Holiday Crafting

Twilight Mini Skeins from Sunshine Yarns

Raise your hand if you thought I could do two posts in one week. Anyone? Anyone? Pleasant surprise, no? Do you see those lovelies at the top of this post? Those are my Twilight mini-skeins from Sunshine Yarns I told you about (she also does some gorgeous Harry Potter colorways, I might add). I’m perfectly ok just leaving them as is and petting them, but methinks they really need to be made into a super awesome scarf for myself. From left to right I believe they are Edward, Bella, The Meadow, Esme Island, Vampire Baseball and Blood Red. Love them. So. Much.

Anyway, back to what I wanted to show you…I mentioned I did some crafting prior to Christmas. I decided to make these Christmas Tree earrings last year, but I just didn’t get my ass in gear to do it. So, I had all the stuff that I ordered, well…last year, and I decided to make them. My sister doesn’t wear gold, so hers were silver.

Tree Trimming

I love how they turned out. And they were so easy to make.

Christmas Tree Earrings

I worked on these after finishing Jenny Bean. I was having a hard time wanting to stitch on something else, so beading seemed like an excellent way to pass the time.

For many years, a friend and I have passed a friendship ornament back and forth. Each time I have it, it is a challenge to come up with a gift that will fit within the ornament, and yet be a gift from the heart. While working on my little Christmas trees, I came up with the idea to make a bracelet for her.

Photo Charm Bracelet

I found these little photo charms at Michael’s. Every year she sends me photos of her family and their traditional trips to the beach. I took one of the recent photos she sent of her three daughters, a photo of her husband, and a photo of the ocean and sized them down to fit inside the charms. (I’ve blurred out the photos of her family for privacy). I made some little drops with blue crystals in between each of the photo charms too for a little sparkle. I love how this turned out. It was fun to make and I thought she would really like it. You can see the friendship ornament in the background of the photo, it’s about the size of a good-sized orange.

It always makes me happy when I can make gifts, although stressing out about trying to do that does not make me happy. This year though, I was surprised at how calm and stress-free the holidays were for me. And I did more things like making these little crafty things just because I wanted to, not because I felt I had to. And I loved that feeling.

So, what else have I been up to (other than you know, work, school, gym, sleep)? I finished a book yesterday – my first of 2010. Of course, you knew I couldn’t stay away from the Black Dagger Brotherhood for long.

Lover Unbound (Black Dagger Brotherhood, #5)

This book had me right up until the last few chapters. Then, eh. It’s too bad too, I’d been looking forward to this one. It won’t stop me from reading the next two that I have on loan. I have to take a break though and read the book for my next book club that’s in a couple of weeks. I’m not looking forward to that one either. Sigh. There may be lots of stitching going on rather than reading. But, anyway, I’m one closer to having read 30 books for 2010!

And since you know we’re “all vampires, all the time” here at the cozyegg blog…I had to share the envelope my Christmas card came in from my friend, Kim. She knows me well…

Vampire Nutcracker

That’s all I’ve got to share today. I have a Secret Stitcher gift I need to get started stitching on, and I have a Valentine’s gift I need to get started on too (remember?). So, that’s a little of what I have on the horizon. I’m going to try to be better about blogging more often, but hey, no promises…you know where I am when I’m not here.

And I want to give a little shout out to you guys who have recently told me you’re reading. I love hearing that from people I know in person (although it is often quickly followed by an “oh crap, what crazy stuff have I been talking about?!”). Thanks to everyone who stops by and lets me know one way or another that you appreciate me for me…vampires and all.

I am grateful for letting things go.

21 thoughts on “Holiday Crafting”

  1. Love those earrings 🙂 And the bracelet for your friend, I would have started crying had someone made something so special for me!
    I’m raising my hand about Vampires, although I don’t say much about them, I’m a junkie. I started a new to me series by Laurell K. Hamilton (Anita Blake) yesterday…I’ve been collecting the books for sometime and finally have most of them, so I started it, so far so good 😉

  2. I promise! That one was the weakest of the bunch. 🙂 The hardcover – Avenged? horrible with names; really liked that one. Although there’s a huge ick factor that I think most people don’t notice or they just don’t talk about.

    Anyway – great earrings & such a lovely bracelet.

  3. What beautiful yarn and ear rings! I can understand your desire to pet the yarn!

    I haven’t even read Twilight yet…can you believe it? I even have it on my shelf waiting to read. I do read a lot though and it’s been part of my daily routine for more years than I can count.

  4. Terri(TerriBoog)

    Great job on the earrings and the bracelet. I truly love charm bracelets and I love the one you made. Great job! Looking forward to seeing your new twilight scarf!

  5. Geez, I didn’t know that they had yarn named after those Twilight characters. Have to keep that a secret from DD because she’ll want some. Your earrings and the bracelet are beautiful and such wonderful gifts!

  6. Oh I love those yarns!!! And the earrings are great too. But that bracelet — what a special gift that is! I haven’t gotten into the whole vampire thing. I’m tempted though! lol!

  7. I think I’d just admire those yarns for a bit. Your earrings and bracelet are fabulous.
    I’m not into the vampire books… maybe some day.

  8. The earrings and bracelet are beautiful! Yet another crafty thing you are good at! The yarns are so colorful and pretty too.

  9. OK…I am feeling total sock-yarn-envy!!! Love them, they’re gorgeous!

    The bracelet you made your friend is stunning! What fantastic fun to pass that ornament around…I think I recall seeing something like that several years ago 🙂

  10. Love the colors of those yarns.
    The earrings are wonderful. What a great job you have done.
    And that bracelet – how very special.

  11. Alright, get cracking on that scarf -in your spare time that is… it will be absolutely lovely. The earrings are very cute, and the bracelet turned out wonderful.
    You gotta love Kim – she is a hoot. Got Hunger Games yesterday, I will read some today & lots this weekend – it is going to snow bucket loads here. Someone lied to me & told me the winters are usually mild here….brrrr.

  12. Not only two posts in one week but two very newsy posts!

    Love the earrings and the bracelet you made – they are both wonderful! There’s nothing like jewelry special made by a friend.

    And the yarn, oh my the colors are beautiful – can’t wait to see what you make with these.

    Enjoy your weekend, Michelle.

  13. Love the earrings! Watched the first Twilight movie with my friend over New Year’s. It was OK…I’ll confess I’m not hooked, but I guess I can see why people are. Loved all the pics of your holiday decorations. Happy 2010!

  14. Wow, Michelle! I love your beading… the earrings are adorable, and that bracelet–oh my gosh. I bet your friend went crazy over it! You are so creative.

  15. Very nice beading work! Are those Swarovski cubes I spy underneath the trees in the earrings? I adore Swarovski EVERYTHING! 🙂 I love that you and your friend pass that ornament back and forth every year. That’s a wonderful tradition and you did a great job filling it this year!

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