
I had a sudden sinking feeling a couple of days ago when I realized that my two-year anniversary is less than three months away, and I have barely put a dent in Tesori. So, in order to finish it in time to give it to Eric, I figured out that I need to stitch two blocks a week. Since this week was almost over by the time I had my revelation, I decided that this week’s task would be to finish the block I’d started a few months ago. Yesterday I finished up the Lazio region block.

Here’s the whole thing, so far. I used the gold metallic this time for the strings on the lyre. It is hard to see in the photos, but previously I outlined the some of the hearts in Veneto, and outlined the anchor in Liguria. I’ve made a small start on the border for my next block. It’s the border mainly that takes so much time to stitch. We’ll see how I do on my two blocks for next week!

Since the Lazio region includes Rome, I thought I would illustrate some of the motifs for this block with photos Eric took on our honeymoon. (We’ll get back to New York photos next time).

This is the She-Wolf of Rome.

Saint Peter’s Basilica.

The Colosseum.

So glad to be making some progress on this. I really hope I can get it finished in time. The blocks are about 60 x 92 stitches, if that gives you any idea. When I get a good amount of uninterrupted time, I seem to make good progress.

Ok, and I promised I would answer some questions in this post from the comments…

Someone mentioned I should read Anne Rice’s books now that I have finished with Dracula. I have read most of Anne Rice’s books, and have met her several times. In fact, she and I had a conversation about Antonio Banderas the last time I met her. LOL! I think Blackwood Farm is the next one I need to read (I’m a little behind).

I have been unable to get back to stitching on my Mermaids of the Deep Blue (sorry, Anna!), but I was asked what fabric I am stitching it on. I chose 32ct Ocean Waves Belfast by Stitches and Spice, which is the same fabric Carol used for hers, I think. I hope mine turns out as lovely as hers.

Several people asked about how to make the needleminders and the beaded ruffle that I do. I would love to share the instructions, however, they were provided as part of a kit from Elegant Stitch, so I really can’t. The instructions came with my Essie’s Friends piece “Flower of Courage”. I don’t think you can get the kit anymore. I use metal forms to make my needleminders, and the instructions for using the forms are included in the package. The larger metal forms would be great for pinkeeps or ornaments too – you should check them out.

I think that may be all of the questions, but if I missed any, please feel free to leave another comment. I am still woefully behind on reading blogs, but I am trying to get a few in everyday. Sorry about that! I appreciate all of you that still come to visit me though.

And for a bit of enabling – check out the newest thread packs that Country Cottage Needleworks is offering – you can stitch them all together like this…

I have my book club tonight (gotta go finish that book)!

I am grateful for making progress on Tesori!

36 thoughts on “Lazio”

  1. Wow, I like how you have real pictures of the motifs you’re stitching, how cool! It’s coming along very nicely.

    I’m about to have a fit over that new CCN offering. It’s too perfect for me, in every way possible, but NO NEW STASH for me this year. CRAP! It’s going on the wish list though, thanks for sharing about it!

  2. Wow, I like how you have real pictures of the motifs you’re stitching, how cool! It’s coming along very nicely.

    I’m about to have a fit over that new CCN offering. It’s too perfect for me, in every way possible, but NO NEW STASH for me this year. CRAP! It’s going on the wish list though, thanks for sharing about it!

  3. The Silver Thistle

    Your progress is coming along nicely. Stick at it and you’ll have it done in no time. I’m rooting for you.

    I’ve got Blackwood farm on my ‘to read’ list too. One of these days, lol.

  4. The Silver Thistle

    Your progress is coming along nicely. Stick at it and you’ll have it done in no time. I’m rooting for you.

    I’ve got Blackwood farm on my ‘to read’ list too. One of these days, lol.

  5. Your Italian sampler looks gorgeous! I hope you can meet your goal. I sure understand the significance of wanting to finish something special for your DH, so I will help to cheer you on 🙂 I wish I had better news about the RR for you, but I will keep trying to get info.

  6. Your Italian sampler looks gorgeous! I hope you can meet your goal. I sure understand the significance of wanting to finish something special for your DH, so I will help to cheer you on 🙂 I wish I had better news about the RR for you, but I will keep trying to get info.

  7. Deborah/LavenderRose

    It was me, Michelle, who mentioned your reading Anne Rice and her “witches” series as well as the vampires! LOL
    Now you have me absolutely jumping wondering how and when you met Anne, and what the Banderas conversation was, too!! Please post us lots of details!!!! Hugs, Deb

  8. Deborah/LavenderRose

    It was me, Michelle, who mentioned your reading Anne Rice and her “witches” series as well as the vampires! LOL
    Now you have me absolutely jumping wondering how and when you met Anne, and what the Banderas conversation was, too!! Please post us lots of details!!!! Hugs, Deb

  9. Lazio looks great! I like the gold on the lyre. Congrats. I sure you can get it done by your anniversary!

    I have seen the new CCN and that is definitely on my list!

  10. Lazio looks great! I like the gold on the lyre. Congrats. I sure you can get it done by your anniversary!

    I have seen the new CCN and that is definitely on my list!

  11. Oh I love Anne Rice .. how wonderful that you’ve actually met her and talked with her .. like a few of the other ladies here .. I would love to hear about your conversations. My bf Lisa loves her books too .. she’s read more of them than I have .. I think I’m two books left before I’m done with the Vamp series .. next witches 🙂

    Your anniversary piece is lovely! Good Luck on getting it finished 🙂

  12. Oh I love Anne Rice .. how wonderful that you’ve actually met her and talked with her .. like a few of the other ladies here .. I would love to hear about your conversations. My bf Lisa loves her books too .. she’s read more of them than I have .. I think I’m two books left before I’m done with the Vamp series .. next witches 🙂

    Your anniversary piece is lovely! Good Luck on getting it finished 🙂

  13. Glad to see his one’re making great progress!
    The new series by CCN is lovely! I’ve already signed for an autoship program for it 😛

  14. Glad to see his one’re making great progress!
    The new series by CCN is lovely! I’ve already signed for an autoship program for it 😛

  15. The Tesori piece is so interesting and I love the pictures you posted to go along with it. Those sound like big blocks and a lot to get accomplished!

  16. The Tesori piece is so interesting and I love the pictures you posted to go along with it. Those sound like big blocks and a lot to get accomplished!

  17. The Tesori piece looks great! Did you really meet Anne Rice and talk about Antonio Banderas or were you just kidding? Because if you really did, you need to give us the info in your next post!:)
    Have you read The Witching Hour yet? That book freaked me out!

  18. The Tesori piece looks great! Did you really meet Anne Rice and talk about Antonio Banderas or were you just kidding? Because if you really did, you need to give us the info in your next post!:)
    Have you read The Witching Hour yet? That book freaked me out!

  19. I am confident that you will finish Tesori on time. Your progress is quite remarkable and I am sure you can finish on time. Thanks for the Rome photos and Antonio Banderas – please share

  20. I am confident that you will finish Tesori on time. Your progress is quite remarkable and I am sure you can finish on time. Thanks for the Rome photos and Antonio Banderas – please share

  21. Your Tesori is splendid ~ nothing like a deadline to motivate and get those needles flying! Nice Rome photos, too.

  22. Your Tesori is splendid ~ nothing like a deadline to motivate and get those needles flying! Nice Rome photos, too.

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