Looking Forward

WIPs for 2011

Now that I’ve posted about looking back at the year 2010, I thought it was time to start looking forward. I’ve thought long and hard about what goals I’d like to set for my stitching in 2011 and whether or not to sign up for any of the various January Challenges that are out there. I know that the thought of starting 15 new things would make me crazy, and I need a little less crazy here at Chez Cozy. So, I’m planning on focusing on some WIPs next year. We all know that those shown above are just the tip of the iceberg, but it’s a starting point.

I’d love to have some finishes of these WIPs in 2011, but I’m just going to set out to give them some attention. No formal rotation, no set of rules. But I would like to make some progress here. And some of the projects I’ve shown above are big, some are more medium-sized, so I think it’s a good mix. And there are some new things I’d like to start too of course, so I may mix in a few of those here and there. I also have a few things of the ornament variety that I’d like to mix in for some quick finishes too, so I may do that.

If you’re wondering what I’ve got in progress in those photos:

And They Sinned, Peace on Earth, Anniversaries of the Heart, Scottish Sampler
Garden of Eerie, Papillon Creations Mystery Sampler, Tesori d’Italia, Shores of HRH
Camille’s French Sampler, Sweet Treats, Simple Things, Mystery 9
CHS A&E, Ten, Peaceable Kingdom, Cuisine d’Ete

Some of these are much farther along than others, but I enjoy working on each of them. Of course I will be continuing my SAL with my PIC for ATS (how’s that for acronyms?) and I’ve also joined a SAL in the BBD Yahoo Group for Anniversaries of the Heart, plus I’ve been discussing with Deb working on our Chatelaine WIPs this year.

And I know for sure that on New Year’s Day, I will have a new start like I usually do. Last January my NYD start was And They Sinned, this January it will be Paradise Lost. I can’t wait to get started.

The photo is Paulette’s (too bad since I’d really love that A&E needleminder – LOL!) that I shamelessly borrowed. But, I think it will be a fun stitch and I’ll have it all ready to go in time to sit down with it while I watch the Rose Parade.

So here’s looking forward to a new year, new things and new adventures!

I am grateful for my sweet husband and each new year we spend together.

48 thoughts on “Looking Forward”

  1. Love your WIP picture, I might have to copy the idea, lol! Your stitching plan is pretty much similar to mine, the non-rotation rotation 🙂 Happy New Year, and may you kill lots of WIPs.

  2. Love your WIP picture, I might have to copy the idea, lol! Your stitching plan is pretty much similar to mine, the non-rotation rotation 🙂 Happy New Year, and may you kill lots of WIPs.

  3. You have some lovely WIPs Michelle, I’m looking forward to seeing your progress on whichever you choose to stitch 🙂

    Happy New Year!

  4. You have some lovely WIPs Michelle, I’m looking forward to seeing your progress on whichever you choose to stitch 🙂

    Happy New Year!

  5. You have great WIPs Michelle. I know that you’re going to make good progress on all of them! And we will definitely have to give each other the pushes we need on the Chatelaines! Love your NY’s start too! I’m going to be your cheering team this year! Go Michelle!!!

    Happy New Year!!

  6. You have great WIPs Michelle. I know that you’re going to make good progress on all of them! And we will definitely have to give each other the pushes we need on the Chatelaines! Love your NY’s start too! I’m going to be your cheering team this year! Go Michelle!!!

    Happy New Year!!

  7. I think you have set yourself some doable goals. Stitching is all about fun – at least in my book. I love what you have picked to work on and of course, PL is going to fabulous. Happy New Year, dear Friend.

  8. I think you have set yourself some doable goals. Stitching is all about fun – at least in my book. I love what you have picked to work on and of course, PL is going to fabulous. Happy New Year, dear Friend.

  9. What great WIPs you have! And your New Year’s start is a good one — love Paradise Lost! Your plans for 2011 sound perfect. Hope you have tons of stitching time in the new year. Happy New Year to you and yours!

  10. What great WIPs you have! And your New Year’s start is a good one — love Paradise Lost! Your plans for 2011 sound perfect. Hope you have tons of stitching time in the new year. Happy New Year to you and yours!

  11. Fantastic WIP mosaic Michelle.
    Wishing you a very Happy New Year filled with good health, happiness, hope and lots of stitching time.

  12. Fantastic WIP mosaic Michelle.
    Wishing you a very Happy New Year filled with good health, happiness, hope and lots of stitching time.

  13. Looking forward to your Paradise Lost start. I would like to focus on WIPs too 🙂 So many options!!!! Happy New Year!

  14. Looking forward to your Paradise Lost start. I would like to focus on WIPs too 🙂 So many options!!!! Happy New Year!

  15. Happy New Year, Michelle! Your NY’s thoughts are right up my alley. I will be doing pretty much the same thing. Oh, I DO love that Paradise Lost!! Here’s to wonderful finishes! 🙂

  16. Happy New Year, Michelle! Your NY’s thoughts are right up my alley. I will be doing pretty much the same thing. Oh, I DO love that Paradise Lost!! Here’s to wonderful finishes! 🙂

  17. Some lovely WIP’s to keep you stitching through 2011 Michelle! Enjoy that lovely new stitching start, it is such a beauty. Happy New Year!

  18. Some lovely WIP’s to keep you stitching through 2011 Michelle! Enjoy that lovely new stitching start, it is such a beauty. Happy New Year!

  19. Such lovelies you have started, Michelle! I look forward to seeing your progresses AND finishes in 2011!

    Will be around often to cheer you on!

  20. Such lovelies you have started, Michelle! I look forward to seeing your progresses AND finishes in 2011!

    Will be around often to cheer you on!

  21. Good lineup for 2011, Michelle! It sounds like you will a really fun stitching year. I love Paradise Lost and it’s a great for a NYD start.

    Happy 2011!

  22. Good lineup for 2011, Michelle! It sounds like you will a really fun stitching year. I love Paradise Lost and it’s a great for a NYD start.

    Happy 2011!

  23. These projects alone would make up for an absolutely great stitching year. I love each and every one of your WIPs.

  24. These projects alone would make up for an absolutely great stitching year. I love each and every one of your WIPs.

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