Last Day

Today is my last day at work. It’s been a hard month, but I am trying to keep myself positive. To add to everything that’s been going on, I had to take Romeo to the vet yesterday. I am waiting to hear from her about the results of his bloodwork. I’ll let you know what I find out. In the meantime, I’ll tell you about my stitching.

I’ve been focusing on finishing the second day ornament for Eric. I’d really like to have it done before the end of the year, but we’ll see what happens. Excuse the cat hair in the photo.

The mail has also been very kind to me in the past week. First, I had won The Token from Nicki, and she also sent along the most gorgeous fabric. It is Kiwi Illusions “Feijoa”. Just absolutely beautiful, and so unexpected. Thank you, Nicki!

I also received my Silkweaver Fabric of the Month package. It included Cascade and Golden Harvest.

And finally, my best friend gave me the And a Forest Grew chart for Christmas, as well as a gift certificate that I can use for fabric for it. Thank you, Julia! And by the way, Baby Garden arrived safe and sound at her home and she loves it! I appreciate you all sharing that journey with me. Also in this photo is the last of my Leanne’s House Blocks of the Month. Maybe in 2008 I will be able to start on this quilt.

So, today I have to go in to work and sign my paperwork, turn in my security badge, all that good stuff. Then I am off to have my allergy shots and then to the gym. What a fun day, huh? I hope you all had a lovely holiday. Ours was very nice. We are going to celebrate with my parents tomorrow night, so that will be good. Enjoy the weekend and I’ll be back soon with a finish, I hope!

Walk to Rivendell: Camp by a stream, among stunted alder trees. Moon waxing. Frost. Very clear. Can see crumbled ruins on Hills ahead. (Total miles walked: 217.25)

I am grateful for all the changes that are happening in my life.

30 thoughts on “Last Day”

  1. Thinking of you on this difficult day. Something will come up and it will be better than the job you had. Keep your chin up.

    Love all the new stuff. Love Long Dog Designs.

    Happy New Year.

  2. Thinking of you on this difficult day. Something will come up and it will be better than the job you had. Keep your chin up.

    Love all the new stuff. Love Long Dog Designs.

    Happy New Year.

  3. Best of luck on it all, particularly the kitty. My kitty is also at the vet, as we speak for tests, since yesterday, so I know where you’re coming from. A rough month for me also, so that I feel like crawling into a hole (or taking to my bed with a cup of tea and a needlework project, which is exactly what I’m going to do). Good for you for going to the gym in spite of it all!

  4. Best of luck on it all, particularly the kitty. My kitty is also at the vet, as we speak for tests, since yesterday, so I know where you’re coming from. A rough month for me also, so that I feel like crawling into a hole (or taking to my bed with a cup of tea and a needlework project, which is exactly what I’m going to do). Good for you for going to the gym in spite of it all!

  5. Sending you a big hug today! Thinking of you.

    Hope Romeo is feeling better soon.

    What wonderful stash to receive! I have had And a forest grew in my stash ever since Carol finished it – I just wish I had time to get started on it! The Long dog piece is just gorgeous too! And I just love the fabby Nicki sent.

  6. Sending you a big hug today! Thinking of you.

    Hope Romeo is feeling better soon.

    What wonderful stash to receive! I have had And a forest grew in my stash ever since Carol finished it – I just wish I had time to get started on it! The Long dog piece is just gorgeous too! And I just love the fabby Nicki sent.

  7. Michell I have stopped by in awhile, sorry to hear you’ve got a rough day ahead of you!

    Your stitching is beautiful though!

  8. Michell I have stopped by in awhile, sorry to hear you’ve got a rough day ahead of you!

    Your stitching is beautiful though!

  9. All I could keep telling myself during my last 12 months is that “everything is meant for a reason” – there must be something better on the horizon for you, just hang in there and try to keep your chin up in the meantime {{hugs}}. I just wanted to drop by and wish you the very best for the rest of the festive season, and hope that 2008 is a better year, filled with peace, love and happiness, and everything your heart desires 😀 {{hugs}}

  10. All I could keep telling myself during my last 12 months is that “everything is meant for a reason” – there must be something better on the horizon for you, just hang in there and try to keep your chin up in the meantime {{hugs}}. I just wanted to drop by and wish you the very best for the rest of the festive season, and hope that 2008 is a better year, filled with peace, love and happiness, and everything your heart desires 😀 {{hugs}}

  11. Wishing all the best for you, Michelle ~ and for Romeo, too! I love the ornament ~ that bird is beautiful. And such lovely gifts! I always enjoy your little words of gratitude at the end of your posts.

  12. Wishing all the best for you, Michelle ~ and for Romeo, too! I love the ornament ~ that bird is beautiful. And such lovely gifts! I always enjoy your little words of gratitude at the end of your posts.

  13. Hope you are feeling better about your last day. Regarding the cat hair, I thought no project was complete without at least one remaining hair! Here’s hoping 2008 brings you a new start.

  14. Hope you are feeling better about your last day. Regarding the cat hair, I thought no project was complete without at least one remaining hair! Here’s hoping 2008 brings you a new start.

  15. Hope your kitty is doing okay. And my fingers are crossed for wonderful things for you workwise in the New Year. Change is good – but why does it have to be so tough? 🙂

  16. Hope your kitty is doing okay. And my fingers are crossed for wonderful things for you workwise in the New Year. Change is good – but why does it have to be so tough? 🙂

  17. Deborah/LavenderRose

    Best of everything, darling girl. You have some wonderful stash…and more to come, no doubt about it in 2008! I know everything is going to work together for good for you…! love and hugs, Deb

  18. Deborah/LavenderRose

    Best of everything, darling girl. You have some wonderful stash…and more to come, no doubt about it in 2008! I know everything is going to work together for good for you…! love and hugs, Deb

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