Kiss Kiss Bang Bang

Oh don’t you just love those colors?  I die every time I look at them.  I’ve been talking so much stitching lately (well, relatively speaking), that I thought it was time for a little quilting talk.  And I was completely inspired over the weekend to get out my fabric and get to sewing after visiting two new to me quilt shops.  Everywhere I turned there was inspiration.  But my fabric stash above was a purchase from a couple of months ago.  I decided to use a part of my bonus from work to buy fabrics for a quilt I want to make.  The fabrics are all Tula Pink from her Parisville line.  Aren’t they gorgeous?  Don’t the colors just remind you of macarons?  I. am. in. love.

And you may recall that I’ve been carrying around some Parisville with me for a while now in the form of some beautiful project bags (here, here, and here).  Plus, I made those fun hexagon pincushions with her more recent line Prince Charming.  (I am clearly an addict!)

But I found the perfect quilt that I wanted to make with my treasured fabric…

Kiss Kiss

Kiss Kiss also by Tula.  I wanted a pattern to showcase those Marie Antoinette silhouettes, and I love the big Xs that make up the pattern.  I’m so excited to get started.  I have one thing I need to finish first – my Kate Spain Christmas quilt.  But then?  Kiss Kiss.

And Tula’s also just come out with two new lines.  The weekend of my Epic Stitching Get Together, we all piled in cars and headed over to a local quilt shop where I managed to score some fat quarters of Nightshade.

I can’t wait to sew with this.  It’s equally beautiful in person, but so different.  I wish I’d found some of the main cameo fabric, but I’m sure I’ll be getting more of this in the future.  But I’m so excited to cut some fabric and do some sewing!!!

And I’ve been thinking I needed to take some more photos of our boys.  Can you believe we’ve had these guys a month?  This photo is from when they got their new collars.  They are so much bigger now, and look so different!

New collars

But taking photos of two black kittens is proving to be almost impossible.  Most of my photos end up looking like this…

Or this…

But finally, after many many many attempts, I finally got a few good ones.  This is Ramses.

With his pretty green eyes.

And this is Thutmose, with his gold eyes and little white spot.

I can’t believe the difference a month makes.

They’ve pretty much lost all their kitten fuzz, and they are growing like weeds!

Anyway, hope you are all managing to stay cool and work on whatever crafty thing makes your heart sing.  I’m stitching along on Isabella and on ATS, but I’m hoping there’s some quilting gonna happen soon!

I am grateful for lots of inspiration, and two little black bundles of joy.

42 thoughts on “Kiss Kiss Bang Bang”

  1. Laurie in Iowa

    Those fabrics are beautiful and the colors would cheer up anybody. I do love the new Nightshade line too. Can’t wait to see your quilt top come to life.
    The kittens are such handsome boys!

  2. Laurie in Iowa

    Those fabrics are beautiful and the colors would cheer up anybody. I do love the new Nightshade line too. Can’t wait to see your quilt top come to life.
    The kittens are such handsome boys!

  3. I love those fabrics – I’ve been admiring them since I first saw you post a picture of your project bags, and then I got to admire them in person! I can’t wait to see what you sew with them!!

    Your kitties are adorable!

  4. I love those fabrics – I’ve been admiring them since I first saw you post a picture of your project bags, and then I got to admire them in person! I can’t wait to see what you sew with them!!

    Your kitties are adorable!

  5. Oh you’re making me drool over those fabrics. So yummy! I love the colors. I’ve loved Tula Pink ever since I first discovered her.

    And those kittens!! Oh my — they are sooooo cute! Love green eyes. lol! Love how Thutmose has a little white spot too!

  6. Oh you’re making me drool over those fabrics. So yummy! I love the colors. I’ve loved Tula Pink ever since I first discovered her.

    And those kittens!! Oh my — they are sooooo cute! Love green eyes. lol! Love how Thutmose has a little white spot too!

  7. I may have augmented my Nightshade FQs with an order this week from….. no notion what I’m going to do with them, though!!

    The kitties are gorgeous!

