Let it Snow

Yesterday it snowed. It is just so weird to see snow here, and twice in one week even! It snowed on Monday night when I was on my way home from class. It didn’t stick, but you can see it was starting to stick yesterday. It was a good day to be in the house. Our internet and tv were down most of Wednesday night and until about 1 o’clock yesterday afternoon. I took advantage of the time I was “unplugged” to work on a few things. I’ve had some things on my to-do list forever, just little things that needed to be fixed or finished, that I never quite seemed to get around to.

First, I did a little organizing of my stash. In my great scanning project, I had emptied out an expandable file folder, so I decided to put my ornament charts in it, so that I have them all in one place. Since I plan to do some ornament stitching this year, I thought it would be a good idea. After that I got started on looking for the fabric I used to back my Watercolor Log Cabin quilt. I had originally made hangers for the back of the quilt for the dowel rod I am using to hang it. Well, the hangers were in too far from the corners, so when hung, the corners drooped. This has bothered me for years, but I’ve never done anything about it. So, finally I sat down and moved the hangers farther out towards the corners. Problem solved. Well, then the middle sagged. So, I found my fabric and made two little sleeves to go in the middle of the quilt. I hand-sewed them on, and voila! Perfection! No more saggy/droopy quilt. Mark one thing off the list!

Next, I pulled out my Primitive Tree wallhanging. I never even bothered to stain and finish the hanger for this at Christmas because I was so unhappy with the way the piece itself had come out. This was the first thing I sewed on my new machine, and since I was getting used to all the bells and whistles, it came out kinda wonky. So, I pulled the whole thing apart with my handy seam ripper and then got to work putting it back together. Some of my seams were uneven, and my two little tabs at the top had come out uneven, so it hung crooked. I fixed all the seams and the tabs as best I could, and I am much happier with it now. So, then I went to look for my wooden dowel that I had had Eric cut for me, and my little end caps, so that I could go out and stain them. Well, they are nowhere to be found. I’ve looked everywhere I can think of, but they have disappeared. All I can find is the rest of the dowel rod and end caps that are too small. Most likely because I put them in a “safe place”. So, I’ll have a new dowel rod cut by my sweet husband, and get some new endcaps. Then this piece can also be crossed off my list!

I feel really good about what I got accomplished. Even though neither thing was really what I should have been working on, they were both things I’d sort of dreaded doing. And now they’re finished! Yay!

I didn’t stitch on my mermaids on Wednesday, because I really didn’t want to work on a big piece. So, I started an ornament instead. I’m stitching Mele Kalikimaka by Monsterbubbles from the 2004 JCS Ornament Issue. I’ve liked this one since it came out and had actually purchased a kit for it from Village Mountain Stitchery. I don’t know if they are doing kits anymore, but I’m glad I got this one. It’s Silk n Colors on 32ct over one. I stitched the little stockings with one minor error, but I found a new trick. When I had to frog out some of my red stitches, it left a little fuzz behind, so I took a piece of tape and got rid of the fuzz. I didn’t go over any of my stitches, but just over the red fuzz on the fabric. Worked like a charm! I started stitching on my palm trees and I am happy with the one on the right, but not so happy with the variegated thread on the left tree. I will probably pull that one back out. It’s a fun little stitch though. Here’s what it will look like when finished (let’s hope!).

I was motivated enough to stitch on Katrina’s RR again last night, so it is coming along. I have a week before it needs to go back out the door, so I’d better get on it! Then I can go back to stitching on Carol’s. I think I’ve already picked out what I want to stitch on hers.

Oh, and Monique asked where I keep my little basket of smalls that I showed you in my last post. I keep it on the corner of my craft table next to my little sheep (with his March blanket). It inspires me to finish things while I’m working at my table. You might notice in the photo of my sewing machine in the last post, you can see my little basket in the background.

That’s about all that’s going on with me today. Hope you all have a great weekend!

I am grateful for Deb and her generosity and thoughtfulness!

42 thoughts on “Let it Snow”

  1. You always just buzz through your list and make everything seem effortless! I love all that you’ve done her and your re-do on your primitive tree looks great! I use tape too to get fuzzies off! Nice trick 😉
    It’s snowing gangbusters here…we’re supposed to get upwards of 9 inches….ah….spring!

  2. You always just buzz through your list and make everything seem effortless! I love all that you’ve done her and your re-do on your primitive tree looks great! I use tape too to get fuzzies off! Nice trick 😉
    It’s snowing gangbusters here…we’re supposed to get upwards of 9 inches….ah….spring!

  3. Sounds likes you achieved lots of things:) Your primitive tree looks lovely the way you’ve finished and I love your start on the Monsterbubbles ornament.

    Please send some of that lovely snow across the pond!

  4. Sounds likes you achieved lots of things:) Your primitive tree looks lovely the way you’ve finished and I love your start on the Monsterbubbles ornament.

    Please send some of that lovely snow across the pond!

  5. It always feels good when you finish something that you’ve been putting off for a while, doesn’t it? I hope that you and Eric have a great weekend!

  6. It always feels good when you finish something that you’ve been putting off for a while, doesn’t it? I hope that you and Eric have a great weekend!

  7. Snow – wow that is just too cruel. winter is supposed to be on it’s way out. But, you did get some lovely finishes done. And your new start is very nice too.

  8. Snow – wow that is just too cruel. winter is supposed to be on it’s way out. But, you did get some lovely finishes done. And your new start is very nice too.

  9. It feels so good to get dreaded projects out of the way. Congrats!

    No snow here. We’re been alternated between AC and heat for a few days.

