
Way back when, around two Thanksgivings ago, I had some charm packs and yardage of Kate Spain’s Flurry and 12 Days of Christmas fabrics. After seeing the Synchronized Squares Quilt Along on P.S. I Quilt, I knew exactly what I wanted to use my fabric for. I had to modify the pattern a bit, since I was using charm packs rather than layer cakes. I also made mine with 30 blocks rather than 36 due to the amount of fabric I had on hand. I used Kona white for the sashing. What I fell in love with about the pattern was that it was a simple layout that allowed the fabrics to shine and I loved the use of white to give it a bright, cheery look.

I started the quilt, like I said, two Thanksgivings ago. I set it aside after getting all the blocks made. This past Thanksgiving I got it back out to work on and managed to get the rows sewn together with their sashing strips. And finally, yesterday I decided that it was time to get this one back out and finish it. After a few hours sewing, I had a finished quilt top.

I absolutely love the way it turned out and I’m excited to have it quilted so that I can enjoy it when the holiday season comes this year.

I could hardly wait to take my quilt top outside this morning to get some proper photos of it. And it is so pretty. The colors and the fabrics just make me smile every time I look at it. There is something so rewarding about seeing a quilt come together row by row. Every time I moved from the ironing board to the sewing machine it was a little bit bigger.

And I think that the two fabric lines easily coordinate with each other, so you have a cohesive look, but with a little bit of variation. I actually have some of her recent Joy line of fabrics, which I may incorporate into the back or the binding.

One of my goals this year is to focus on my quilting projects. Several of them have been hanging around in various stages of progress. I’m so happy to have one completed! Next up, I’ll be working on my Kiss Kiss quilt. I’m anxious to finish cutting my fabric and get started on the sewing on that one.

I am grateful for make up vacation days.

46 thoughts on “Joyous”

  1. Fabulous!! The colors are just gorgeous, perfect for winter blues. So what it was started so long ago? Good things come to those who wait 🙂 Whats next for you?

  2. Fabulous!! The colors are just gorgeous, perfect for winter blues. So what it was started so long ago? Good things come to those who wait 🙂 Whats next for you?

  3. Love, love, love it!!! You did a fabulous job, and you are right, that Kona White is just perfect for letting the fabric shine. Just beautiful!!!

  4. Love, love, love it!!! You did a fabulous job, and you are right, that Kona White is just perfect for letting the fabric shine. Just beautiful!!!

  5. Linda K's Creativity Works

    I love your Quilt…that is so pretty…love the bright colors.

    I too Quilt and right now I am making a Spider Web Quilt.

    I am a follower of your Blog…here is the link to my Blog:

    Happy Quilting
    Linda K, Railroad

  6. Linda K's Creativity Works

    I love your Quilt…that is so pretty…love the bright colors.

    I too Quilt and right now I am making a Spider Web Quilt.

    I am a follower of your Blog…here is the link to my Blog:

    Happy Quilting
    Linda K, Railroad

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