  8. I may have augmented my Nightshade FQs with an order this week from….. no notion what I’m going to do with them, though!!

    The kitties are gorgeous!

  9. Love the quilt fabrics, and the kitties are just squeezy-cute. Wish I could touch those ears and feel those cute noses. I bet they are getting into your fabrics left and right and proving to be little ~ahem~ “helpers” with everything.

    Oh, and I love love love the pincushions.

    XXO Ju

  10. Love the quilt fabrics, and the kitties are just squeezy-cute. Wish I could touch those ears and feel those cute noses. I bet they are getting into your fabrics left and right and proving to be little ~ahem~ “helpers” with everything.

    Oh, and I love love love the pincushions.

    XXO Ju

  11. Sweet baby boys!! And I know exactly what it’s like trying to catch a picture of a cat – it’s one task that requires great patience. lol


  12. Sweet baby boys!! And I know exactly what it’s like trying to catch a picture of a cat – it’s one task that requires great patience. lol


  13. Chocolates4Breakfast (TerriBoog)

    Gorgeous fabrics! I can’t wait to see your finished quilt; it’ll be a beauty. I also can’t wait to to your Isabella and ATS progress.
    Your kitties are beautiful and are indeed growing quickly.

  14. Chocolates4Breakfast (TerriBoog)

    Gorgeous fabrics! I can’t wait to see your finished quilt; it’ll be a beauty. I also can’t wait to to your Isabella and ATS progress.
    Your kitties are beautiful and are indeed growing quickly.

  15. Beautiful fabrics, Michelle. Looking forward to seeing your progress on the quilt top.

    Your kitties are gorgeous! They’re so adorable 😀


  16. Beautiful fabrics, Michelle. Looking forward to seeing your progress on the quilt top.

    Your kitties are gorgeous! They’re so adorable 😀


  17. You know I am a fan of Parisville and that quilt is going to be gorgeous!! So fun that you found enough to make it.

    You two sweet boys are just precious. I am just so happy that they have found a good home with you.

  18. You know I am a fan of Parisville and that quilt is going to be gorgeous!! So fun that you found enough to make it.

    You two sweet boys are just precious. I am just so happy that they have found a good home with you.

  19. What sweet little kitties!! They look so handsome in their new collars.

    Your quilting stash–LOVE! I am so envious that you’re able to go to quilt shopS and see all that cool stuff. I’ve never seen any Tula Pink fabrics in person–the LQS has a very limited selection. I can’t wait to see your Christmas quilt finish and your Kiss Kiss quilt!

  20. What sweet little kitties!! They look so handsome in their new collars.

    Your quilting stash–LOVE! I am so envious that you’re able to go to quilt shopS and see all that cool stuff. I’ve never seen any Tula Pink fabrics in person–the LQS has a very limited selection. I can’t wait to see your Christmas quilt finish and your Kiss Kiss quilt!

  21. Lovely new quilting project you have lined up!! The fabrics are very cool!! Love your two sweet boys! Those pictures you finally got are perfect!!

  22. Lovely new quilting project you have lined up!! The fabrics are very cool!! Love your two sweet boys! Those pictures you finally got are perfect!!

  23. Your fur babies are growing up, Michelle! They are beautiful!

    Gorgeous fabrics, too. I look forward to see you using them!

  24. Your fur babies are growing up, Michelle! They are beautiful!

    Gorgeous fabrics, too. I look forward to see you using them!

  25. Your kitties are so sweet!

    Love the fabrics.

    I like how you put what you are grateful for at the end of each of your posts…

  26. Your kitties are so sweet!

    Love the fabrics.

    I like how you put what you are grateful for at the end of each of your posts…

  27. What beautiful fabrics! I could so easily become addicted to collecting fabric. 🙂 Your quilt is going to be gorgeous! Your kittens are so sweet!! I miss that playful kitten stage.

  28. What beautiful fabrics! I could so easily become addicted to collecting fabric. 🙂 Your quilt is going to be gorgeous! Your kittens are so sweet!! I miss that playful kitten stage.

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