In Thankfulness of Heart

At Plimoth 112709
At Plimoth
The Sampler Girl
Gentle Arts Simply Wool threads on 28ct Silkweaver FOTM Exclusive
Stitched November 26 and 27, 2009

Hello, my lovelies! I hope you all had an amazing Thanksgiving holiday if you are here in the states. I was lucky enough to take all of last week off from work, so my vacation started with a bang by going to see New Moon. Loved it. Want to see it again. And it worked out so perfectly, I think the stars must have been aligned. We got tickets on Thursday for the Friday 8:15pm showing, I met Sherri after work and we went to dinner (mmmm…margaritas) and then went over to stand in line at the theatre. We actually were pretty close to the front of the line for seating, and when the doors opened, we got the best seats in the whole theatre – the middle middle, just where I like to be. And the screaming was really at a minimum, so it was a perfect night! So fun to get to see it on opening night too.

So, what have I been doing for the past nine days? Well, Eric and I did some stuff around the house – cataloging records (yes, actual records, not CDs), etc. I had some super secret stitching I was doing for my guild’s ornament exchange that will take place tomorrow night at our annual holiday party.

And, you can see at the top of this post what else I’ve been stitching (well, what I can show you). Last year before Thanksgiving, The Sampler Girl offered this At Plimoth freebie. I was dying to stitch it for Thanksgiving last year, but for whatever reason my LNS could not get in the Simply Wool threads I needed to stitch it. After waiting three or four months for the threads, another stitcher took pity on me and sent me three of the four (I was able to get one of them) as a wonderful act of kindness. So, as the holiday approached this year, I came across the threads and the freebie in my stash and decided to stitch it up. My only dilemma was what fabric to stitch it on. I really wanted to try to use something I already had on hand. Well, in my digging, I found that I still had some of my favorite piece of fabric. This fabric was a Silkweaver FOTM Exclusive. No name, can’t get any more. Sigh. And I love this fabric. I first used it to stitch my ornament for the guild exchange last year. Then, I used it to stitch Petites Lettres Rouges. And so, when I came across it and did a floss toss, I knew I had to use it for this. All the stars aligned. I started this on Thanksgiving Day during the Macy’s parade, and finished it up on Friday. It was a fun little stitch, and oh how I love the Simply Wool threads. I will definitely be using them again!!! Oh, and those little wool acorns were made by a fellow guild member last year. I think I need some more of them.

I also did some reading…

So, since I promised to give you reviews of my books for my end of year book challenge, here goes. The Leopard was chosen for my most recent Artful Readings book club. I tried. I really did. Just when you thought it was going to get interesting and do something, it failed miserably. This book was published in 1968, I believe, and has to do with Italian politics around the time of the unification of Italy. At least, that’s what I think it’s about. I really gave this a gung-ho effort, but when my bookmark accidentally fell out of the book I took it as a sign that life is too short for bad books. So, I set this one aside unfinished. And that kind of irks me, but not enough to try to finish it.

As a reward for bad taste The Leopard left in my mouth, I rewarded myself with a little vampire reading. These books are a series called the Black Dagger Brotherhood. As one of my friends says, they are like eating kettlecorn – guilty pleasure and you just can’t stop, once you take the first bite. This is the third book in the series, and I like each one better and better. In fact, I was so face first in this book that Eric had to take it away from me so that I could get some stuff done. I did finally get it back, and finished it quickly. As you can see on my sidebar, I’ve now picked up the next book in the series and am quickly moving through it as well.

So, that’s what I’ve been reading. I also picked Jenny Bean back up after finishing my little Plimoth piece. I had hoped to have her done already, but she had to be set aside while some other pressing things got attention. But, she’s back and I am almost done with the right hand border, which leaves just the bottom border to go. Not long now before she is finished. Rather than take a progress pic of her, I thought I’d just surprise you when she’s finished. Soon!!!

And, I did want to take a moment and mention that giving thanks is an important thing to do any time of year. For those that have been with me since I started this blog, you know that at the end of each post I mention something I’m grateful for. Sometimes it’s something small, or funny. Sometimes, it’s something really big and important. But, I try to always do it, as a little way of sending my gratitude out into the universe. So, especially at this time of year, take a moment to appreciate all the blessings in your life. You’d be amazed how those blessings seem to multiply when you start acknowledging them. Thanks to all of you who stop in to visit me and leave your sweet comments. I appreciate each and every one of you. This blog has truly been a gift and has allowed me to meet so many wonderful people. Thank you!

I am grateful for some much-needed time at home with my husband and the cats. I couldn’t ask for more.

34 thoughts on “In Thankfulness of Heart”

  1. Sounds like you had a fun and productive week off – don’t those days just fly by.

    I love your little sampler it is just darling! And, those acorns are really neat.

    It’s always a let down to start a book, stick with it, and never be rewarded for your efforts. Glad you are reading something you enjoy! I confess, the vampire thing is just not for me (I know, I am definitely in the minority)though it is definitely a vampire-crazed world these days 🙂

    Hope you have a wonderful week.

