I’ve been struggling with my stitching this past week, not really feeling up to working on anything. So, I decided to do something completely different (I always hear John Cleese’s voice when I say that). For a LONG while now, I’ve been wanting to make a Grandmother’s Flower Garden, or hexagon, quilt. I was first inspired by the very talented Be*Mused and her Kaffe Fasset hexagons in 2006. How stunning are they?! And her more recent rendition of them is gorgeous too – a lot more pattern to them, smaller size and two rounds of “petals” for her flowers. Since 2006, I’ve been determined that I would make a similar quilt. I just loved the colors, loved it on the black, loved it period. I watched videos on how to make hexagons and even ordered some templates in a couple of different sizes. I think I bought 1″ and 2″ hexagons. But, then…nothing.
Recently, with the re-emergence of the hexagon hoopla, I decided I definitely need to finally take the plunge. Of course, my first thought went to needing to go out and and buy tons of pretty fabric, buy some new templates, etc. But, I’d been thinking about it for so long, that I couldn’t seem to get up the nerve to spend a big chunk of change on some fabric. What if I didn’t like it? What if I couldn’t find what I wanted? What if I hated hexagon making? So, again, I did nothing.
But, with the need for something mindless to occupy my hands, I decided to just do it already. I pulled out my jelly roll of Moda Madeira by Blackbird Designs. I had purchased this in the tin and used the tin and part of my jelly roll for my Jane Timmers class back last September. My original intention for the remaining jelly roll was to make the quilt pattern that came with the tin. But, again, it would require buying additional fabric for the background, borders and backing. So, my jelly roll had been sitting in the closet with no use. What better use than to make hexagons? I downloaded the free hexagon template from Texas Freckles thanks to Siobhan’s direction. So, no additional money spent, all supplies on hand and voila I was in Hexagon Heaven.
I spent all day Saturday making hexagons. And by the end of the day, I had forty. That was all the templates I’d cut out, so I thought it was a good stopping point. So much fun though.

And you know what, even if I only make a little wall-hanging and not a full-size quilt with these, I really enjoyed every minute of making them. I will definitely be making more as soon as I cut out some more templates. I’m so glad I took the plunge, and I think it maybe was a bit therapeutic too. I found myself able to read a bit over the weekend, and I enjoyed that. And I even enjoyed a bit of stitching.
I was inspired by this tree at Seminar…

So, I decided to pull out the supplies for one of the February BBD stockings that I had on hand. This one seemed to be pretty mindless, with no color changes, so it was a good choice. This is Sweetheart Sampler from the February stockings. I’m stitching with the recommended GAST Cherry Bark on 30ct St. Valentine’s Blend by R&R. I love the combination. So pretty.

Yesterday, I actually pulled out And They Sinned to work on, as is the Sunday tradition. I’m working along on the left side of the cloud, which is mostly mindless stitching. I stitched on it all afternoon and evening, and managed to finish the left side. I did send a progress photo to my PIC (partner in crime) to prove that I had actually worked on it, since I’ve been such a slacker with it lately. I came really close to sending her a photo of Missy’s ATS and saying “look how much I’ve gotten done!” but then I decided that she might actually recognize Missy’s brilliance and call me on it. I just lack filling in the little motifs in that left side of the cloud and it is completely finished. Then, I promise to post a progress photo (yes, my own progress photo).
I am grateful for handwork.
Oh that fabric is so pretty in all those little hex shapes. I too have that jelly roll – hmmm – first I have to tackle that Jane Timmers project – AFTER I work like crazy on the Catherine Theron projects and actually maybe finish page 1 of ATS…. and so on & so forth.
I think the anatomically correctness of Missy’s ATS would have given you away….
Yay for left side of cloud finish!!
Oh that fabric is so pretty in all those little hex shapes. I too have that jelly roll – hmmm – first I have to tackle that Jane Timmers project – AFTER I work like crazy on the Catherine Theron projects and actually maybe finish page 1 of ATS…. and so on & so forth.
I think the anatomically correctness of Missy’s ATS would have given you away….
Yay for left side of cloud finish!!
Jennifer, you have been so busy ! Love the fabric for the hexi’s. I have the ATS chart. I have not even started it yet. Happy Stitching!!!
Jennifer, you have been so busy ! Love the fabric for the hexi’s. I have the ATS chart. I have not even started it yet. Happy Stitching!!!
Oh, what a wonderful use of the remaining fabrics of your jelly roll. I love jelly rolls and I’m planning of making a quilt with one of them – but firts I’ll have to buy one (not very easy here, sigh). Your hexagons look great and they will make a beautiful wallhanging.
