Kimono’ver Here

I finished another kimono block. I have two more to make, and I am almost finished with one of those two. This is really coming along now. I hope to be cutting out the fabric for my sashing and border soon! Thanks for all your compliments on my blocks.

I think I’ve finally made it over my migraine, but I am feeling really down lately. I just can’t seem to find the energy for much of anything. I’ve been trying to make myself work on all these projects I’ve had in the works, in order to finish some of them and narrow down my list. The problem with stitching though, is that I am just not wanting to stitch on any of the stuff I have in progress…so in order to avoid it, I am just not stitching. Has anybody else had this problem? I’ve spent several nights just staring at the TV, with no needle in hand. So, last night, with Eric’s encouragement, I decided to start something new.

I started Blackbird Designs Their Song. I just love this piece, and have been wanting to start it for awhile. It is a nice relaxing stitch. I did a couple hours on it last night while watching The Sopranos. Hopefully, it will help me get back in the swing of stitching. I’d really like to get some things crossed off my WIP list. But, in the meantime, until I feel more like myself, I will stitch on blackbirds. I hope that the listlessness and anxiety disippate soon. I hate feeling like this, I am usually such a positive and happy person. And nothing is “wrong” really, I just am out of whack. Eric will be out this evening, so I am thinking I will sew some more on my kimonos until he gets home, then we can settle in and I’ll see about stitching some more on Their Song. Thank you all for your continued support and patience with me…I so appreciate everyone that checks in, even if you don’t comment!

I am grateful for understanding.

32 thoughts on “Kimono’ver Here”

  1. I’ve been where you’re at too and I think its great you started something new. Sometimes thats all it takes.
    I’m glad your over your headache and I hope they remain gone.

  2. I’ve been where you’re at too and I think its great you started something new. Sometimes thats all it takes.
    I’m glad your over your headache and I hope they remain gone.

  3. {{{Michelle}}} I know where you’re coming from with this. I haven’t been in much of a stitching mood lately either. I haven’t been able to settle much apart from an hour or so in the evening and none of my long-standing WIPs have been calling to me, so guess what? I started a bunch of new stuff and I’m loving stitching again! 😉 I know I’ll get back to the other stuff at some point and until then, it’s not going anywhere.

    I hope you feel more like yourself soon – Their Song is a fun piece to stitch and I’m sure it will help your mood, stitching and otherwise.

  4. {{{Michelle}}} I know where you’re coming from with this. I haven’t been in much of a stitching mood lately either. I haven’t been able to settle much apart from an hour or so in the evening and none of my long-standing WIPs have been calling to me, so guess what? I started a bunch of new stuff and I’m loving stitching again! 😉 I know I’ll get back to the other stuff at some point and until then, it’s not going anywhere.

    I hope you feel more like yourself soon – Their Song is a fun piece to stitch and I’m sure it will help your mood, stitching and otherwise.

  5. I think we all go through slumps now and then 🙂 I hope yours will be over soon 🙂 Like Karen, when I am not stitching as much as I would like-I change it up by adding in new projects (my WIP’s are so neglected right not-but I am stitching away on other projects and having such fun with them)

  6. I think we all go through slumps now and then 🙂 I hope yours will be over soon 🙂 Like Karen, when I am not stitching as much as I would like-I change it up by adding in new projects (my WIP’s are so neglected right not-but I am stitching away on other projects and having such fun with them)

  7. Remember WIP’s are not supposed to make us feel guilty. If they do, then put them somewhere you can’t see them and definitely stitch on something that makes you feel good.

    We all get in stitching slumps occasionally. I hope you feel better soon! {{{Hugs}}}

    Your Kimono blocks are truly spectacular!!!

  8. Remember WIP’s are not supposed to make us feel guilty. If they do, then put them somewhere you can’t see them and definitely stitch on something that makes you feel good.

    We all get in stitching slumps occasionally. I hope you feel better soon! {{{Hugs}}}

    Your Kimono blocks are truly spectacular!!!

  9. I would think all stitchers go through the same thing Michelle. I know I have done before and you think you’ll never come out of it. I think a new start is a good idea to things back on track and yours is a lovely one. Looking forward to seeing more of it.

  10. I would think all stitchers go through the same thing Michelle. I know I have done before and you think you’ll never come out of it. I think a new start is a good idea to things back on track and yours is a lovely one. Looking forward to seeing more of it.

  11. Anna van Schurman

    Starting something new always gets me out of the doldrums. You’ll soon note, two new starts! 😉

  12. Anna van Schurman

    Starting something new always gets me out of the doldrums. You’ll soon note, two new starts! 😉

  13. This is supposed to be a fun hobby – if you’re not enjoying it, there’s no point in being miserable about it. If your new project makes you happy, I say go for it, and hide the others until you’re more inspired.

