
I know that over the past several months my blogging has not been as often as I would have liked. My commenting also has suffered. It seems that there might be a lot of this going on right now int he blogging world. Is it because it’s summer over here, or because everyone is just busy? I’ve noticed that several of my regular commenters have been absent from my blog. Perhaps what I’m posting is not up to the usual par? Anyway, to make up for my lack of posts, I thought I’d share a finish, a WIP, and something drool-worthy. I hope to be able to post some of our Philadelphia pictures soon, but at the moment Eric is holding them hostage on his pc. I also need to show you my birthday present from him – as soon as I have a few minutes to get it out of the box! So, on with the show… and I want to take a second to thank everyone that does stop by and comment. I really appreciate it, and know that it is precious time you are taking out of your busy life to come and take a look at what I’m doing in mine. So, thank you!

Frost Flower
Limited Edition WhimZi
Just Nan
DMC on 32ct Zweigart White Opalescent Linen
Embellished with Antiqued Silver Ice Flake
Framed with Antique White Embossed WhimZi Frame with Beads
Finished 9/8/07

I think I have three more of these Limited Edition WhimZis in my stash to stitch, then I will be caught up. One of my goals is to be caught up on these by the end of the year. I also intend to be caught up on my Shepherd’s Bush ornaments by then as well. So, my next small to stitch with be Bethlehem Slept.

Here’s my current progress on Baby Garden. I’m close to being done with the row I’m on, and that will put me past the halfway mark. It’s moving along a little faster, and I hope to have this one done in order to give it as a Christmas gift. The sooner I finish it though, the sooner I can get back to stitching on Barnabee. I can’t believe I’m still not done with that one!

And have you seen the new Just Nan piece at Silver Needle?

I couldn’t resist this one either, and have reserved my piece. Too cute, huh? A lot of people are comparing it to CA Wells’ Pyramid Etui, but I think this one has a completely different feel to it.

That’s all I have for you today. I’m going to a friend’s birthday gathering at a tea shop this afternoon, which should be fun. Hope to hear from you all, including those that are “missing”.

I am grateful for beginning a new poem.

52 thoughts on “M.I.A.?”

  1. I couldn’t resist either…as much as I love Christmas and decorating my home..this was a MUST for me 🙂

    Your stitching looks wonderful 🙂

    Enjoy the weeekend 🙂

  2. I couldn’t resist either…as much as I love Christmas and decorating my home..this was a MUST for me 🙂

    Your stitching looks wonderful 🙂

    Enjoy the weeekend 🙂

  3. Your latest Whimzi finish is gorgeous Michelle and your Baby Garden is coming along nicely.

    MMM I resisted looking at the new JN at The Silver Needle when I received the newsletter:) LOL! It is a fantastic piece though!

    I noticed that some of my regular commenters are missing too and I wondered if they didn’t like what I was posting too. I thought maybe they didn’t like my WIPs or something. Oh well we shall see now that Summer is over if they return:)

  4. Your latest Whimzi finish is gorgeous Michelle and your Baby Garden is coming along nicely.

    MMM I resisted looking at the new JN at The Silver Needle when I received the newsletter:) LOL! It is a fantastic piece though!

    I noticed that some of my regular commenters are missing too and I wondered if they didn’t like what I was posting too. I thought maybe they didn’t like my WIPs or something. Oh well we shall see now that Summer is over if they return:)

  5. I really like the WhimZi design! It’s very pretty. You’ve made good progress on Baby Garden, too.

    I know I haven’t been posting or commenting as much and it’s mostly due to the summer having been really busy. I think with the fall coming and things settling down a bit, I’ll have more time to post and comment. Even though I may not comment often, I do read your blog regularly and enjoy seeing what you’ve been up to!

  6. I really like the WhimZi design! It’s very pretty. You’ve made good progress on Baby Garden, too.

    I know I haven’t been posting or commenting as much and it’s mostly due to the summer having been really busy. I think with the fall coming and things settling down a bit, I’ll have more time to post and comment. Even though I may not comment often, I do read your blog regularly and enjoy seeing what you’ve been up to!

  7. Your “Baby Garden” piece is shaping up nicely. Love that little pond. I think there are a number of us out here reading blogs with barely an extra second to comment, myself included. Trying to catch up a bit today . . .

  8. Your “Baby Garden” piece is shaping up nicely. Love that little pond. I think there are a number of us out here reading blogs with barely an extra second to comment, myself included. Trying to catch up a bit today . . .

  9. I love the frost flower finish 🙂 And Baby Garden is moving right along! You’ve made great progress with this one 🙂
    And I love the Just Nan Christmas Etui, but honestly I’ve never “gotten” into stitching her things. I think they are lovely all done up and gorgeous! But I’ve just never stitched one of hers yet.
    And I think I always comment…but if not SORRY! I have been sort of having gurella type blog reading since the start of school. 😉

  10. I love the frost flower finish 🙂 And Baby Garden is moving right along! You’ve made great progress with this one 🙂
    And I love the Just Nan Christmas Etui, but honestly I’ve never “gotten” into stitching her things. I think they are lovely all done up and gorgeous! But I’ve just never stitched one of hers yet.
    And I think I always comment…but if not SORRY! I have been sort of having gurella type blog reading since the start of school. 😉

  11. Hi Michelle,

    I have to say I’m one of those people who has not been commenting as much. I don’t know what it is lately, but I’m finding less time to be online… or is it less time due to stitching? Who knows. I do find it frustrating. I’m even finding it hard to find the time to get to the blogs of my very good friends!

