Less Talkie, More Stitchie

Jenny Bean Ltd Edition Threads

Tuesday night was guild night, and as is always the case I do way more talking than I do stitching. And we had a fabulous presentation on Tennessee Samplers. So, not a lot of progress on my new start. But, you can see above the gorgeousness of the threads and fabric that arrived at my doorstep shortly after Market. How could I possibly resist the lure of a new start…a Halloween start.

Jenny Bean 2 100709

You may have already guessed that Jenny Bean’s Halloween Sampler was my pick for an October project. The fabric and limited edition thread pack arrived with the pattern and I was all set to pick this up and start on Sunday, right after my Angel of Tulips finish on Saturday night. I’m stitching this on the recommended 40ct Vintage Pearled Barley. I love love love Lakeside linen and this color is no exception. The threads look beautiful on it. And of course, I love the thread names too: Nightmare, Zombie Flesh, Sarcophagus, Coffin Lid, Parched Bones, Witch’s Wart, Dried Blood and so on. The threads are GAST, by the way. Stitching with one strand, even though the coverage of the Nightmare (black) is killing me. I’m trying to love it. But I do love this design, so I am very happy with my choice of starting something new.

And speaking of something new, I’ve started a new book. But first, many of you asked me to review my “book challenge” books that I’d listed. I mentioned that I was currently reading this…

The Vampire Diaries by L.J. Smith

As you can see, this edition is actually the first two books in the series. I’d already finished The Awakening and was about halfway through book two, The Struggle. I finished that up Tuesday night, so I thought I’d better let you all know what I thought.

As you probably already know, these books have been made into a series that premiered a couple of weeks ago on the CW. I’ve been watching the series while also reading the first two books. Love the series. As for the books, I had a hard time at first getting into the first book. But, then I fell into it and book one ends with a bit of a cliffhanger ending, so I breezed right on into book 2. The more I read, the more I enjoyed them. The only problem I had with the books is that because I was reading at the same time as watching the show, and because the show does differ from the books, I did start to get a bit confused with whether something happened in the book or not. But, aside from my own ability to be easily confunded, the first two books in the series are well-worth the read, if you like this genre. And although book 2 also ended on rather a cliffhanger, I did resist starting book 3. I picked up The Lovely Bones last night, because I’d promised myself that would be the next book I read. And so far, I cannot put it down. So I will probably have a review of that one fairly soon.

That’s it for me today, it’s raining here but not as cool as it had been the past few days. I’m hoping to have some curled up on the couch stitching time this weekend.

If you’d like to take a look at the last of my Miami photos, you can see them over on the other blog.

I am grateful for my friends.

46 thoughts on “Less Talkie, More Stitchie”

  1. I love Jenny Bean but I object strongly to the limited edition thread pack. The color names are awesome though.

    I read The Lovely Bones a few years ago – loved that book.

  2. I love Jenny Bean but I object strongly to the limited edition thread pack. The color names are awesome though.

    I read The Lovely Bones a few years ago – loved that book.

  3. Gorgeous thread colors! Jenny Bean’s Halloween sampler is one of my favorite new releases. I’m looking forward to seeing the Christmas sampler too.

  4. Gorgeous thread colors! Jenny Bean’s Halloween sampler is one of my favorite new releases. I’m looking forward to seeing the Christmas sampler too.

  5. That will be a wonderful sampler–and I love your photos–the threads and colors show up so well–perfect lighting.

  6. That will be a wonderful sampler–and I love your photos–the threads and colors show up so well–perfect lighting.

  7. Hi Michelle,

    I read this series many years
    ago and enjoyed it. When the
    new book in this series came
    out (this year??) I got it and
    read it as well. When I heard
    about it being made into a TV
    series I knew that the story
    and characters would be changed
    out of any resemblance to the
    book and decided that I wasn’t
    inclined to watch it.

    I also read the Lovely Bones
    the year it came out and it
    was very good. I’m eager and
    curious to see what Peter
    Jackson’s movie will make of
    it. Since he did so well by
    the Lord of the Rings books
    I have high hopes for this

    I really, really love all the
    finishing that you did. Every-
    thing looks amazing. I’m so


  8. Hi Michelle,

    I read this series many years
    ago and enjoyed it. When the
    new book in this series came
    out (this year??) I got it and
    read it as well. When I heard
    about it being made into a TV
    series I knew that the story
    and characters would be changed
    out of any resemblance to the
    book and decided that I wasn’t
    inclined to watch it.

    I also read the Lovely Bones
    the year it came out and it
    was very good. I’m eager and
    curious to see what Peter
    Jackson’s movie will make of
    it. Since he did so well by
    the Lord of the Rings books
    I have high hopes for this

    I really, really love all the
    finishing that you did. Every-
    thing looks amazing. I’m so


  9. Oh Michelle, I love your October start . I have been resisting this one but you may have enabled me. Looking forward to seeing more.

  10. Oh Michelle, I love your October start . I have been resisting this one but you may have enabled me. Looking forward to seeing more.

  11. Oh gosh, I love this Jenny Bean sampler. I may have to break down. The fibers are just great on linen. Thanks for the enabling :~)

  12. Oh gosh, I love this Jenny Bean sampler. I may have to break down. The fibers are just great on linen. Thanks for the enabling :~)

  13. I’ve not seen that piece—I’ll have see if I can google it! LOVE the thread names also. I have to have them, lol.

  14. I’ve not seen that piece—I’ll have see if I can google it! LOVE the thread names also. I have to have them, lol.

  15. I first read the Vampire Diaries when they came out years ago(and I still have the books). I have decided that anytime they make a book into a movie/show, I will assume that it will be really different and take it at face value.

    I love those GAST thread names–cool!

    And, finally, thanks for stopping by my blog the other day. So are you giving 100% on your workouts?

  16. I first read the Vampire Diaries when they came out years ago(and I still have the books). I have decided that anytime they make a book into a movie/show, I will assume that it will be really different and take it at face value.

    I love those GAST thread names–cool!

    And, finally, thanks for stopping by my blog the other day. So are you giving 100% on your workouts?

  17. Hey there…the black looks great!! You just really have to get used to the threadbare look. 🙂 Besides, in the past it was cheaper to stitch with one strand. Come to think of it…these days stitching with two strands is a luxury!


  18. Hey there…the black looks great!! You just really have to get used to the threadbare look. 🙂 Besides, in the past it was cheaper to stitch with one strand. Come to think of it…these days stitching with two strands is a luxury!


  19. I love your new start! I can’t wait to get started on mine, which hopefully will be this month. It is such a cute sampler.

  20. I love your new start! I can’t wait to get started on mine, which hopefully will be this month. It is such a cute sampler.

  21. I would have love to have been at your guild meeting to hear about TN samplers since I’m a Tennessee girl.

    Great start on Jenny Bean!

  22. I would have love to have been at your guild meeting to hear about TN samplers since I’m a Tennessee girl.

    Great start on Jenny Bean!

  23. What a beautiful start, Michelle! Reading the names of those GAST threads is almost as much fun as drooling over the colours :o)

  24. What a beautiful start, Michelle! Reading the names of those GAST threads is almost as much fun as drooling over the colours :o)

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