May Day

I was able to finish up my April Red Thread block, except for the ladybugs. I am still waiting on that Lancaster Red thread to come in. So, after finishing what I could, I went back to the border last night. Unfortunately, I had made a mistake in the border, so it had to be ripped out and restarted.

I did also finish reading my book for book club (which isn’t for another three weeks or so). Now I’m back to reading The Other Boleyn Girl. I’m pretty impressed with the fact that I started and finished four books this month. Yippee!

So, first things first. In an effort to clean out my stash, I’ve listed some things here for sale (there’s actually a couple of free things too). I hope you can all help to take these goodies off my hands!

I’ve also discontinued my Silkweaver Fabric of the Month shipments. I’ve decided that I’m just going to use that money to kit up some things I really want to stitch. It seems I mostly stitch on neutral fabrics anyway, so now I can invest in what I will actually use.

Now, let’s see how I did on my April goals:

Finish wedding quilt for anniversary Yes!
Start new job Not yet
Binding & label on $5 quilt No
Label for Pigwidgeon No
Mail Barbara’s Gift Yes!!
Carol’s RR No
Stitch 2 ornaments Stitched one, started a second
Keep up with SALs: Red Thread, Barnabee, Mermaids Yes, yes, no
Make Shepherd’s Bush wallhanging started
Stitch on Mystery 9 – Finish Artichokes nope
Stitch one motif on Cuisine d’ete nope

Not so good in April. Sigh. I’m going to try to keep it simple for May, with WIP reduction in mind.

I’ve broken down my current WIPs into five categories: SALs, Smalls/ornaments/freebies, Just Nans, Chatelaines and Med/Lg pieces. The SALs are ongoing, so all three of those will be focus pieces as needed. For the other four categories, I will focus on one piece until it is finished, and then move on to another WIP in that category. We’ll see how that goes.

So, for May…
Stitch Red Thread block for SAL
Stitch and mail Carol’s RR by the 15th
Stitch and finish PS Bookmark for Mother’s Day
Continue with Barnabee’s Quest for Just Nan Sundays
Finish one block on Tesori
Stitch on Mystery 9

I’d also like to continue with getting some reading in as well. I’ve really been enjoying it!

I am grateful for finishing a book!

22 thoughts on “May Day”

  1. Your Red Thread SAL is looking great Michelle!

    Good luck with the stash reduction – you’ve listed a load of stuff there!

    Good luck with your May goals too 🙂

  2. Your Red Thread SAL is looking great Michelle!

    Good luck with the stash reduction – you’ve listed a load of stuff there!

    Good luck with your May goals too 🙂

  3. Anna van Schurman

    I’m afraid I’ve been a sucky SAL partner. It’s okay if you want to put it aside for a short time. I only bought the May Pole block from Red Thread, but yours looks so good I’m sorely tempted…

  4. Anna van Schurman

    I’m afraid I’ve been a sucky SAL partner. It’s okay if you want to put it aside for a short time. I only bought the May Pole block from Red Thread, but yours looks so good I’m sorely tempted…

  5. Michelle how can I contact you for the free fabric in your stach reduction?? My EGA group is making Kissing Pillows for the troups and we could use the fabric. Gayle B.

  6. Michelle how can I contact you for the free fabric in your stach reduction?? My EGA group is making Kissing Pillows for the troups and we could use the fabric. Gayle B.

  7. Leslie aka zoeandcooper

    your Red Threads are looking amazing. Keep up the good work with all your pieces:)

  8. Leslie aka zoeandcooper

    your Red Threads are looking amazing. Keep up the good work with all your pieces:)

  9. Red Thread looks wonderful! I think that I might have to follow in your and Karen’s footsteps with the stash reduction. I’ve picked up too many things over the years that I don’t really need or want to stitch anymore.

  10. Red Thread looks wonderful! I think that I might have to follow in your and Karen’s footsteps with the stash reduction. I’ve picked up too many things over the years that I don’t really need or want to stitch anymore.

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