Happy Halloween

I am still under the weather, but hopefully by the end of the week I will be much improved. That would be nice, since I have lots of things I want to do! I am attempting to keep up with everything though.

Motif from Tantes Zolder Needleminder
GAST Ltd Edition Zinnia on 28ct Sugar Cookie from Silkweaver
Stitched over one
Beaded Ruffle with Mill Hill 03033
Finished 10/16/07

First things first, I made this needleminder for Jenna for her birthday. Making and/or sending birthday gifts are a rare thing for me, but I really wanted to do something for Jenna this year. I chose a freebie design from My Aunt’s Attic (Tantes Zolder). I was a little late getting this out in the mail, but Jenna assures me it brightened her day. Happy birthday, Jenna!

As Bethlehem Slept
Shepherd’s Bush ornament from JCS Ornament Issue 2005
Weeks and GAST on 32ct Dark Espesso Linen by R&R
Embellished with Sterling Inn Charm
Finished 10/30/07

Secondly, last night I finished stitching the Shepherd’s Bush ornament I’ve been sporadically working on. I only have two more to stitch! Which reminds me, I need to order the charm for this year’s ornament. I love this one, so much more than the last one I stitched. Maybe I love it because all of the colors, or maybe for the little sheep?

Yesterday I also finished reading the book for my book club (which is Friday…typical Michelle, huh?!). This book was fabulous!! It is about Hans Holbein, the painter, and the family of Thomas More, during the time that Henry VIII was wanting to marry Anne Boleyn. Really a fascinating read. I had to keep referring to Holbein’s paintings while I was reading the book because of all of the hidden meanings and plays on words the book discusses in them. I highly recommend this book. Not sure what I’ll read next, but I’ll be sure to let you know how it is!

Since it’s the end of October, I thought I’d take a quick look at those year end goals I set for myself and see how I’m doing with two months left.

  1. Finishing on all of my finished but unfinished pieces. I finished the two pinkeeps, fob and wallhanging; still have three pieces to frame
  2. Finish stitching on Baby Garden and frame to send for Christmas
  3. Finish Shepherd’s Bush ornaments and make into wall hanging for Christmas finished one of the three I had left
  4. Stitch and finish 2nd Day of Christmas ornament for Eric kitted up and ready to start
  5. Get to the halfway mark on Tesori
  6. Keep up with Neighborhood RR working on Kathy’s right now
  7. Sew on quilt squares, get ready to start wedding quilt in January have not worked on my quilt squares, but I did get my quilts ready to drop off for quilting
  8. Blog more consistently – let’s shoot for every other day this was going pretty well until I got sick
  9. Take stock of my 101 Things List and cross some more things off I’ve crossed one thing off!
  10. Organize our travel photos – print and make books
  11. Continue with Home Project, finish three rooms (1 per month) I am waiting on a mat I ordered, and then I will have my October room done
  12. Read two books per month Only read one this month
  13. Finish writing my two poems I think I have one finished, but I’m letting it percolate a little while to be sure
  14. Focus on my fitness, continue my weight loss – meet my end of year goal weight continuing with workouts, definitely seeing a difference in the inches!
  15. Decorate for the holidays, enjoy and relax! I had fun decorating for Halloween.

I think I’m doing ok, but I’ll have to move it into high gear in order to get everything done by the end of the year. As soon as I get Kathy’s RR finished, I intend to press on with Baby Garden and would like to have it finished by the end of November. That way, I won’t be stressing about finishing it for Christmas (see this is why I don’t stitch gifts very often!!).

Hope you all have a happy Halloween. I wore my snake earrings to work today as my subtle nod to the holiday. I saw a woman on my way to my desk with a bright orange shirt on and jack-o-lantern antennae on her head. Not-so-subtle. Anyway, thought I’d show you this photo from South Street in Philadelphia. I thought the building was interesting. It’s a tattoo parlor.

Tonight we’ll be watching Bram Stoker’s Dracula, in keeping with tradition.

I am grateful for ghoulies and ghosties, long leggity beasties and things that go bump in the night.

42 thoughts on “Happy Halloween”

  1. The colors in your needleminder are so nice, and the trim complements it perfectly! Those sheep on the SB ornament are too cute!!

  2. The colors in your needleminder are so nice, and the trim complements it perfectly! Those sheep on the SB ornament are too cute!!

  3. I would go to that tattoo parlor!!

    Your stitching is great – and I do hope you’ll feel fully recovered very soon. Take care!

