Just Nan RR, Round 1

I put the last bead on tonight. I am so glad to have this done. This is Angi’s piece. She wanted a Christmas theme, and sent along all the silks, beads and metallics for us to use. This is my part. Band 1 is from Peacock Cypher (this one sort of reminds me of sugarplums), Band 2 is from Winter in the Square (I put beads in the center of each snowflake for some sparkle), Band 3 is from Nan’s Garden (thank you again, Carol, I knew this would come in handy!), Band 4 is from Baby Garden, and my signature line is just Rhodes Squares and the over-one alphabet from Yuletide Joy Stocking (Angi asked us to use this alphabet, and I think it looks great!).

Here’s the whole thing so far. Angi’s piece is going to be so beautiful once we’ve all stitched on it! What a fantastic holiday piece to hang.

I really hope Angi is pleased with it. Mailout is Monday, so I will be getting a new one in the mail soon. I hope to be able to get a little more stitching in on Eric’s stocking. I have no idea how I am going to get everything finished before the end of the month. Ack! And my book club is tomorrow night, and I still have a 100 or so pages to go before I am finished with the book. But, since we are talking about Just Nan today, I received email notice that her new Limited Edition WhimZi design is out – a Christmas design. So, I should see that in my mailbox soon as I am signed up for the automatic for these with Silver Needle. I signed up for the automatic last year after I missed her very cute WhimZi called (I think) the Night before Christmas. It has a sleigh with presents and is on a deep blue fabric. I am so kicking myself for missing out on that one. Oh well.

Thanks to everyone for your words of encouragement and warm thoughts. I appreciate all of my readers so very much! Ya’ll are great! And yes, please take a look at my poor weather pixie, she is tired of wearing tank tops in November – but it was like 87 degrees today…hello!! November!!

I am grateful for my Tacky Bob!

15 thoughts on “Just Nan RR, Round 1”

  1. Your work on that RR is great, and the whole piece looks wonderful! take care and hope you have a relaxing weekend 🙂

  2. What a pretty RR. Makes me feel in the Christmas spirit just looking at it.

    I found out today that there is a error in Mermaid of the Pearls e-mail me (jennxstitch at yahoo dot com) and I can send you the correction if you like.

  3. Wow, that’s gorgeous! I can’t wait to stitch on this one. I just hope I can find something worthy of the piece….

  4. LOL about the tank-topped weather pixie (flip flops too, do you suppose?) Your RR design and stitching is just wonderful!

  5. Oh Michelle, it’s stunning!! Thank you thank you thank you! I also got you added to my blogroll! 🙂 I love all your stitching work 😉
    Angi (blogger beta won’t let me comment using a blogger ID!!:( )

  6. Your stitching on the RR is fantastic!
    You’re weather pixie looks very cute in her high heels and yellow dress today 😀 Very Stylish!

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