  10. It feels so good to get dreaded projects out of the way. Congrats!

    No snow here. We’re been alternated between AC and heat for a few days.

  11. Yay! Doesn’t it feel good to get those projects done?! I should follow your lead and do a few around here 🙂

    Thanks for the basket answer… I have an idea about where I’d like one.

  12. Yay! Doesn’t it feel good to get those projects done?! I should follow your lead and do a few around here 🙂

    Thanks for the basket answer… I have an idea about where I’d like one.

  13. Your work is gorgeous! And wow, how strange for you to have snow. I hope everyone was able to get around safely – it surely must be foreign to folks in your area to know how to drive in snow.

  14. Your work is gorgeous! And wow, how strange for you to have snow. I hope everyone was able to get around safely – it surely must be foreign to folks in your area to know how to drive in snow.

  15. Oh the dreaded frog fuzz! Nice trick, tape. You made great progress during your ‘unplugged’ session. I definitely need more of those!

  16. Oh the dreaded frog fuzz! Nice trick, tape. You made great progress during your ‘unplugged’ session. I definitely need more of those!

  17. Whew, just reading about all you did made me woozy! You did an awesome job on finishing these projects – or should I say re-finising?
    I love that Monsterbubbles ornie too. Can’t wait to see yours finished!

  18. Whew, just reading about all you did made me woozy! You did an awesome job on finishing these projects – or should I say re-finising?
    I love that Monsterbubbles ornie too. Can’t wait to see yours finished!

  19. Michelle

    I’d love you to join me in my JN Sundays. I did start in a Sunday SAL with Lady Scarlett, but that group fell away too. So I just decided to go it alone with JN Sundays, as I have about 70 JN charts, there’s plenty to keep me going.


  20. Michelle

    I’d love you to join me in my JN Sundays. I did start in a Sunday SAL with Lady Scarlett, but that group fell away too. So I just decided to go it alone with JN Sundays, as I have about 70 JN charts, there’s plenty to keep me going.


  21. Hi Michelle,

    I’m having a frustrating day trying to upload pictures to my blog, and getting nowhere with it, so I decided to visit with you for awhile instead.

    I’d heard that some parts of Texas had gotten a fair amount of snow this week, so I was interested to see the pictures of the snowfall that you received.

    Not to brag, because really I’m groaning, but we got clobbered this week. A snow storm hit us Tuesday (I think it was) and dumped some snow, and then from Friday night to Saturday night we got really dumped on again. If blogger allows me to, I’ll post the pictures that I took of the piles of snow. I guess an early Spring is not going to be in the cards for us this year.

    I don’t know what your primitive wall hanging looked like before you took it apart, but it certainly looks amazing now, at least to me. The fabric colour really compliments the colours in the piece.

    I’ve been reading through your posts and seeing your progress on your wedding quilt, and it is truly gorgeous!!! I love the colour, and the fabrics that you’ve chosen to make it with. And what a wonderful idea to have everyone sign quilt squares instead of a guest book. Our guest book is in a box somewhere downstairs. Where will you hang this quilt when it’s done??

    I love the little basket of smalls that you’ve got on your sewing table. I especially love the one that says “Meow spoken here”. Is that a Lizzie Kate pattern???

    Have a great week Michelle

  22. Hi Michelle,

    I’m having a frustrating day trying to upload pictures to my blog, and getting nowhere with it, so I decided to visit with you for awhile instead.

    I’d heard that some parts of Texas had gotten a fair amount of snow this week, so I was interested to see the pictures of the snowfall that you received.

    Not to brag, because really I’m groaning, but we got clobbered this week. A snow storm hit us Tuesday (I think it was) and dumped some snow, and then from Friday night to Saturday night we got really dumped on again. If blogger allows me to, I’ll post the pictures that I took of the piles of snow. I guess an early Spring is not going to be in the cards for us this year.

    I don’t know what your primitive wall hanging looked like before you took it apart, but it certainly looks amazing now, at least to me. The fabric colour really compliments the colours in the piece.

    I’ve been reading through your posts and seeing your progress on your wedding quilt, and it is truly gorgeous!!! I love the colour, and the fabrics that you’ve chosen to make it with. And what a wonderful idea to have everyone sign quilt squares instead of a guest book. Our guest book is in a box somewhere downstairs. Where will you hang this quilt when it’s done??

    I love the little basket of smalls that you’ve got on your sewing table. I especially love the one that says “Meow spoken here”. Is that a Lizzie Kate pattern???

    Have a great week Michelle

  23. That is really nice finishing your your primitive tree wallhanging. And the Monsterbubbles ornament looks like it will be a fun stitch.
    We had snow this last week also, which was rare for us.

  24. That is really nice finishing your your primitive tree wallhanging. And the Monsterbubbles ornament looks like it will be a fun stitch.
    We had snow this last week also, which was rare for us.

  25. Congratulations on getting a couple of those awkward jobs out of the way. It’s always a great feeling, isn’t it? 🙂 Both projects look great!

  26. Congratulations on getting a couple of those awkward jobs out of the way. It’s always a great feeling, isn’t it? 🙂 Both projects look great!

  27. wow, how cool you got some things finished 🙂 I soo need a day like that .. seems like when I have some time I tend to stay on the computer too much! lol

    Hope you enjoyed the snow 🙂

  28. wow, how cool you got some things finished 🙂 I soo need a day like that .. seems like when I have some time I tend to stay on the computer too much! lol

    Hope you enjoyed the snow 🙂

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