    Anywho… everything looks fantastic! That Wim-Zi looks gorgeous!

    That pyramid is cool, but the stitching is not my style.

    Keep blogging girl we do all stop by just don’t comment all the time!

  12. Hi Michelle,

    I have to say I’m one of those people who has not been commenting as much. I don’t know what it is lately, but I’m finding less time to be online… or is it less time due to stitching? Who knows. I do find it frustrating. I’m even finding it hard to find the time to get to the blogs of my very good friends!

    Anywho… everything looks fantastic! That Wim-Zi looks gorgeous!

    That pyramid is cool, but the stitching is not my style.

    Keep blogging girl we do all stop by just don’t comment all the time!

  13. My comments took a dip at the beginning of summer and everyone assured me it was just a case of seasonal busy-ness.

    Love your progress on Baby Garden!!

  14. My comments took a dip at the beginning of summer and everyone assured me it was just a case of seasonal busy-ness.

    Love your progress on Baby Garden!!

  15. Drool-worthy indeed! All three pictures, actually. I love your SB project.
    Everybody seems to be extra busy this summer, but hopefully we will all find a bit more time for each other in the next couple of months :o)

  16. Drool-worthy indeed! All three pictures, actually. I love your SB project.
    Everybody seems to be extra busy this summer, but hopefully we will all find a bit more time for each other in the next couple of months :o)

  17. Yeah, I think a lot of us have gotten busy this summer and blogging, reading blogs/commenting has taken a far back seat to other activities. I know it’s true for me. This weekend I did get caught up on my blog reading and now perhaps I can comment a bit more. When you’re plowing through 600 blog entries, or more, things start to blur! 😀

  18. Yeah, I think a lot of us have gotten busy this summer and blogging, reading blogs/commenting has taken a far back seat to other activities. I know it’s true for me. This weekend I did get caught up on my blog reading and now perhaps I can comment a bit more. When you’re plowing through 600 blog entries, or more, things start to blur! 😀

  19. The Whimzi looks great framed and baby garden is looking lovely too.
    Yes ive noticed a lot of my regular commentors are missing too, must just be the time of year i guess. I certainly struggle to keep up with all the feeds in my google reader

  20. The Whimzi looks great framed and baby garden is looking lovely too.
    Yes ive noticed a lot of my regular commentors are missing too, must just be the time of year i guess. I certainly struggle to keep up with all the feeds in my google reader

  21. Both pieces are gorgeous. I’m really tempted by the Just Nan Christmas kit, but stil haven’t done the Halloween or Bluebird one.

  22. Both pieces are gorgeous. I’m really tempted by the Just Nan Christmas kit, but stil haven’t done the Halloween or Bluebird one.

  23. Your stitching and finish looks wonderful. I really love that Just Nan Christmas design. I saw it a few days ago and fell in love with it. Especially the little tree in the middle. Ann.

  24. Your stitching and finish looks wonderful. I really love that Just Nan Christmas design. I saw it a few days ago and fell in love with it. Especially the little tree in the middle. Ann.

  25. love your finish! and Baby Garden is really looking great!

    That stitching piece is awesome from JN isn’t it .. I’d be afraid to put it all together though!

  26. love your finish! and Baby Garden is really looking great!

    That stitching piece is awesome from JN isn’t it .. I’d be afraid to put it all together though!

  27. What a lovely finish Michelle! You made great progress on Baby Garden.
    I think many people are busy right now, what with school starting again for mums and teachers.
    I’m sure your gathering was fun – don’t you just love teashops? 🙂

  28. What a lovely finish Michelle! You made great progress on Baby Garden.
    I think many people are busy right now, what with school starting again for mums and teachers.
    I’m sure your gathering was fun – don’t you just love teashops? 🙂

  29. I’ve noticed a “slowdown” in blogging, too… I think it’s just that everyone is busy now. It’s the end of summer/start of school year! I know I haven’t had as much time as I’d like now that we are getting busy with school stuff.

  30. I’ve noticed a “slowdown” in blogging, too… I think it’s just that everyone is busy now. It’s the end of summer/start of school year! I know I haven’t had as much time as I’d like now that we are getting busy with school stuff.

  31. I’m totally in LOVE with the latest JN offering – I think I might have to add that seriously to the wishlist! 😀 Baby Garden is coming along beautifully too 😀

  32. I’m totally in LOVE with the latest JN offering – I think I might have to add that seriously to the wishlist! 😀 Baby Garden is coming along beautifully too 😀

  33. I love Frost Flower. That was a limited edition? I wonder if anyone still has it. Maybe Drema at Needlecraft Corner. I absolutely adore the Christmas Workshop and have already signed up to buy one at The Silver Needle’s booth next week at Hershey. Wish you lived closer so that you could come join the fun. 🙂

  34. I love Frost Flower. That was a limited edition? I wonder if anyone still has it. Maybe Drema at Needlecraft Corner. I absolutely adore the Christmas Workshop and have already signed up to buy one at The Silver Needle’s booth next week at Hershey. Wish you lived closer so that you could come join the fun. 🙂

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