It’s been an interesting few days. The end of last week was rough. I think my case of the blahs just hit rock bottom. But, I picked myself back up this weekend and I think I am working my way back towards normal.

I did some more sewing on my wedding quilt yesterday and this morning. I have everything pieced that can be pieced so far. This weekend I will pick up the rest of my white squares from my mom, and then I can finish piecing my blocks. Then all that will leave is my center piece. I will have to make a trip to the sewing shop to buy some embroidery thread. I am planning to machine embroider our names and wedding date on the center block. So, obviously I can’t piece that in until I have it embroidered. I’m a little nervous about embroidering on my machine without proper supervision, so it may take a few practice runs. But, for this week – I feel really good about having all the rest of the blocks pieced. Next week I should be able to start piecing my blocks together.

In other news, Sharon was offering to share some of the crushed walnut shells she bought. Stitchers of Blackbird Designs may be familiar with a few of their designs that call for the use of crushed walnut shells to stuff pincushions, etc. Sharon was able to find some at her local pet store and very kindly sent me a little bag full. I have a secret project I am working on that these will come in handy for. Thank you, Sharon!!
I cannot say thank you enough to all the sweet friends that have been gifting me with some wonderful things during this time. It really has made everything seem a lot less bleak, and helped me to realize how giving you all are. I really appreciate it!
I don’t have a whole lot of stitching I can show you right now, so I thought I’d show you how my little basket of smalls is growing. It is so fun seeing all the little pieces I’ve made as well as some that I’ve received in exchanges. And as you can see, the sheep got his March blanket this weekend while I was decorating. (photo at the top of post)
And Patti tagged me for a seven weird or random facts about me meme. Since I previously posted eight random things about me, I’ll have to come up with some different responses….
- I journal almost everyday. I’ve been journaling for many years and in the past three years have moved to an electronic journal rather than pen and paper.
- I love watching Clean House on the Style network, and I am also a big fan of Life in the Fab Lane. Can you tell I’ve been out of work too long?
- I have an orange belt in Tae Kwon Do.
- I grew up with only Siamese cats as pets.
- I practice Feng Shui in my home.
- Eric proposed to me on a cruise in the Bahamas, out on the deck, under the stars (we had gone snorkling which was a first for me, the day before)
- I created this hand-embroidered wall quilt to remember it by

