Horrified! and Number 28

Horrified! Limited Edition WhimZi
Just Nan
DMC on 32ct Zweigart Cobblestone Belfast Linen
Framed with Black and Gold Jack-o-Lantern Frame
Finished 10/26/07

Still under the weather, so this will be a short post. I finished the stitching on my Just Nan Whimzi earlier this week, and finally got it finished and put into the frame last night. I think it turned out pretty cute. All four of the jack-o-lanterns’ faces are different, which I didn’t realize until I was stitching them. Love the spider in the middle.

Eric got the dowel rod cut for me this morning so that I could hang the wedding quilt my best friend made for us. I think it looks really nice in our bedroom, and I am so pleased to finally have it hanging where we can see it. And this also fulfills number 28 on my 101 Things in 1001 Days list, “Hang Julia’s wedding gift”. Now, if I can get Mystery 9 finished, it will look beautiful in the bedroom too!!

In my Hoffman email yesterday, I saw that LHN and CCN both have new releases. I LOVE the new CCN, Gingerbread Cottage.

That’s about all I have today. Eric has been playing with his new ipod that I gave him for his birthday, so he’s been sitting at the computer sifting through mp3s to put on it. That should give me a chance to lay on the couch and blow my nose some more. Maybe I can do some stitching too.

Eric thanks you for all the birthday wishes.

I am grateful for finishing things.

54 thoughts on “Horrified! and Number 28”

  1. Cute pumpkin faces on “Horrified!” And framed already (I’m impressed!). Hope you’re feeling better soon!!

  2. Cute pumpkin faces on “Horrified!” And framed already (I’m impressed!). Hope you’re feeling better soon!!

  3. What a SUPER picture set up you did for Horrified….that’s lovely!
    And your wedding quilt looks so nice!
    I hope you start the mend soon…that stinks having a cold!

  4. What a SUPER picture set up you did for Horrified….that’s lovely!
    And your wedding quilt looks so nice!
    I hope you start the mend soon…that stinks having a cold!

  5. Hope you feel better soon ! Cute JN finish , I never realised the faces were different either lol. The wedding quilt looks real nice hung up :-))
    Enjoy your weekend.

  6. Hope you feel better soon ! Cute JN finish , I never realised the faces were different either lol. The wedding quilt looks real nice hung up :-))
    Enjoy your weekend.

  7. Sorry to hear you still aren’t feeling well, but you sure are making great progress on your list of things to do!!

  8. Sorry to hear you still aren’t feeling well, but you sure are making great progress on your list of things to do!!

  9. Anna van Schurman

    Gingerbread cottage is cute! Looked to see if we could find your name in the guest log at the Rodin Museum today, but I couldn’t remember when you were here. But you were thought of!

  10. Anna van Schurman

    Gingerbread cottage is cute! Looked to see if we could find your name in the guest log at the Rodin Museum today, but I couldn’t remember when you were here. But you were thought of!

  11. Your Junt Nun turned out so beautiful!
    In the black x gold frame suit well for this design very much!
    And I felt in love this CCN newest one, ohhhh… another stash for me…lol

  12. Your Junt Nun turned out so beautiful!
    In the black x gold frame suit well for this design very much!
    And I felt in love this CCN newest one, ohhhh… another stash for me…lol

  13. Thank you for coming by my blog Michelle.

    Love the Just Nan finish, superframing too 🙂

    Take care and hope the cold goes away soon 🙂

  14. Thank you for coming by my blog Michelle.

    Love the Just Nan finish, superframing too 🙂

    Take care and hope the cold goes away soon 🙂

  15. Great finish! The spider is way cute, and you took an excellent pic of it 🙂

    The wedding quilt is pretty, it’s nice to get things hung up!

    Great, thanks for posting the pic of Gingerbread house, I have to go and get that soon now 😛

  16. Great finish! The spider is way cute, and you took an excellent pic of it 🙂

    The wedding quilt is pretty, it’s nice to get things hung up!

    Great, thanks for posting the pic of Gingerbread house, I have to go and get that soon now 😛

  17. Congratulations on your finish!

    Thank you for posting a pic of the new Gingerbread Cottage…I hadn’t seen that one yet, and I’ll definitely have to add that one to my stash 🙂

  18. Congratulations on your finish!

    Thank you for posting a pic of the new Gingerbread Cottage…I hadn’t seen that one yet, and I’ll definitely have to add that one to my stash 🙂

  19. What a beautiful finish! It looks like a small piece. Where did you get that adorable frame? I am loving the new releases from CCN and LHN!

  20. What a beautiful finish! It looks like a small piece. Where did you get that adorable frame? I am loving the new releases from CCN and LHN!

  21. love your JN finish! and those candy corns are awesome!

    hope you are feeling better! that’s the same yuck cold I had .. not fun at all 🙂

  22. love your JN finish! and those candy corns are awesome!

    hope you are feeling better! that’s the same yuck cold I had .. not fun at all 🙂

  23. Super cute finish!!!!! The new CCN designs is so pretty, another one for my must have list
    Hope you’re feeling better

  24. Super cute finish!!!!! The new CCN designs is so pretty, another one for my must have list
    Hope you’re feeling better

  25. Congratulations on No. 28 and on Horrified! The Whimzi is adorable and your quilt is lovely. Lucky Eric with a new iPod!

  26. Congratulations on No. 28 and on Horrified! The Whimzi is adorable and your quilt is lovely. Lucky Eric with a new iPod!

  27. The Silver Thistle

    You’ve been so busy since I was last online! I love coming here and seeing all your lovely photo’s and hearing your news.

    I love all the setups you do to show off your projects. I’ll have to hope that some of the ‘knack’ rubs off onto me, because my photo’s generally blow, lol.

  28. The Silver Thistle

    You’ve been so busy since I was last online! I love coming here and seeing all your lovely photo’s and hearing your news.

    I love all the setups you do to show off your projects. I’ll have to hope that some of the ‘knack’ rubs off onto me, because my photo’s generally blow, lol.

  29. Great work on the WhimZi. I just love the little pumpkins and ghosts. 🙂 I hope you’re starting to feel better already. *hug*

  30. Great work on the WhimZi. I just love the little pumpkins and ghosts. 🙂 I hope you’re starting to feel better already. *hug*

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