Hedwig’s Four Patch

Hedwig’s Four Patch
Freebie from The Sampler Girl
Weeks and GAST on 28ct Boo! from Silkweaver
Finished 7/7/07

Hope you’re all having a fabulous weekend. It actually didn’t rain today, and the sun was out, which was glorious. Yesterday I saw that Tanya, The Sampler Girl, had posted a new freebie on her site called Hedwig’s Four Patch. I decided to take a break from my RR block and stitch this up. Tanya’s chart tells you which colors to put where, but you choose the threads. I used GAST Maple Syrup, Fragrant Cloves, Hyacinth and Summer Meadow as well as Weeks Onyx, Deep Sea and Whitewash. Tanya had charted Hedwig as brown, but I changed her to be white. Tanya was also rewarding the first seven stitchers to stitch this and send her a photo, with one of her charts. Amazingly, I turned out to be the sixth stitcher! How fun! I started stitching it last night while I introduced Eric to the Harry Potter movies, we watched the first movie and he enjoyed it. If you’d like the freebie, or a look at the some of the other’s stitchers’ pieces, here’s the link.

Eric and I have had a busy day today sorting and going through files, cleaning out cabinets, all that good stuff. We even took a bunch of old DVDs to sell and made $87! Tonight we’ll be sitting down to watch another movie, maybe the second Harry Potter, and I’ll go back to working on my RR.

I am grateful for organization!

42 thoughts on “Hedwig’s Four Patch”

  1. Congrats on your win with Tanya 🙂
    And Hurray for making $87 smackers for selling DVDs! WHOOT!

  2. Congrats on your win with Tanya 🙂
    And Hurray for making $87 smackers for selling DVDs! WHOOT!

  3. Congratulations on your win Michelle! Your version of Tanya’s design is really sweet – it’s also the 3rd one I’ve seen in as many blogs this morning! 😉

  4. Congratulations on your win Michelle! Your version of Tanya’s design is really sweet – it’s also the 3rd one I’ve seen in as many blogs this morning! 😉

  5. Your finish of Tanya’s freebie is adorable – congratulations! I hope the rest of your weekend is also great!

  6. Your finish of Tanya’s freebie is adorable – congratulations! I hope the rest of your weekend is also great!

  7. Congratulations on winning too! I had seen your picture on the Sampler Girl site already. Love your colour choice!

  8. Congratulations on winning too! I had seen your picture on the Sampler Girl site already. Love your colour choice!

  9. Oh, I love your finish of Tanya’s freebie, Michelle! Love the colours you chose… I want stitch it this week in time for the film and new book!

    And congrats on winning one of Tanya’s charts… I love her designs!

    Hope you have a lovely, stitchy rest of the weekend! 🙂

  10. Oh, I love your finish of Tanya’s freebie, Michelle! Love the colours you chose… I want stitch it this week in time for the film and new book!

    And congrats on winning one of Tanya’s charts… I love her designs!

    Hope you have a lovely, stitchy rest of the weekend! 🙂

  11. Lavender Rose

    Happy, happy day when you win!! I’m so happy for you!
    That little cart is so whimsical. Hmmm..I’m thinking it could be stacked and made into a darling little bookmark for “Harry.” :p

  12. Lavender Rose

    Happy, happy day when you win!! I’m so happy for you!
    That little cart is so whimsical. Hmmm..I’m thinking it could be stacked and made into a darling little bookmark for “Harry.” :p

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