  14. This is supposed to be a fun hobby – if you’re not enjoying it, there’s no point in being miserable about it. If your new project makes you happy, I say go for it, and hide the others until you’re more inspired.

  15. I have to agree with everyone, stitching is supposed to be fun and not a chore. If a new start is what you need then start as many as it takes:)

    Glad you are feeling better.

  16. I have to agree with everyone, stitching is supposed to be fun and not a chore. If a new start is what you need then start as many as it takes:)

    Glad you are feeling better.

  17. I’ve done the same thing Michelle .. and yes starting something new does help .. our wips all wait patiently don’t they *smile*

    Hope you get back in sync soon .. I hate that feeling too .. kinda like a blue funk, you can’t pinpoint the problem .. you just don’t feel 100% yourself .. go with it .. it’ll leave you soon!

  18. I’ve done the same thing Michelle .. and yes starting something new does help .. our wips all wait patiently don’t they *smile*

    Hope you get back in sync soon .. I hate that feeling too .. kinda like a blue funk, you can’t pinpoint the problem .. you just don’t feel 100% yourself .. go with it .. it’ll leave you soon!

  19. Hope your new start did the trick? It looks like a fun stitch. I love you kimono blocks too 🙂 Hope you feel better soon 🙂

  20. Hope your new start did the trick? It looks like a fun stitch. I love you kimono blocks too 🙂 Hope you feel better soon 🙂

  21. Oh Dear! I understand completely the doldrums….I think that with age, I find that it just a part of human nature to get down…and I think that women or more prone to it than normal…It’s probably hormones…and if not, let’s just blame ’em anyway 😉
    You’re a super positive person with much talent and reserves…you’ll come through ship shape, I’m sure!
    Your Kimonos and New start look super! Keep your chin up, this too shall pass 🙂
    BIG {{hugs}}

  22. Oh Dear! I understand completely the doldrums….I think that with age, I find that it just a part of human nature to get down…and I think that women or more prone to it than normal…It’s probably hormones…and if not, let’s just blame ’em anyway 😉
    You’re a super positive person with much talent and reserves…you’ll come through ship shape, I’m sure!
    Your Kimonos and New start look super! Keep your chin up, this too shall pass 🙂
    BIG {{hugs}}

  23. I know how you feel. I think it is that I am overwhelmed by all the stash I have and knowing I can’t even make a dent in it. I don’t want to think I’ve wasted money and yet I can’t stop buying new stuff.

  24. I know how you feel. I think it is that I am overwhelmed by all the stash I have and knowing I can’t even make a dent in it. I don’t want to think I’ve wasted money and yet I can’t stop buying new stuff.

  25. I have to agree with everyone, stitching is supposed to be fun. Don’t feel guilty if a new start is what you need. If it took me so long to finish my Celtiv Banner it is because I had a lot of WIP at the same time. No matter how long it takes to finish a piece if you have fun 🙂


  26. I have to agree with everyone, stitching is supposed to be fun. Don’t feel guilty if a new start is what you need. If it took me so long to finish my Celtiv Banner it is because I had a lot of WIP at the same time. No matter how long it takes to finish a piece if you have fun 🙂


  27. Michelle,

    I’m a migraine sufferer as well and I find once you get over a bout… you have absolutely no get up and go.. I often feel like I’ve just been hit by a truck for several days. Perhaps its a migraine hangover.

    You’ll find your stitching mojo… don’t force it or you’ll hate it.

    Your Kimono is awesome!

  28. Michelle,

    I’m a migraine sufferer as well and I find once you get over a bout… you have absolutely no get up and go.. I often feel like I’ve just been hit by a truck for several days. Perhaps its a migraine hangover.

    You’ll find your stitching mojo… don’t force it or you’ll hate it.

    Your Kimono is awesome!

  29. I’m glad that Eric encouraged you to start something new so that you can get a little bit of your stitching passion back again. I’ve been very tired lately and not done much stitching myself, so I think that I can relate to how you are feeling. Just take care of yourself and give your body what it needs. The energy will come back. 🙂

  30. I’m glad that Eric encouraged you to start something new so that you can get a little bit of your stitching passion back again. I’ve been very tired lately and not done much stitching myself, so I think that I can relate to how you are feeling. Just take care of yourself and give your body what it needs. The energy will come back. 🙂

  31. Good Choice [with the Blackbird project] to get out of the slump

    It is an awesome design!

    Hang in there — we all go thru slumps.

  32. Good Choice [with the Blackbird project] to get out of the slump

    It is an awesome design!

    Hang in there — we all go thru slumps.

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