Mid-Year Review

Since I took the night off last night (actually, I had to work from home – so no blogging), I thought I would take Nicki‘s idea and post my 2006 stitching goals and see where I’m at.

2006 Stitching Goals
Dorothy’s Garden haven’t worked on in a while
Mermaid Treasure Box haven’t worked on in a while
Egypt Garden Not started
Mystery 9 caught up through part 3 (4 parts behind)
Midi 2 Not started
Winter Snapperland Finished Chalet, Ze Rink and Sleigh Ride – Villa and border to do
2000 Years Ago Finished Angels Sang – four more currently released to do
Wedding Sampler started
Harry’s Stocking Not started
A Most Noble Pursuit Not started
Mouline Rouge Not started
Bay Sampler started

So, basically I haven’t made a whole lot of progress on my goals. Guess I better get to it. Here’s what I’ve completed so far this year:

First Snow

Chalet, Ze Rink and Sleigh Ride

Angels Sang

In the Pink

 March Hare

Flower Girls

Also finished stitching but not finished – July, Quaker Hedgehog (no photo) and Flower of Courage

I also beaded a handbag for my wedding.

It doesn’t look like a whole lot. I guess with getting married and moving I have an excuse? I took Monday as a vacation day, and I have Tuesday off for Independence Day. I hope to get a lot of stitching done this weekend. Monday is set aside as “Quilting Day”, so hopefully I can make some progress there too. Have a great weekend!

I am grateful for my wonderful friends and the kindness of fellow bloggers.

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