
WMHB 061910

First of all, I need to answer some questions I received in the comments on my last post. The pendant is about 1 1/2″ square. It is a little fiddly to get your piece and your scrapbook paper to sit straight in the pendant, but not too bad because the pendant is hinged, so you can open it up like a locket, lay your piece in and then close it. And I did stitch the piece in full crosses, not tent stitch, over one on 36ct. It’s not really as hard as it sounds.

Secondly, I spent some time yesterday updating my list of stash for sale. Please take a look if you’re interested. (I always have a link in my sidebar too, so you don’t have to come back to this post.)

And now, on to the stitching. I’ve jumped around quite a bit on my stitching since coming back from Seminar, as you’re about to see. I have worked some on Where My Heart Blooms, as you can see above. I love this piece more every time I work on it. It is going to be gorgeous in our bedroom when it’s finished.

AotH 060510

I’ve also been wanting to start on Blackbird Designs’ Anniversaries of the Heart series for awhile now. Right after Market, I ordered a piece of fabric to stitch the whole series on. I went with 40ct, and I believe it is Examplar. The photo above shows the color of the fabric pretty accurately, whereas the photo below? Who knows? Anyway…just a tiny start.

AOTH 062010

And finally, prompted by a surprise delivery from the postman last week (which I will share closer to the actual event), I decided that having finished my first A&E another one was in order. This is Margaret Pence by Goode Huswife. I’ve been wanting to stitch this one for awhile, and finally just pulled out my fabric and threads and got started. I’m using DMC on 36ct Meadow Rue. You’re going to have to start calling me the Queen of Meadow Rue, because it’s also what I’m stitching Where My Heart Blooms on. I am getting a lot of mileage out of the piece I have!

Margaret Pence 062010

I’m having fun stitching on Margaret though. Actually, I’ve been enjoying stitching on all of the above. And let me tell you, my new project bag is coming in really handy with all the different things I’m working on!

I just wanted to take a minute too to thank all of you for your kind words about Romeo. It’s been rather difficult, and it really means a lot to me how many of you left comments and shared your own experiences. I really really appreciate it.

I am grateful for a husband who takes such good care of me.

42 thoughts on “Meandering”

  1. I’ve been jumping around quite a bit with my stitching of late too 🙂 Everything looks wonderful and I love your little tudor rose scissor fob 🙂

    Losing a pet is never easy – I’m dreading the day it happens to us {{{Michelle}}}

  2. I’ve been jumping around quite a bit with my stitching of late too 🙂 Everything looks wonderful and I love your little tudor rose scissor fob 🙂

    Losing a pet is never easy – I’m dreading the day it happens to us {{{Michelle}}}

  3. All your projects look great! I’m in love with your Where My Heart Blooms…looks great on the MeadowRue. I just got a piece of this for another project…how come I didn’t discover it earlier?! lol

    SnowGarden and Margaret Pence are coming along great too…

  4. All your projects look great! I’m in love with your Where My Heart Blooms…looks great on the MeadowRue. I just got a piece of this for another project…how come I didn’t discover it earlier?! lol

    SnowGarden and Margaret Pence are coming along great too…

  5. Laurie in Iowa

    Love all your current projects Michelle. Sometimes we’re just meant to meander rather than settle for one project.

  6. Laurie in Iowa

    Love all your current projects Michelle. Sometimes we’re just meant to meander rather than settle for one project.

  7. Beautiful projects Michelle.

    It is really hard to lose a pet. So glad you’re getting some support in blogland.

  8. Beautiful projects Michelle.

    It is really hard to lose a pet. So glad you’re getting some support in blogland.

  9. Funny Michelle – I just ordered a piece of guess what? Meadow Rue! Not sure I’ve ever used it before either. We must be on the same wave length with AoTH – I kept resisting the call but I succumbed and have recently started it too. Love your other WIP’s – if you’re having fun – it’s all good! Mel

  10. Funny Michelle – I just ordered a piece of guess what? Meadow Rue! Not sure I’ve ever used it before either. We must be on the same wave length with AoTH – I kept resisting the call but I succumbed and have recently started it too. Love your other WIP’s – if you’re having fun – it’s all good! Mel

  11. Missy aka Birdy

    I love the Meadow Rue!!!I too have been jumping around with my stitching.I blame it on the hot and humid weather. Every time I get up to fetch a cold glass of iced tea I change my mind about what I’m stitching and switch to something else.


  12. Missy aka Birdy

    I love the Meadow Rue!!!I too have been jumping around with my stitching.I blame it on the hot and humid weather. Every time I get up to fetch a cold glass of iced tea I change my mind about what I’m stitching and switch to something else.


  13. All your projects looks great! I think it’s fun to have a few pieces to work on at a time. I think that Meadow Rue works for a lot of pieces and always looks wonderful.

    Can’t wait to see updates on everything. And I need to take a tip from you and start offloading some of my stash. I think it all needs a new home!

