Little by Little

Knitting with Kim

For months now, my friend Kim has been working on getting me back into knitting. I knew it had been long enough that I was going to have to relearn from scratch. On Saturday, Kim and I got together for Knitting Lesson #1. She brought me all the goodies I would need, minus a tape measure. Luckily, look what I had lurking in my basket at home…

Lantern Moon Black Sheep

Lantern Moon Black Sheep tape measure. It doesn’t get any better than that.

Kim and I spent a bit of time on casting on, knitting and purling. Strangely, my fingers seem to remember this even if my brain doesn’t. So, I think I’m doing pretty good. Kim told me to practice a little every day, so I am determined to do that. Someday I will knit socks! I am so appreciative of Kim taking the time to teach me.

And not much stitching has been going on here. My doctor prescribed this crazy nosespray for my allergies and it knocks me out. I have literally only put in about 10 stitches in the past week. But, over Halloween weekend, pre-nosespray, I did work on Garden of Eerie. Eric and I broke with tradition and instead of watching Bram Stoker’s Dracula, we watched Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein. How appropos…

Eerie 110110

I’ve got some holiday stitching that needs to be attended to, so it may be a little while before I get back to Eerie.

And, the big news for today? My other blog has moved to my own domain. I’ll probably be moving this blog in the future, but for now, just the one. Head on over if you’d like and take a look around. I still have some work to do on it, mostly just some tweaking, but I’m pretty happy with it.

I am grateful for my new home on the web.

20 thoughts on “Little by Little”

  1. Great progress on Eerie! Sorry to hear about your new allergy medicine though. No fun being knocked out by meds. Can’t wait to see what you knit up. I need to get back on the knitting bandwagon too.

    Love your black sheepie tape measure. I have the white one. 🙂

  2. Great progress on Eerie! Sorry to hear about your new allergy medicine though. No fun being knocked out by meds. Can’t wait to see what you knit up. I need to get back on the knitting bandwagon too.

    Love your black sheepie tape measure. I have the white one. 🙂

  3. Oh that little lamb is so cute! Love the progress on Eerie, everytime I see yours I wonder why I haven’t started mine yet.

  4. Oh that little lamb is so cute! Love the progress on Eerie, everytime I see yours I wonder why I haven’t started mine yet.

  5. Good for you with the knitting! I’d like to learn to knit socks too. Love the lamb tape measure! Your Garden of Eerie is looking good too!

  6. Good for you with the knitting! I’d like to learn to knit socks too. Love the lamb tape measure! Your Garden of Eerie is looking good too!

  7. Your progress picture looks great. I keep trying to learn to knit, but then it’s awhile before I do it again, and I forget too.

    Congrats on the new domain ame.

  8. Your progress picture looks great. I keep trying to learn to knit, but then it’s awhile before I do it again, and I forget too.

    Congrats on the new domain ame.

  9. Your Eerie is looking great.

    What a nice little kit Kim put together for you, and I agree, soon you will be knitting socks! They are so much fun to contemplate and to buy yarn for… rumor has it that buying sock yarn does not count as purchasing stash – just like eating while standing up or taking a bite of someone else’s food does not add any calories..LOL

    Hope you get off that awful nose spray asap.

  10. Your Eerie is looking great.

    What a nice little kit Kim put together for you, and I agree, soon you will be knitting socks! They are so much fun to contemplate and to buy yarn for… rumor has it that buying sock yarn does not count as purchasing stash – just like eating while standing up or taking a bite of someone else’s food does not add any calories..LOL

    Hope you get off that awful nose spray asap.

  11. As a follower of my blog you know that I am an avid knitter – I can never say enough about the zen you will achieve from knitting. I wish you peace and many happy hours. Melody PS – I popped over to your other blog and read that very scary account of your race and how everyone just left you – I would have probably gone to pieces in that situation. I’m not much for roughing it in the dark and in the woods! Mel

  12. As a follower of my blog you know that I am an avid knitter – I can never say enough about the zen you will achieve from knitting. I wish you peace and many happy hours. Melody PS – I popped over to your other blog and read that very scary account of your race and how everyone just left you – I would have probably gone to pieces in that situation. I’m not much for roughing it in the dark and in the woods! Mel

  13. Great going on GoE! I’m not surprised about the finger-remembering experience, I’ve had that too. It’s amazing what can be lurking in the deep recesses of the brain…

  14. Great going on GoE! I’m not surprised about the finger-remembering experience, I’ve had that too. It’s amazing what can be lurking in the deep recesses of the brain…

  15. When I picked up the knitting needles after decades of not knitting, I could remember how to knit and purl. Casting on took a while to relearn. It’s strange at our our muscles retain the memory of the motions.

  16. When I picked up the knitting needles after decades of not knitting, I could remember how to knit and purl. Casting on took a while to relearn. It’s strange at our our muscles retain the memory of the motions.

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