  4. I would go to that tattoo parlor!!

    Your stitching is great – and I do hope you’ll feel fully recovered very soon. Take care!

  5. The pumpkin on top of Dracula is such a cool decoration. Love the little As Bethlehem Slept stitching and also your bookgroup book. We are reading The Kite Runner just now for ours which looks promising but I might choose this book when it’s my turn. I love to hear a book described as ‘fabulous’!!

  6. The pumpkin on top of Dracula is such a cool decoration. Love the little As Bethlehem Slept stitching and also your bookgroup book. We are reading The Kite Runner just now for ours which looks promising but I might choose this book when it’s my turn. I love to hear a book described as ‘fabulous’!!

  7. I just love your needleminder. It is so pretty with the beads. I want to make one soon with a christmas theme. Hope u are feeling better. Happy Halloween.
    Your SB ornament is very pretty.

  8. I just love your needleminder. It is so pretty with the beads. I want to make one soon with a christmas theme. Hope u are feeling better. Happy Halloween.
    Your SB ornament is very pretty.

  9. I love your finishes .. that is a very nice needleminder 🙂 Hope you have a wonderful night .. and I loved your “I’m grateful” .. made me giggle!

  10. I love your finishes .. that is a very nice needleminder 🙂 Hope you have a wonderful night .. and I loved your “I’m grateful” .. made me giggle!

  11. Happy Halloween!

    I love both the needle minder and the SB ornament they both look great.

    What a wonderful building, that tattoo parlor is definately eye catching!

  12. Happy Halloween!

    I love both the needle minder and the SB ornament they both look great.

    What a wonderful building, that tattoo parlor is definately eye catching!

  13. Deborah/LavenderRose

    Michele, I love all you’ve done! The beading on your piece is wonderful. Thanks for the book review. I’m going to get the book…love anything having to do with art and English history…but I wasn’t sure about the book when I’d seen it in the store. I appreciate your recommendation. Sorry you feel icky. Feel better soon.

  14. Deborah/LavenderRose

    Michele, I love all you’ve done! The beading on your piece is wonderful. Thanks for the book review. I’m going to get the book…love anything having to do with art and English history…but I wasn’t sure about the book when I’d seen it in the store. I appreciate your recommendation. Sorry you feel icky. Feel better soon.

  15. You did a wonderful job with your birthday present! The beading is wonderful. And wow what a list of goals too. I hope you feel better soon!

  16. You did a wonderful job with your birthday present! The beading is wonderful. And wow what a list of goals too. I hope you feel better soon!

  17. I’ve never seen a needle minder before and yours is just beautiful! Your cross stitch work is lovely.
    I will be on the look out for that book as well. When I read The Girl with the Pearl Earring, I had to have an art reference book right next to me too. It was entertaining as well as educational.

  18. I’ve never seen a needle minder before and yours is just beautiful! Your cross stitch work is lovely.
    I will be on the look out for that book as well. When I read The Girl with the Pearl Earring, I had to have an art reference book right next to me too. It was entertaining as well as educational.

  19. The Silver Thistle

    What a super job you made of the needleminder. It’s so lovely.

    Thanks for the thumbs up for the book. I’ve added it to my ‘to read’ list………keeps getting longer by the second, lol.

    We’re watching a weekly drama on TV here called ‘The Tudors’ and it’s really good. It’s a lavish, Medieval, Royal romp given the Hollywood treatment, lol.

  20. The Silver Thistle

    What a super job you made of the needleminder. It’s so lovely.

    Thanks for the thumbs up for the book. I’ve added it to my ‘to read’ list………keeps getting longer by the second, lol.

    We’re watching a weekly drama on TV here called ‘The Tudors’ and it’s really good. It’s a lavish, Medieval, Royal romp given the Hollywood treatment, lol.

  21. That book looks really good, I wrote it down to get at the library next time I swing in, thanks for the recommendation! I recently finished a book by Phillipa Gregory called the Other Boleyn Girl, that was about Anne Boyeln, it was an entertaining ready 🙂

    Your finishes are all really nice, I like the needleminder, it’s cute!

  22. That book looks really good, I wrote it down to get at the library next time I swing in, thanks for the recommendation! I recently finished a book by Phillipa Gregory called the Other Boleyn Girl, that was about Anne Boyeln, it was an entertaining ready 🙂

    Your finishes are all really nice, I like the needleminder, it’s cute!