Oh, what a wonderful use of the remaining fabrics of your jelly roll. I love jelly rolls and I’m planning of making a quilt with one of them – but firts I’ll have to buy one (not very easy here, sigh). Your hexagons look great and they will make a beautiful wallhanging.
LOL…I love the title of your post! Cute hexies! And great start on your stocking…great color combo!
LOL…I love the title of your post! Cute hexies! And great start on your stocking…great color combo!
I’m so happy to see anothe person pulled over the the dark side of hexies! LOL I just love those fabrics you’re using, and aren’t they like potato chips – you can stop at one!
I think that a lot of us are going through something with stitching but I think that your BBD stockings would be a great thing to work on – small and finish up quickly!!
I’m so happy to see anothe person pulled over the the dark side of hexies! LOL I just love those fabrics you’re using, and aren’t they like potato chips – you can stop at one!
I think that a lot of us are going through something with stitching but I think that your BBD stockings would be a great thing to work on – small and finish up quickly!!
Your hexagons are so pretty, and I can’t wait to see what you decide to make with them!
Isn’t that stocking tree gorgeous? I want to stitch these so bad, but I have so many projects right now. So, what’s one more!
Your hexagons are so pretty, and I can’t wait to see what you decide to make with them!
Isn’t that stocking tree gorgeous? I want to stitch these so bad, but I have so many projects right now. So, what’s one more!
Such gorgeous fabrics. I love that Stocking tree and need to start one myself.
Such gorgeous fabrics. I love that Stocking tree and need to start one myself.
Go Michelle! Wooohooo! I’ve been amassing Liberty of London fabrics for a super scrappy hexy. One of these days I’ll start the thing! LOVE that stocking tree! The more I see those finished around the internet the more I’m tempted to start them! As far as ATS goes..I started it with HDF silks…stopped..ripped it out…swore I didn’t even really like the design…dismissed stitching it…purchased linen for it AGAIN…thought about stitching it over 1…slapped myself into reality…started to inventory the GAST stash to see if I had threads…oh it just goes on and on. ATS=love/hate with me!
Go Michelle! Wooohooo! I’ve been amassing Liberty of London fabrics for a super scrappy hexy. One of these days I’ll start the thing! LOVE that stocking tree! The more I see those finished around the internet the more I’m tempted to start them! As far as ATS goes..I started it with HDF silks…stopped..ripped it out…swore I didn’t even really like the design…dismissed stitching it…purchased linen for it AGAIN…thought about stitching it over 1…slapped myself into reality…started to inventory the GAST stash to see if I had threads…oh it just goes on and on. ATS=love/hate with me!
Oh yummy yummy! Love your hexies! And love that tree — I can see why it inspired you! Hope the stitching comes back — and the hexies too!
Oh yummy yummy! Love your hexies! And love that tree — I can see why it inspired you! Hope the stitching comes back — and the hexies too!
Hey There Michelle,
Glad you have returned to the stitching world again. Your hex quilt or wall hanging will be lovely! Love those Blackbird Designs Fabrics! See you Thursday kiddo.
Hey There Michelle,
Glad you have returned to the stitching world again. Your hex quilt or wall hanging will be lovely! Love those Blackbird Designs Fabrics! See you Thursday kiddo.
OOOHHHH NOOOOOO – not another hexie post ! I’m doomed – Siobhan sent me a whole bunch of info and I was all set to go – then I started looking at the number of hooked rugs waiting in the que that had been started and the walls of yarn and dozens of NP canvases stored here and there and I thought I must be crazy for even considering starting something like this. however I am still considering it. Your start is lovely – the fabric is lovely and I’m glad you’re putting some time in on ATS – good luck with the hexies. Mel
OOOHHHH NOOOOOO – not another hexie post ! I’m doomed – Siobhan sent me a whole bunch of info and I was all set to go – then I started looking at the number of hooked rugs waiting in the que that had been started and the walls of yarn and dozens of NP canvases stored here and there and I thought I must be crazy for even considering starting something like this. however I am still considering it. Your start is lovely – the fabric is lovely and I’m glad you’re putting some time in on ATS – good luck with the hexies. Mel
Pretty hexagons! Great start on your stocking…that floss is delicious!
Pretty hexagons! Great start on your stocking…that floss is delicious!
Kudos to you for the hexagons and Kudos to you for spending zero money on the project! I think they will make a GORGEOUS quilt! Yay!
Love that tree…and that is what I had in mind too…but I’ve stalled out for a bit on the stockings. I’ll pick it up again because I am D-termined to get a tree like that someday 🙂
Kudos to you for the hexagons and Kudos to you for spending zero money on the project! I think they will make a GORGEOUS quilt! Yay!