  2. Sounds like you had a fun and productive week off – don’t those days just fly by.

    I love your little sampler it is just darling! And, those acorns are really neat.

    It’s always a let down to start a book, stick with it, and never be rewarded for your efforts. Glad you are reading something you enjoy! I confess, the vampire thing is just not for me (I know, I am definitely in the minority)though it is definitely a vampire-crazed world these days 🙂

    Hope you have a wonderful week.

  3. Love those acorns. And the stitching they’re laying on isn’t half bad either. 😉

    Life is too short for bad books. Last week I threw one 1/3 finished back into the library pile.

  4. Love those acorns. And the stitching they’re laying on isn’t half bad either. 😉

    Life is too short for bad books. Last week I threw one 1/3 finished back into the library pile.

  5. Lovely finish, Michelle! I have a terrible time putting a book down once I’ve invested a few evenings, even if it’s BAD. Just a quirk of mine. Glad you got to see New Moon!

  6. Lovely finish, Michelle! I have a terrible time putting a book down once I’ve invested a few evenings, even if it’s BAD. Just a quirk of mine. Glad you got to see New Moon!

  7. And when I count my blessing, I count you. You are/were one of the first blogs I read when I started online. I have enjoyed reading your blog and watching your amazing stitching progresses.
    I no longer read a bad book – I have decided my time is too precious to waste on a bad book when there are so many good ones out there.
    Have added J.R. Ward to my reading list.

  8. And when I count my blessing, I count you. You are/were one of the first blogs I read when I started online. I have enjoyed reading your blog and watching your amazing stitching progresses.
    I no longer read a bad book – I have decided my time is too precious to waste on a bad book when there are so many good ones out there.
    Have added J.R. Ward to my reading list.

  9. I love your finish! The colors are wonderful! Bummer about the book. Glad you found a different book to get excited about. 😀

  10. I love your finish! The colors are wonderful! Bummer about the book. Glad you found a different book to get excited about. 😀

  11. I usually try and plow through a book thinking that 3 pages after I set it down it would get interesting. It has to be *very* bad for me to quit reading without finishing.

    Love your finish.

    There is so much to be grateful for!

  12. I usually try and plow through a book thinking that 3 pages after I set it down it would get interesting. It has to be *very* bad for me to quit reading without finishing.

    Love your finish.

    There is so much to be grateful for!

  13. I love how your little Plimoth turned out. I haven’t heard of the simply wool threads. Do they feel wooly? Or fuzzy? They don’t look it, but they do look soft. And the acorns are a hoot.

    I clicked on your ornament from last year–that was exquisite, and I’m hoping you’ll post a picture of this year’s when you can reveal it.

  14. I love how your little Plimoth turned out. I haven’t heard of the simply wool threads. Do they feel wooly? Or fuzzy? They don’t look it, but they do look soft. And the acorns are a hoot.

    I clicked on your ornament from last year–that was exquisite, and I’m hoping you’ll post a picture of this year’s when you can reveal it.

  15. Can’t wait to see your Jenny Bean finish! Mine has been neglected! There’s always next year.

    Glad you enjoyed a nice week off!

  16. Can’t wait to see your Jenny Bean finish! Mine has been neglected! There’s always next year.

    Glad you enjoyed a nice week off!

  17. What an adorable little finish, Michelle! I love it. Tanya does such nice little freebies (and bigger designs, too!).

    I agree, life is too short to read a bad book. I am very finicky about books and if I don’t like one, I will switch to something else. Sometimes I’ll go back to it but most often I won’t. I’ll have to look into that black dagger (can’t think of the proper name!) series. Everybody seems to really enjoy them.

    I can’t wait to see what you did for your guild’s exchange! Go go go with Jenny Bean!! I’m cheering you on to the finish line.

  18. What an adorable little finish, Michelle! I love it. Tanya does such nice little freebies (and bigger designs, too!).

    I agree, life is too short to read a bad book. I am very finicky about books and if I don’t like one, I will switch to something else. Sometimes I’ll go back to it but most often I won’t. I’ll have to look into that black dagger (can’t think of the proper name!) series. Everybody seems to really enjoy them.

    I can’t wait to see what you did for your guild’s exchange! Go go go with Jenny Bean!! I’m cheering you on to the finish line.

  19. Sounds like a very nice week off to me! Love your little piece and I am looking forward to seeing Jenny Bean all finished too.

  20. Sounds like a very nice week off to me! Love your little piece and I am looking forward to seeing Jenny Bean all finished too.

  21. Pretty finish with At Plimoth, I stitched it last year and love mine 🙂 I know you love yours too!

    J.R. Ward…I’ve been wanting to read some of these books, thanks for the nudge 😉

    And you are so right…once you start thinking of all the blessings you have in life, they stack up all over the place! Thank you for reminding us all! 🙂

  22. Pretty finish with At Plimoth, I stitched it last year and love mine 🙂 I know you love yours too!

    J.R. Ward…I’ve been wanting to read some of these books, thanks for the nudge 😉

    And you are so right…once you start thinking of all the blessings you have in life, they stack up all over the place! Thank you for reminding us all! 🙂

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