Just Hangin’ Out

Hanging Out

Ever have one of those days?

This little guy was relaxing outside my office window last week. He hung out there for quite a while.

Dallas Heart Walk 091209

On Saturday, Eric and I went down to Victory Park in Dallas and participated in the Dallas Heart Walk. As you can see, it was raining. But, we walked that 5k anyway!

The rest of the day on Saturday, I was restless. Not sure why, but I couldn’t just be still. I couldn’t read, couldn’t stitch, couldn’t get comfortable. Nothing. So, I just watched a little tv – mainly I watched the premiere episode of The Vampire Diaries, which I thought was good. But, that’s about all I got done on Saturday.

Sunday, I felt a little more settled and I decided I’d better pick up my stitching for the Jane Timmers workshop that I’m taking on the 26th and 27th. I haven’t done any of my pre-stitching. So, I got that out and put a dent in it. We’re stitching with Gloriana silk on 32ct I think, over one. This is the front of the needlecase. I didn’t quite get that “B” finished last night, and I still have the “C” to stitch, then I can move onto another color and do some Quaker motifs.

Needlecase 091409

Of course, you know how in love I am with red silk.

I also have another project I need to get a move on. I’m going to stitch Goode Huswife’s Angel of Tulips. My fabric and thread just arrived on Friday. I’m stitching this in the called for 40ct Daily Grind by R&R with NPIs. So, that’s on my agenda soon as well.

Angel of Tulips

Love those colors – they are so fall-like. It has been raining here like you would not believe. It rained non-stop all weekend, and is still raining. But, I am glad for it. I haven’t done any more stitching on my leaves on Simple Things or on my Cuisine d’Ete. I’ll get back to those soon I hope! And at some point I’m going to have to bite the bullet and work on my MAGIC project that needs to be done by the end of the year. Where has this year gone? It’s just zooming by! Oh well, I am enjoying what I’m stitching, so there’s that.

I am grateful for Eric and I doing this 5k together.

38 thoughts on “Just Hangin’ Out”

  1. What a funny squirrel!

    Congrats on your 5k walk – especially in the rain. I do not like to walk or run in the rain – afraid I’ll melt 🙂

    Nice start on your new project – I’ve not use Gloriana Silk – do you like it as well as NPI? I look forward to seeing Angel of Tulips.

    I hope the sun comes out soon in your area.

  2. What a funny squirrel!

    Congrats on your 5k walk – especially in the rain. I do not like to walk or run in the rain – afraid I’ll melt 🙂

    Nice start on your new project – I’ve not use Gloriana Silk – do you like it as well as NPI? I look forward to seeing Angel of Tulips.

    I hope the sun comes out soon in your area.

  3. That squirrel is so relaxed! In the trees around our house they just run and play tag. Maybe they get nervous with all of our cats watching! Gorgeous silks!

  4. That squirrel is so relaxed! In the trees around our house they just run and play tag. Maybe they get nervous with all of our cats watching! Gorgeous silks!

  5. Is it TX squirrels or squirrels everywhere? Last year I took a picture of my backyard squirrel in that same pose.

    *sigh* I agree beautiful fall colored NPIs.

  6. Is it TX squirrels or squirrels everywhere? Last year I took a picture of my backyard squirrel in that same pose.

    *sigh* I agree beautiful fall colored NPIs.

  7. Love that picture of the squirrel! How funny! You were so good to do the 5k walk in the rain! Bleagh! Love your start on your class piece — and your new fibers and fabric too!

  8. Love that picture of the squirrel! How funny! You were so good to do the 5k walk in the rain! Bleagh! Love your start on your class piece — and your new fibers and fabric too!

  9. That is a great squirrel pic! He looks so at peace and comfy.

    Yes, it sure is zooming by, before we all know it 2010 will be here. I sure like those fibers on that Daily Grind, yummy!!

  10. That is a great squirrel pic! He looks so at peace and comfy.

    Yes, it sure is zooming by, before we all know it 2010 will be here. I sure like those fibers on that Daily Grind, yummy!!

  11. Love that squirrel, my girls would try to catch it, LOL. Congrats on doing your 5K.

    Good start on your project, you will love the class.

  12. Love that squirrel, my girls would try to catch it, LOL. Congrats on doing your 5K.

    Good start on your project, you will love the class.

  13. Wow! That’s a long way to walk! I am not a walker for things like that. I love the picture of the squirrel just chillin’ out. They do alot around my yard. Your WIP is lovely!

  14. Wow! That’s a long way to walk! I am not a walker for things like that. I love the picture of the squirrel just chillin’ out. They do alot around my yard. Your WIP is lovely!

  15. Woohoo on the 5K walk, Michelle! YGG. Especially in the rain. 🙂

    I like your Jane Timmers prep work–very nice. Love the color. The supplies for Angel of Tulips–gorgeous! I can’t wait to see your stitching on that.

    Love the pic of the squirrel! I miss seeing them here.

  16. Woohoo on the 5K walk, Michelle! YGG. Especially in the rain. 🙂

    I like your Jane Timmers prep work–very nice. Love the color. The supplies for Angel of Tulips–gorgeous! I can’t wait to see your stitching on that.

    Love the pic of the squirrel! I miss seeing them here.

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