Here’s a closeup of the engagement part…

And here’s the label on the back – this is made from a shrinky dink…

That’s all for today – hope you’re having a great week. I should be back with some stitching the show soon (and no I was good and didn’t start Secret Garden, though I am sorely tempted!!).
Walk to Rivendell: Continue in valley. Land starts to rise. Can see a “huddle of hills” ahead. Camp not far SW of bridge. Camp is high enough for Merry to see the Loudwater far in the distance! Return to The Great East Road (Total miles walked: 356.75)
I am grateful for renewed belief in myself.
What a sweet little quilt and story! You’re very talented. And I can’t believe you’ve walked 350 miles! Good for you.
I moved the day I stitch the mermaids because I knew if I left it on Wed. I’d be too caught up in beading to stitch on it. I’ll move back to Wed in 4 weeks! (I’ve been stitching on it secretly; it’s all I’ve felt like working on. Photo soon.)
What a sweet little quilt and story! You’re very talented. And I can’t believe you’ve walked 350 miles! Good for you.
I moved the day I stitch the mermaids because I knew if I left it on Wed. I’d be too caught up in beading to stitch on it. I’ll move back to Wed in 4 weeks! (I’ve been stitching on it secretly; it’s all I’ve felt like working on. Photo soon.)
I am so glad you are on your way out of the dumps. It is sometimes a tough haul but you are making it. Good for you!!! Your quilt is just gorgeous and such a wonderful idea.
The engagement piece is quite lovely too and very unique.
I am so glad you are on your way out of the dumps. It is sometimes a tough haul but you are making it. Good for you!!! Your quilt is just gorgeous and such a wonderful idea.
The engagement piece is quite lovely too and very unique.
I love your basket of small: it’s a good idea to display this beautiful pieces.
I love your basket of small: it’s a good idea to display this beautiful pieces.
Your little quilt is very special, thank you for sharing the story behind it.
Glad you are feeling a bit better, you certainly are very talented!Good luck with the machine embroidery too 🙂
Your little quilt is very special, thank you for sharing the story behind it.
Glad you are feeling a bit better, you certainly are very talented!Good luck with the machine embroidery too 🙂
What a lovely story to go with the quilt! And I love your basket of smalls! Keep hanging in there hon!
What a lovely story to go with the quilt! And I love your basket of smalls! Keep hanging in there hon!
Love the quilt! It’s so pretty and the red is gorgeous. Sorry you’ve been a bit down in the dumps, hope things are much better today.
Love the quilt! It’s so pretty and the red is gorgeous. Sorry you’ve been a bit down in the dumps, hope things are much better today.
Michelle–your engagement quilt is so sweet. I love your basket in the top picture or all the smalls inside it to be more exact, it made me smile when I saw it.
Glad you are moving out of the land of the blahs. It’s not a happy place to visit.
Michelle–your engagement quilt is so sweet. I love your basket in the top picture or all the smalls inside it to be more exact, it made me smile when I saw it.
Glad you are moving out of the land of the blahs. It’s not a happy place to visit.
Michelle!!! The quilt’s going to be beautiful! I love your basket of goodies, too! Sending many hugs, your buddy, Deb
Michelle!!! The quilt’s going to be beautiful! I love your basket of goodies, too! Sending many hugs, your buddy, Deb
What a lovely way to mark your engagement! That quilt must be very special to you, and I’m sure the wedding quilt will be as well. I love your display of smalls. Nice collection. Sorry to hear you’ve been going through a rough patch. Hope things are better again soon!
What a lovely way to mark your engagement! That quilt must be very special to you, and I’m sure the wedding quilt will be as well. I love your display of smalls. Nice collection. Sorry to hear you’ve been going through a rough patch. Hope things are better again soon!
Michelle I’m sorry to hear you had a tough week, but happy to hear you’re picking yourself up again and you keep going! Its really hard to be unemployed… I was once for 3 months. Its hard to keep busy without spending much money either!
Michelle I’m sorry to hear you had a tough week, but happy to hear you’re picking yourself up again and you keep going! Its really hard to be unemployed… I was once for 3 months. Its hard to keep busy without spending much money either!
Whew..it took me a while to get here since Blogger keeps kicking me out…but I was strong and stuck with it! LOL!
What a lovely post Michelle…although you’re going through a tough time right now, you remain positive and upbeat – I admire that! Your quilt is going to be such a beautiful lovely reminder of your special day. I love your randoms things and love the memory engagement quilt. 🙂
Whew..it took me a while to get here since Blogger keeps kicking me out…but I was strong and stuck with it! LOL!
What a lovely post Michelle…although you’re going through a tough time right now, you remain positive and upbeat – I admire that! Your quilt is going to be such a beautiful lovely reminder of your special day. I love your randoms things and love the memory engagement quilt. 🙂
I know what it’s like to hit rock bottom. I’m glad that you’re able to pick yourself up and dust yourself off. Just doing that is a huge step!
Congratulations on finishing piecing together everything that you have at the moment for your wedding quilt. It’s going to be so fantastic when it’s done.
The quilt that you embroidered to commemorate your engagement is fantastic. I can’t believe how versatile your talents are!
I know what it’s like to hit rock bottom. I’m glad that you’re able to pick yourself up and dust yourself off. Just doing that is a huge step!
Congratulations on finishing piecing together everything that you have at the moment for your wedding quilt. It’s going to be so fantastic when it’s done.
The quilt that you embroidered to commemorate your engagement is fantastic. I can’t believe how versatile your talents are!
Luv your basket of smalls! What fun to have them on display : ) Your engagement project is very creative! Job well done : )
Luv your basket of smalls! What fun to have them on display : ) Your engagement project is very creative! Job well done : )
I love your engagement/proposal story, and the quilt you created to record the event. WOW! Your basket of smalls is so cute, too!
I love your engagement/proposal story, and the quilt you created to record the event. WOW! Your basket of smalls is so cute, too!
I am so glad you are feeling a little better – as I tell my clients when they have the blahs, “you gotta fake it till you make it” – seems to work!
I am so glad you are feeling a little better – as I tell my clients when they have the blahs, “you gotta fake it till you make it” – seems to work!
Your smalls look so nice all together like that. And that engagement wall quilt is so lovely ~ very clever!
Your smalls look so nice all together like that. And that engagement wall quilt is so lovely ~ very clever!
What a wonderful engagement story and a beautiful art quilt!!
Your basket of smalls is really neat… where do you keep it? I’ve thought about starting such a basket, but I’m not sure if I should just plunk it down on an end table or what LOL
What a wonderful engagement story and a beautiful art quilt!!
Your basket of smalls is really neat… where do you keep it? I’ve thought about starting such a basket, but I’m not sure if I should just plunk it down on an end table or what LOL
I love the engagement piece. It’s so unique!
Hope you continiue to be on the up:)
I love the engagement piece. It’s so unique!
Hope you continiue to be on the up:)