, I was able to make a good amount of progress on the RR I have. I’m stitching the house from Emmaline Whitcomb from LHN’s Dear Diary series. I should be able to get a lot more done this weekend, I hope! I love this fabric though, it’s wonderful to stitch on. I’ll have to make a note of what it is.

Oh, and you know how I seem to have dreams about new stitching projects I want to do…well this was the latest one. This is LHN, and it is all of the “extra” charts from the Dear Diary series stitched together. I want to stitch them like this and make it into a wall hanging. Pretty huh?

Well, that’s all I have for today. I had a lovely long relaxing bubble bath with a book this morning, and stayed in until my fingers and toes had pruned up. Oh, and I received an email saying my Just Nan pieces are on their way – the In the Tin piece and the Dragonfly Scissorcase I expect! Have a fabulous weekend!

I am grateful for lazy mornings.

12 thoughts on “Happy 4th”

  1. Hi Michelle

    Happy fourth of July!! Glad to
    hear that you’ve got three days
    off to relax and enjoy yourself.

    It’s a week for fireworks here
    too, celebrating Canada day.
    Three days later and people are
    still setting them off after dark.

    Love the bit of decorating for
    the fourth that you’ve done
    around your home. The flag
    looks great hanging out front of
    your house, and your quilt is
    so pretty.

    Ah, someone else who loves long
    soaks in the tub, with a good
    book. And lots of bubbles.

    That Dear Diary series of
    squares all stitched together
    would be a wonderful piece.

    Have a wonderful weekend!

  2. Hi Michelle

    Happy fourth of July!! Glad to
    hear that you’ve got three days
    off to relax and enjoy yourself.

    It’s a week for fireworks here
    too, celebrating Canada day.
    Three days later and people are
    still setting them off after dark.

    Love the bit of decorating for
    the fourth that you’ve done
    around your home. The flag
    looks great hanging out front of
    your house, and your quilt is
    so pretty.

    Ah, someone else who loves long
    soaks in the tub, with a good
    book. And lots of bubbles.

    That Dear Diary series of
    squares all stitched together
    would be a wonderful piece.

    Have a wonderful weekend!

  3. That is a great photo of your flag through the window! Love the 4th and the fireworks, but it doesn’t feel like the 4th without watermelon~~so always have to have that too!!!

  4. That is a great photo of your flag through the window! Love the 4th and the fireworks, but it doesn’t feel like the 4th without watermelon~~so always have to have that too!!!

  5. Oh I love lazy days! sounds like you enjoyed yours 🙂

    We love fireworks too! Hope all the displays were grand!

    That LHN is sooo nice 🙂

  6. Oh I love lazy days! sounds like you enjoyed yours 🙂

    We love fireworks too! Hope all the displays were grand!

    That LHN is sooo nice 🙂

  7. All things beautiful

    Values we all should hold dear indeed! This is ever so nice to be made into a wall hanging. And I’m just so taken with it, do you mind telling me where you got the patterns from? Thanks.

  8. All things beautiful

    Values we all should hold dear indeed! This is ever so nice to be made into a wall hanging. And I’m just so taken with it, do you mind telling me where you got the patterns from? Thanks.

  9. Happy belated 4th! I loved the pictures, but its actually the cat tree that I noticed in the last one! I love people who not ashamed to have a huge cat tree as part of their funiture! I have a huge cat tree too and it takes up a quarter of my living room. LOL, that would make a good post. The cat tree is huge, the television is really small – my priorities are not the same as some others! 🙂

  10. Happy belated 4th! I loved the pictures, but its actually the cat tree that I noticed in the last one! I love people who not ashamed to have a huge cat tree as part of their funiture! I have a huge cat tree too and it takes up a quarter of my living room. LOL, that would make a good post. The cat tree is huge, the television is really small – my priorities are not the same as some others! 🙂

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