Happy New Year

January Woolly Tyme
Homespun Elegance
Weeks & GAST on 28 ct. linen
Embellished with pineapple charm
Finished 12/30/06

I hope you all had a great start to the new year. As promised, here is my finished January sheep blanket. I ordered my threads for the February and March blankets over the weekend at the Stitching Bits & Bobs sale. I’m risking not getting them in time by ordering from them, but I couldn’t resist the sale. I spent New Year’s Day stitching on my Lemon Meringue Sampler while watching the Rose Parade. I must have been watching the parade more than what I was stitching because that brown “vine” was ripped out twice before I finally got it right.

I picked this back up not only in the interest of finishing another WIP, but also because I anticipated having my next RR to stitch on. It still hasn’t shown up, so I will keep stitching on this for now. I hope that I am not going to be too pressed for time to get the RR stitched in order for me to not send out late also. So, I didn’t want to work on anything too involved since I figured I would have had to put it down by now. Oh well.

I haven’t set resolutions for myself this year, other than to continue working on my 101 Things list, continue my workouts and weight loss and stitching more. And in the interest of keeping up with my workouts, I thought I would join Rosemary in her Walk to Rivendell. As of today, I have left Bag End and made it 1.5 miles “following the hedgerows south”. The gym actually wasn’t packed today like I expected. It was only regulars there…we’ll see what next week will bring.

I am grateful for new beginnings.

14 thoughts on “Happy New Year”

  1. Wow, this Rivendell thing is spreading like wildfire!! Quick, save the pipe tobacco! 😉

    Lovely progress on your Lemon stitchie.

  2. Oh dear, I’m getting further behind with my sheepie blankets. You are my inspiration to get caught up! I hope I can do it. I’m still loving that lemon sampler, which is crazy because I’m not a fan of yellow. Hmmm….

  3. Did your blog template change? I cannot read it well… the brown against the grey is too hard to see… wasn’t it light beige before? The sheep blanket is so cute!

  4. Sheepie looks great with his new blankie!

    The lemon merinque sampler looks great. Have you seen the two freebies she has posted on her website – one of them is chocolate covered cherries! Yum!

  5. The blanket is adorable…that sheep is well dressed 🙂
    The LMS has beautiful lemony colors…both yellow and lemons are a fav of mine 😉

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