Looking Back

2010 Finishes Final
2010 Finishes

I can’t believe it’s almost the end of 2010. Where did the time go?? I thought I’d look back at the year though and see what I accomplished. Above are my finishes for the year. Most were small things, and many were gifts. In fact seven of the twelve were for other people. And speaking of gifts, there are a couple more finishes that I can’t show you yet.

I did also manage to start and finish two larger pieces for myself, well ok one of these is a gift for Eric (Where My Heart Blooms). So, one piece for me.

Margaret Pence 072710


WMHB 090610

I did manage two A&E finishes this year, which is a good start on my A&E wall. So, I am quite pleased with that. I hope to have more A&Es for my wall next year.

And I did get one quilt done this year too (see that first finish at the top left) – also a gift. So, at least I managed to sit at my sewing machine a little bit. I hope to have more of that next year too.

And I read a few books over the year as well:

Lover Unbound
The Ultimate Trophy*
No Tomorrow*
Catching Fire
The Lost Chalice*
Lover Enshrined
Eclipse (re-read)
Water for Elephants
The Short Second Life of Bree Tanner
Lover Avenged
The Black Dagger Brotherhood: An Insider’s Guide
The Lacuna*

Not nearly as much reading as I would liked to have done (*and four of the thirteen were for book club). Hopefully next year, since I am done with school, I can get more reading done.

And speaking of being done with school…what else happened this year?

I completed my 365 photo challenge that I had started in March 2009
I participated in the Worldwide Photo Walk for the first time
I completed my coursework at school
I passed my certification test for Microsoft Project 2007
I started a new job
I passed my certification test for my CAPM and joined PMI
I relearned how to knit
I participated in several 5Ks as well as the 10K of death
I attended my first seminar (the EGA South Central Seminar)
We lost sweet Romeo
I participated in the Secret Stitcher program at Guild
I took a needleturn applique class
I took a class from Amy Mitten
I went to Nashville Market

Not a bad way to spend the year, I suppose. I’m excited to see what next year holds. Thanks for sticking with me throughout 2010. I truly treasure the friendships I have made through this blog.

I am grateful for another year and the hope of good things to come!

38 thoughts on “Looking Back”

  1. I love the idea of a look back–it’s so easy to forget things–especially the high points, for some reason. I’m looking forward to seeing what you do in the coming year!

  2. I love the idea of a look back–it’s so easy to forget things–especially the high points, for some reason. I’m looking forward to seeing what you do in the coming year!

  3. You accomplished a lot in 2010! All of your stitching, and your quilt, are just beautiful! I look forward to seeing what you stitch (and sew) in 2011. Happy New Year to you!

  4. You accomplished a lot in 2010! All of your stitching, and your quilt, are just beautiful! I look forward to seeing what you stitch (and sew) in 2011. Happy New Year to you!

  5. Michelle, you go girl! What a great year you had with beautiful accomplishments! It’s so good that you recognize them.

    And your collage is very cool!

    Happy New Year. I hope you reach all of your 2011 goals.

  6. Michelle, you go girl! What a great year you had with beautiful accomplishments! It’s so good that you recognize them.

    And your collage is very cool!

    Happy New Year. I hope you reach all of your 2011 goals.

  7. Michelle – It’s so good to read a post about accomplishments made during the year – and you’ve had some great ones – from all your stitching and reading to finishing school (a huge one)!

    I hope that 2011 proves to just as wonderful for accomplishments (and knocking out some WIPs) :o).

    Happy New Year Michelle!

  8. Michelle – It’s so good to read a post about accomplishments made during the year – and you’ve had some great ones – from all your stitching and reading to finishing school (a huge one)!

    I hope that 2011 proves to just as wonderful for accomplishments (and knocking out some WIPs) :o).

    Happy New Year Michelle!

  9. Congratulations on your accomplishments for the year. You had lovely, lovely finishes. Happy New Year to you and your DH!

  10. Congratulations on your accomplishments for the year. You had lovely, lovely finishes. Happy New Year to you and your DH!

  11. You’ve accomplished a lot in 2010 Michelle. YGG Love the stitching mosaic. Wishing you a New Year filled with good health, happiness and lots of stitching time.

  12. You’ve accomplished a lot in 2010 Michelle. YGG Love the stitching mosaic. Wishing you a New Year filled with good health, happiness and lots of stitching time.

  13. Congratulations ! YGG – you sure had a lot of beautiful finishes not to mention the big accomplishment of finishing school – I’m happy for you on them all – I wish for you a grand 2011 – health and happiness abounding!
    Cheers! melody

  14. Congratulations ! YGG – you sure had a lot of beautiful finishes not to mention the big accomplishment of finishing school – I’m happy for you on them all – I wish for you a grand 2011 – health and happiness abounding!
    Cheers! melody

  15. Good for you, Michelle, on all that you have accomplished, both in stitching and in other areas. YGG! Wishing you & your DH a very happy, healthy & prosperous new year.

  16. Good for you, Michelle, on all that you have accomplished, both in stitching and in other areas. YGG! Wishing you & your DH a very happy, healthy & prosperous new year.

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