Love that tree…and that is what I had in mind too…but I’ve stalled out for a bit on the stockings. I’ll pick it up again because I am D-termined to get a tree like that someday 🙂
I’m loving your hexagons! Keep posting about them. I’m thinking I might have to do one of these myself one day.
I love you fabric and thread choices. Just perfect!
I’m loving your hexagons! Keep posting about them. I’m thinking I might have to do one of these myself one day.
I love you fabric and thread choices. Just perfect!
Oh no not you too! The seduction of the hexes continues. So far I have been able to resist, but you all keep ganging up on me…
That sound you heard was ATS weeping from it’s WIP drawer. It was thisclose to being worked on this Sunday but the frogging on Celtic Band Sampler took it’s place.
ATS is becoming very bitter. I really do need to work on it. I may just die of the shame if you ATS gets further along than mine. Because mine has been a WIP for TWO YEARS LONGER. lol
I’ll bring ATS with me when I head up your way later this summer.
Oh no not you too! The seduction of the hexes continues. So far I have been able to resist, but you all keep ganging up on me…
That sound you heard was ATS weeping from it’s WIP drawer. It was thisclose to being worked on this Sunday but the frogging on Celtic Band Sampler took it’s place.
ATS is becoming very bitter. I really do need to work on it. I may just die of the shame if you ATS gets further along than mine. Because mine has been a WIP for TWO YEARS LONGER. lol
I’ll bring ATS with me when I head up your way later this summer.
Gorgeous tree!!! Love all the little hexies too :-).
Gorgeous tree!!! Love all the little hexies too :-).
I love the vintage ‘feel’ of your hexagon fabrics. It’s going to be stunning all put together.
I love the vintage ‘feel’ of your hexagon fabrics. It’s going to be stunning all put together.
Love that jelly roll! Can’t wait to see it all take shape. I saw another tree sort of similar to that… on Faye’s blog I think…. and its been a pipe dream ever since.
Love that jelly roll! Can’t wait to see it all take shape. I saw another tree sort of similar to that… on Faye’s blog I think…. and its been a pipe dream ever since.
You know, I have a hexagon quilt I started, err, almost 30 years ago 😮 Maybe I should get it out and do something!
You know, I have a hexagon quilt I started, err, almost 30 years ago 😮 Maybe I should get it out and do something!
I’ve not been stitching much either, I think it’s the hot weather we’ve been having. Love your hexies, such pretty fabric you’re using! Your stocking start is pretty too 🙂
I’ve not been stitching much either, I think it’s the hot weather we’ve been having. Love your hexies, such pretty fabric you’re using! Your stocking start is pretty too 🙂
Beautiful fabric! Grandmother’s Flower Garden is such a pretty pattern. I have been wanting to make a Trip Around the World quilt for the longest time!
Beautiful fabric! Grandmother’s Flower Garden is such a pretty pattern. I have been wanting to make a Trip Around the World quilt for the longest time!
Thank you so much for stopping by my blog recently! I was happy to discovery your blog….I just started on my first BBD design stocking, Poppy in the August book. Your new quilting project looks great! I am anxious to follow along with all of your projects!!!!
Thank you so much for stopping by my blog recently! I was happy to discovery your blog….I just started on my first BBD design stocking, Poppy in the August book. Your new quilting project looks great! I am anxious to follow along with all of your projects!!!!
I LOOOOOOOOVE your hexies!! I love the Madeira line… okay, I love all of BBD’s fabric lines. Hexies are so addicting–and so nice when you don’t want to focus too much on what you’re stitching.
Thanks for sharing that pic of the stocking tree. OH MY GOSH!!!! I seriously need to get my tuckus in gear. Love your Feb stocking, and YGG on working on ATS!
I LOOOOOOOOVE your hexies!! I love the Madeira line… okay, I love all of BBD’s fabric lines. Hexies are so addicting–and so nice when you don’t want to focus too much on what you’re stitching.
Thanks for sharing that pic of the stocking tree. OH MY GOSH!!!! I seriously need to get my tuckus in gear. Love your Feb stocking, and YGG on working on ATS!
Thanks for the nice comment on my blog! I am so happy to find you!!! You have lots of stitchy goodness to look at. I’ll be checking in more often!
Thanks for the nice comment on my blog! I am so happy to find you!!! You have lots of stitchy goodness to look at. I’ll be checking in more often!
What a great stocking tree! Did you by any chance ask where they got that little tree from? It looks like it’s made of faux boxwood leaves, not your typical artificial tree from Wal-Mart or the like.
What a great stocking tree! Did you by any chance ask where they got that little tree from? It looks like it’s made of faux boxwood leaves, not your typical artificial tree from Wal-Mart or the like.