
I’ve had this done for several days now, but am just now getting around to posting a photo. I finished my second block on Tesori d’Italia. This is for the Liguria region. The motifs this time are for the sea, musical notes for the San Remo Music Festival, flowers for the Riviera dei Fiori, olives, and the Bigo in the port of Genoa.

I am still loving the color scheme, although I think I hate the DMC metallic I am using. It seems to be so much harder to work with than Kreinik or the Rainbow Gallery Treasure Braid. This stuff just unwinds and snarls. But, the anchor got a little gold outline anyway.

The next region for me is Lazio, which I am looking forward to, because it includes Rome.

After my last post, Jenn asked for photos from the Star Wars exhibit. Although they did allow photos, it would have been impossible to get them. Everything was behind plexiglass, and the lighting was quite dim. Although Eric is phenomenal when it comes to taking photos of things behind glass in dim lighting, when there are a million child-size handprints on the plexi, it becomes impossible. So, alas, no photos from us. But, it looks like has a few.

I’ll leave you with Han Solo though…be still my heart.

Walk to Rivendell: Farmer Maggot’s lane meets the Causeway to Buckleberry Ferry. Ride in wagon. (Total miles walked: 69.25)

I am grateful for recommitting.

28 thoughts on “Liguria”

  1. Well done on finishing another block! It’s looking great.
    I hate DMC metallics as well, ergh, i find them so hard to work with. I much prefer Kreinik but it’s so pricey over here

  2. Well done on finishing another block! It’s looking great.
    I hate DMC metallics as well, ergh, i find them so hard to work with. I much prefer Kreinik but it’s so pricey over here

  3. We went to the LOTR exhibit in Boston a few years ago and they didn’t let you take pictures but, even if they did you wouldn’t have been able to just to many people. So I know what you mean.

    Your block looks great.

  4. We went to the LOTR exhibit in Boston a few years ago and they didn’t let you take pictures but, even if they did you wouldn’t have been able to just to many people. So I know what you mean.

    Your block looks great.

  5. Lovely stitching! And I’ve enjoyed looking over your posts of the past few days. 🙂

    Also wanted to let you know the chart arrived, and that I posted one to you before we left for Belgium last week. 😉

  6. Lovely stitching! And I’ve enjoyed looking over your posts of the past few days. 🙂

    Also wanted to let you know the chart arrived, and that I posted one to you before we left for Belgium last week. 😉

  7. Oh, I love Star Wars. That is so cool you went to the exhibit. And Han Solo is just dreamy. Your cross stitch piece is really pretty. Ann.

  8. Oh, I love Star Wars. That is so cool you went to the exhibit. And Han Solo is just dreamy. Your cross stitch piece is really pretty. Ann.

  9. Hello Michelle,

    I was reading your post about the route your secondary education took, and kept thinking … “Man, that must have been fascinating…Wow, bet that was incredibly interesting…Boy I’d like to learn more about that!” Etc.

    I love all that stuff too, but know very little about it, I’m afraid. I try and collect books on art and just browse through them. I love the old masters. I’m not one for modern art.

    The block for the Liguria region of your Tesori is very pretty. So much detail on this. I know what you mean about DMC metallic. It’s a royal pain in the …! I wasn’t much impressed with the Kreinik either when I tried it. The Treasure Braid was recommended to me by another stitcher, and I will try that whenever I need to use a metallic thread again.

    Glad to hear that you’re feeling better in yourself, and the allergies and headaches have eased up. Such a lot of misery piled on you at once. Poor Michelle.

    Did I wish you a Happy Birthday Michelle??? If not please consider it done now. You’ve gotten some lovely things from all your friends, and of course from Eric too. Those roses are spectacular.
    Yummy stitchy goodness too! And one of Carol’s fobs!!! Bliss!

    I’m looking forward to traveling through the alphabet with you Michelle. It sounds as though you have a very rich life.

    Peace. Love Judy

  10. Hello Michelle,

    I was reading your post about the route your secondary education took, and kept thinking … “Man, that must have been fascinating…Wow, bet that was incredibly interesting…Boy I’d like to learn more about that!” Etc.

    I love all that stuff too, but know very little about it, I’m afraid. I try and collect books on art and just browse through them. I love the old masters. I’m not one for modern art.

    The block for the Liguria region of your Tesori is very pretty. So much detail on this. I know what you mean about DMC metallic. It’s a royal pain in the …! I wasn’t much impressed with the Kreinik either when I tried it. The Treasure Braid was recommended to me by another stitcher, and I will try that whenever I need to use a metallic thread again.

    Glad to hear that you’re feeling better in yourself, and the allergies and headaches have eased up. Such a lot of misery piled on you at once. Poor Michelle.

    Did I wish you a Happy Birthday Michelle??? If not please consider it done now. You’ve gotten some lovely things from all your friends, and of course from Eric too. Those roses are spectacular.
    Yummy stitchy goodness too! And one of Carol’s fobs!!! Bliss!

    I’m looking forward to traveling through the alphabet with you Michelle. It sounds as though you have a very rich life.

    Peace. Love Judy

  11. I love your Tesori progress, Michelle. I put gold around the anchor in Liguria too. LOL I also hate the metallic but since I started using it, there is no turning back. Every region will have some of the dreaded metallic and every time I look at Tesori once it is finally framed and hanging, I will remember every curse I swore when using the blasted stuff. LOL

  12. I love your Tesori progress, Michelle. I put gold around the anchor in Liguria too. LOL I also hate the metallic but since I started using it, there is no turning back. Every region will have some of the dreaded metallic and every time I look at Tesori once it is finally framed and hanging, I will remember every curse I swore when using the blasted stuff. LOL

  13. Looks like you celebrated a birthday this week – Happy Birthday!

    Congrats on your Liguria block finish – that’s going to be a lovely piece once all the blocks are finished.

    Have a great weekend!

  14. Looks like you celebrated a birthday this week – Happy Birthday!

    Congrats on your Liguria block finish – that’s going to be a lovely piece once all the blocks are finished.

    Have a great weekend!

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