  23. That ornament is just adorable and the pinkeep is lovely. Thanks so much for the book review ~ Sir Thomas More is one of my favorite historical figures ~ I’ll be at B & N this weekend to pick up that one. It sounds like it’s my cup of tea.

  24. That ornament is just adorable and the pinkeep is lovely. Thanks so much for the book review ~ Sir Thomas More is one of my favorite historical figures ~ I’ll be at B & N this weekend to pick up that one. It sounds like it’s my cup of tea.

  25. Hi Michelle,

    So sorry to hear that you’ve been feeling so miserable this week. Hope that the allergies, or whatever it might be, has eased off and you’re feeling better.

    I love the needle minder that you made for your friend, and the beaded edging is a beautiful touch. She’s going to love this.

    I need another new LHN or CCN design like I need a hole in my head, but they keep making these beautiful designs and I keep wanting ’em. Time to drill another hole in the old noggin.

    Your Halloween Whimzee is very cute, and I love the expressions on each pumpkin face.

    I’m laughing at Barbara’s comment below. She’s so funny….she’s being funny…isn’t she??


    The Shepherd’s Bush Xmas ornament is very pretty, and I love those little, tiny sheep. It’s amazing what you can make with just a few stitches, altering the colours to suit the intended design.

    I’ve heard about the book Portrait of an Unknown Woman before and was intrigued by it. Now I’m going to have to add it to my “get it” list. It sounds really good and I’m always up for another book about Henry and Anne.

    Wow! All those lovely quilts. You really must finish some of them off and have them out on display. You really are a triple threat, aren’t you Michelle? X-stitch, quilting and knitting. If you weren’t such a sweetheart I’d be jealous.

  26. Hi Michelle,

    So sorry to hear that you’ve been feeling so miserable this week. Hope that the allergies, or whatever it might be, has eased off and you’re feeling better.

    I love the needle minder that you made for your friend, and the beaded edging is a beautiful touch. She’s going to love this.

    I need another new LHN or CCN design like I need a hole in my head, but they keep making these beautiful designs and I keep wanting ’em. Time to drill another hole in the old noggin.

    Your Halloween Whimzee is very cute, and I love the expressions on each pumpkin face.

    I’m laughing at Barbara’s comment below. She’s so funny….she’s being funny…isn’t she??


    The Shepherd’s Bush Xmas ornament is very pretty, and I love those little, tiny sheep. It’s amazing what you can make with just a few stitches, altering the colours to suit the intended design.

    I’ve heard about the book Portrait of an Unknown Woman before and was intrigued by it. Now I’m going to have to add it to my “get it” list. It sounds really good and I’m always up for another book about Henry and Anne.

    Wow! All those lovely quilts. You really must finish some of them off and have them out on display. You really are a triple threat, aren’t you Michelle? X-stitch, quilting and knitting. If you weren’t such a sweetheart I’d be jealous.

  27. Blogger has really messed up the message that I left you Michelle. I didn’t type it in the order that it’s been posted. Ah well. At least it didn’t get erased.

    Cheers again. Judy

  28. Blogger has really messed up the message that I left you Michelle. I didn’t type it in the order that it’s been posted. Ah well. At least it didn’t get erased.

    Cheers again. Judy

  29. Your needleminder is wonderful. I think I saw one on your blog many months ago and was so impressed…can’t get over all of those beads!
    SB is such a wonderful designer, great job on the ornament.

  30. Your needleminder is wonderful. I think I saw one on your blog many months ago and was so impressed…can’t get over all of those beads!
    SB is such a wonderful designer, great job on the ornament.

  31. Hope you had fun watching Dracula! Spooky! As Bethlehem slept is so cute. I love the soft colors. You have quite a to do list there lady! And you are reading books too? I wish you took a picture of your snake earrings, but I do like that tatoo parlor. The one around here isn’t nearly so colorful.:)

  32. Hope you had fun watching Dracula! Spooky! As Bethlehem slept is so cute. I love the soft colors. You have quite a to do list there lady! And you are reading books too? I wish you took a picture of your snake earrings, but I do like that tatoo parlor. The one around here isn’t nearly so colorful.:)

  33. Leslie aka zoeandcooper

    What a beautiful pinkeep you made for Jenna. I love the beaded edging. Congrats on the ornie finish too. Those are some of my favorites.

  34. Leslie aka zoeandcooper

    What a beautiful pinkeep you made for Jenna. I love the beaded edging. Congrats on the ornie finish too. Those are some of my favorites.

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