May the Scarf Be with You

The Star Wars Scarf
Garter Stitch on #8 Needles
Plymouth Encore, Color 7357
Finished 6/23/07

I finished my scarf! I drove up to the LYS, learned the tricky super-secret part of binding off (ie, pulling the tail through that last stitch so you don’t lose it), bought some new needles (Addi Turbos), and drove home. I did my weaving in and here it is! I am well-pleased with myself for finishing my first scarf and knitting project. Yay me! I also made my point about the class issue while I was there. So, hopefully tomorrow we will have a lovely last class and I will learn how to do yarn overs and how to start a new ball of yarn when I run out of one. I’m just guessing, but it seems like that would be a good thing to know. Kind of like somebody telling you to pull that yarn tail through the last stitch on a bind off – just helpful.

I had a very productive weekend, which I happy about. After I finished with my scarf, I sat down to finish sewing my Kimono quilt top together. It is finished! I will have photos soon, I wanted to bring it into work to show a friend of mine today, so I haven’t taken photos yet. It took me both Saturday and Sunday afternoons to pull all the paper off the back from the paper piecing – whew, my fingers hurt! But, it is complete! And I have three more quilt tops to finish before the end of August. I will probably turn my attention back to my Block of the Month blocks (since I have about six of them to do now). I picked the last one up last weekend, so it would be good to finish those up. The quilt store also had a sample layout for the quilt top, so I think I may do that, which will require making some additional blocks to intersperse with my blocks of the month.

I also finished gridding all the blocks for my Neighborhood RR, and have made a start on my block. I opted to go with one thread over two on my 36 count fabric. It seems that two threads over two just seemed bulky – any suggestions or thoughts? I’ve never stitched on 36 count before, so I’m sort of flying by the seat of my pants on this one. Mailout day is July 15th, so I have a couple of weeks to finish up my block and get everything ready to mail.

Eric and I ran some errands too, and he bought me some new summer perfume. I decided to get Lovely by Sarah Jessica Parker. I have a sample of it, and I thought it would be a nice light change. I love it!

Thank you all for your sweet comments on my blog anniversary and for letting me know that you enjoy my blog. That means a lot to me. I hope to have some more stitching to show soon…I’ve made a little bit more progress on Tesori. I’m focusing my energy on getting back in the swing of thing with my workouts too. I got really burned out on it for awhile, but the time has come to redouble my efforts. Well, that’s all for today – photos of the Kimonos coming soon!

I am grateful for productivity and renewed energy.

34 thoughts on “May the Scarf Be with You”

  1. Congratulations on finishing your scarf and the kimonos! I love Addi Turbos, they’re wonderful to knit with. Have fun at your last class – hope it’s better than last week 🙂

  2. Congratulations on finishing your scarf and the kimonos! I love Addi Turbos, they’re wonderful to knit with. Have fun at your last class – hope it’s better than last week 🙂

  3. Can’t wait to see the kimonos all put together. I have never paper pieced, I want to take a class on it sometime soon, there are too many great things to make out there that require paper piecing. I’ve never stitched on anything smaller than 32 count, sorry I can offer suggestions. I am sure your NRR will look great 😀 Your scarf is really nice too, it looks so soft 😀

  4. Can’t wait to see the kimonos all put together. I have never paper pieced, I want to take a class on it sometime soon, there are too many great things to make out there that require paper piecing. I’ve never stitched on anything smaller than 32 count, sorry I can offer suggestions. I am sure your NRR will look great 😀 Your scarf is really nice too, it looks so soft 😀

  5. Yay! It sounds like you had a turbo-charged weekend. Those needles must have helped in other areas, as well. 😉 I’m glad that you were able to bind off with no problems and make your point about the class. Well done! I hope you have a wonderful week!

  6. Yay! It sounds like you had a turbo-charged weekend. Those needles must have helped in other areas, as well. 😉 I’m glad that you were able to bind off with no problems and make your point about the class. Well done! I hope you have a wonderful week!

  7. love your scarf! may the force be with you when you wear it 🙂

    Can’t wait to see pictures of the quilt!

    gotta love productive weekends!

  8. love your scarf! may the force be with you when you wear it 🙂

    Can’t wait to see pictures of the quilt!

    gotta love productive weekends!

  9. Anna van Schurman

    What a productive weekend! I felt exhausted just reading about it! Congratulations on all the finishing! I would go with one over two on 36 count.

  10. Anna van Schurman

    What a productive weekend! I felt exhausted just reading about it! Congratulations on all the finishing! I would go with one over two on 36 count.

  11. Hooray for you! Not only finishing your scarf, but also making your feelings known about how the last class went wrong. I’m always such a huge coward over these things. Next time, I’ll pretend I’m you and be brave! 🙂

  12. Hooray for you! Not only finishing your scarf, but also making your feelings known about how the last class went wrong. I’m always such a huge coward over these things. Next time, I’ll pretend I’m you and be brave! 🙂

  13. Michelle, Thanks for the help with my HAED question. I checked out Plush’s blog and I think that was the one.
    I hear that Addy Turbos are the best!

  14. Michelle, Thanks for the help with my HAED question. I checked out Plush’s blog and I think that was the one.
    I hear that Addy Turbos are the best!

  15. I love the title of this post – great scarf!! Well done on finishing your gridding, im doing a RR and am finding the gridding quite tedious! I would use 1 thread on 36ct.

  16. I love the title of this post – great scarf!! Well done on finishing your gridding, im doing a RR and am finding the gridding quite tedious! I would use 1 thread on 36ct.

  17. Congratulations on finishing your first knitting project! It’s very pretty. I can’t wait to see the kimono quilt top!

  18. Congratulations on finishing your first knitting project! It’s very pretty. I can’t wait to see the kimono quilt top!

  19. CraftyPretender

    Congratulations on finishing the scarf… isn’t knitting addictive? I’m in the same boat as you are too!

  20. CraftyPretender

    Congratulations on finishing the scarf… isn’t knitting addictive? I’m in the same boat as you are too!

  21. Your scarf looks great. I’m also a knitter, stitcher, crocheter…. It’s fantastic but soooo hard to choose (lol)

  22. Your scarf looks great. I’m also a knitter, stitcher, crocheter…. It’s fantastic but soooo hard to choose (lol)

  23. Katrina in NZ

    well done on finishing your lovely scarf 🙂 Lovely by SJ Parker is my favourite perfume Michelle, its a gorgeous scent.

  24. Katrina in NZ

    well done on finishing your lovely scarf 🙂 Lovely by SJ Parker is my favourite perfume Michelle, its a gorgeous scent.

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