  14. All your projects looks great! I think it’s fun to have a few pieces to work on at a time. I think that Meadow Rue works for a lot of pieces and always looks wonderful.

    Can’t wait to see updates on everything. And I need to take a tip from you and start offloading some of my stash. I think it all needs a new home!

  15. What beautiful WIPs you have going! I love them all! The colors on Where My Heart Blooms are so pretty! And the Anniversaries of the Heart and the Margaret Pence are wonderful too! Good choice of fabrics!

  16. What beautiful WIPs you have going! I love them all! The colors on Where My Heart Blooms are so pretty! And the Anniversaries of the Heart and the Margaret Pence are wonderful too! Good choice of fabrics!

  17. Aussie Stitcher

    Michelle I am sorry to hear about Romeo ((((HUGS)))). Your wips are all looking great and I love the pendant you made for your friend, it is stunning.

  18. Aussie Stitcher

    Michelle I am sorry to hear about Romeo ((((HUGS)))). Your wips are all looking great and I love the pendant you made for your friend, it is stunning.

  19. Love all y9our stitching! I know you will be thrilled with Margaret!

    Losing a pet is not easy. They become so much a part of you and your life. We have still not gotten another dog mainly because I just don’t know if I can totally give myself again to another pet since I had such a strong bond with Whiner.

  20. Love all y9our stitching! I know you will be thrilled with Margaret!

    Losing a pet is not easy. They become so much a part of you and your life. We have still not gotten another dog mainly because I just don’t know if I can totally give myself again to another pet since I had such a strong bond with Whiner.

  21. Oh yikes, I have this BBD all kitted up….and I don’t have a stitch in it 🙁
    Now the anniversaries of the heart I have stitched on and I love your fabric choice 🙂
    LOVE, love margaret! And I love the scissors fob displayed. GORGEOUS!

  22. Oh yikes, I have this BBD all kitted up….and I don’t have a stitch in it 🙁
    Now the anniversaries of the heart I have stitched on and I love your fabric choice 🙂
    LOVE, love margaret! And I love the scissors fob displayed. GORGEOUS!

  23. Lauralee @ The Eclectic Stitcher

    Love your work ~ so neat & detailed!!! So sorry to hear of your loss ~ little Romeo…so hard to say goodbye.

    I have some projects in the works (like 10 years from now HA) that use needle turn applique and I’ve never tried it. Did you find it was easy? I’ll need to practice on something to get confident with it.

  24. Lauralee @ The Eclectic Stitcher

    Love your work ~ so neat & detailed!!! So sorry to hear of your loss ~ little Romeo…so hard to say goodbye.

    I have some projects in the works (like 10 years from now HA) that use needle turn applique and I’ve never tried it. Did you find it was easy? I’ll need to practice on something to get confident with it.

  25. Love it when you meander :-). Your Where My Heart Blooms is gorgeous and you will love stitching the AotH piece. Margaret is on my short list!

    I know how much you must be missing Romeo. {{{{hugs}}}}

  26. Love it when you meander :-). Your Where My Heart Blooms is gorgeous and you will love stitching the AotH piece. Margaret is on my short list!

    I know how much you must be missing Romeo. {{{{hugs}}}}

  27. I hear you on jumping around on projects… especially when you’re enjoying them all! I am doing the same. Not much progress is being made, but I’m having fun, and that’s the main thing. 😉 I am doing AotH on Examplar (Lois picked it out for me) and I love the colors on it. Your WMHB looks great!

  28. I hear you on jumping around on projects… especially when you’re enjoying them all! I am doing the same. Not much progress is being made, but I’m having fun, and that’s the main thing. 😉 I am doing AotH on Examplar (Lois picked it out for me) and I love the colors on it. Your WMHB looks great!

  29. Just catching up on my blog reading. You have some wonderful WIP’s on the go.
    Love those scissors!
    Your black and white pendant is gorgeous. What a wonderful gift!
    I am so sorry to hear of the lost of our sweet kitty!

  30. Just catching up on my blog reading. You have some wonderful WIP’s on the go.
    Love those scissors!
    Your black and white pendant is gorgeous. What a wonderful gift!
    I am so sorry to hear of the lost of our sweet kitty!

  31. Great projects Michelle – I have so many BBD patterns they could keep me busy for years! I just love that locket you stitched…I think you are enabling me to go check into getting myself one. Thanks for the inspiration! Your friend is very fortunate.

  32. Great projects Michelle – I have so many BBD patterns they could keep me busy for years! I just love that locket you stitched…I think you are enabling me to go check into getting myself one. Thanks for the inspiration! Your friend is very fortunate.

  33. I saw Katrina’s Anniversaries of the Heart in 40 count and it is AMAZING!!!!!!! You made a good choice. I wish I could stitch on 40 count but it is just too frustrating. Even 36 is a pip to me!

  34. I saw Katrina’s Anniversaries of the Heart in 40 count and it is AMAZING!!!!!!! You made a good choice. I wish I could stitch on 40 count but it is just too frustrating. Even 36 is a pip to me!

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