Miss Cottam, I Presume?

She ended up with a 2012 instead of a 2011, but she’s done! I finished her last night (a week later than I’d intended). She really was a complete joy to stitch. I started her on Thanksgiving Day and finished her on January 7th. I used the called for threads (Weeks) in the called for colors on the called for fabric (Weeks Cocoa), although I stitched her on 40ct rather than 30.

I love how she turned out, and it was fun stitching her while she was still a mystery. And you wouldn’t believe the number of people who have seen her in person and been surprised at how pretty she is.

She even took a little trip with me to Chicago for a few days after Thanksgiving for work-related meetings. I stitched all that grass in my hotel room!

So, here she is…Margaret Cottam by La-D-Da. My last start of 2011 and my first finish for 2012!

So, I know you’re thinking…”now that MC is done, what’s next?” Well, I’m glad you asked. I’ve signed up for the 2012 WIPocalypse over at Measi’s Musings. And although we all know that I have about 6 kazillion WIPs, I’m going to just focus on a few at a time. So, you can take a look over in my sidebar at my WIPocalypse List to see what’s currently in my stitching bag. As I finish something, a new piece will be brought in – some new starts, some old WIPs.

And speaking of new starts, I had intended to have a new start on Jan 1. However, I decided to keep going with Margaret until she was finished. So, I’ll be starting that new start soon. But, in the meantime, I picked up my Anniversaries of the Heart.

I’ve only barely gotten a start on the Bonus block. I’ve been stuck on this one for months because I knew what I wanted to do to change the block, just couldn’t figure out how to do it. But, I think I finally have it worked out. So, it may require a little trial and error on the fly as I stitch this block, but I think it will be great when it’s done. So…working on that.

Also, in my bag is And They Sinned. Sylvia and I are stitching along together on Sundays. Here’s a photo of how mine looks before I got started on it tonight. Yes, that is a lone bare leg. Yes, I contemplated stitching a lampshade on the top of it. Yes, I intend to stitch the body it belongs to tonight. (It’s almost as bad as the pair of empty boots that lived on my Margaret Cottam until I stitched the rest of the guy.)

I’ll be sharing the other WIPs in my stitching bag as I work on them. But for now, I think I’m going to concentrate on that bonus block and see if I can get past my creative impasse and get back to ATS on Sundays – starting tonight.

Hope you all are having a wonderful start to the new year!

I am grateful for Good Samaritans.

130 thoughts on “Miss Cottam, I Presume?”

  1. I love it all!!! I just ordered ATS!! Can I ask what fabric you are using???? I plan a start in June…. I’m gonna steal your idea of putting WIPocalypse in my sidebar !!! Thanks for the great idea!!!

  2. I love it all!!! I just ordered ATS!! Can I ask what fabric you are using???? I plan a start in June…. I’m gonna steal your idea of putting WIPocalypse in my sidebar !!! Thanks for the great idea!!!

  3. Margaret is gorgeous!!!!! Congratulations! I love how she looks! I really need to get back to mine. Your ATS is gorgeous too! I didn’t pick up ATS today, but I might next Sunday. We’ll see! AotH is another one I want to stitch. So you have 3 for 3 for me. lol!

  4. Margaret is gorgeous!!!!! Congratulations! I love how she looks! I really need to get back to mine. Your ATS is gorgeous too! I didn’t pick up ATS today, but I might next Sunday. We’ll see! AotH is another one I want to stitch. So you have 3 for 3 for me. lol!

  5. Stitching By A Cornish Sea Shore

    A beautiful finish, I love the warmth of the colours. Good to see your ATS I am so enjoying stitching it.

  6. Stitching By A Cornish Sea Shore

    A beautiful finish, I love the warmth of the colours. Good to see your ATS I am so enjoying stitching it.

  7. Congratulations!! What a beautiful finish! I stopped my needle on her as I had a hard time reading the chart where part three and part two overlapped, but after seeing yours, I think I will be able to figure it out by taking a closer look at yours 🙂 I’ll have to get back with her soon… And your WIP is making a good progress, too!

  8. Congratulations!! What a beautiful finish! I stopped my needle on her as I had a hard time reading the chart where part three and part two overlapped, but after seeing yours, I think I will be able to figure it out by taking a closer look at yours 🙂 I’ll have to get back with her soon… And your WIP is making a good progress, too!

  9. Beautiful sampler! Congrats on your first finish of the year. Ugh, I started ‘And They Sinned’ a few years ago. Maybe I should add that to MY WIPocalypse list. Til then, I’ll enjoy seeing your progress posts!

  10. Beautiful sampler! Congrats on your first finish of the year. Ugh, I started ‘And They Sinned’ a few years ago. Maybe I should add that to MY WIPocalypse list. Til then, I’ll enjoy seeing your progress posts!

  11. Margaret C. looks fabulous. Congrats on your finish. You have my attention with your plan to be creative with next AotH block. Can’t wait to see what you’ve come up with for the design.
    Your ATS looks wonderful too…. well, the leg hanging out all by itself does look a little strange… but I know that’ll change soon. lol
    You have a wonderful WIP list.

  12. Margaret C. looks fabulous. Congrats on your finish. You have my attention with your plan to be creative with next AotH block. Can’t wait to see what you’ve come up with for the design.
    Your ATS looks wonderful too…. well, the leg hanging out all by itself does look a little strange… but I know that’ll change soon. lol
    You have a wonderful WIP list.

  13. OK, now you’ve done it. I was not sold on this design until now…yours is GORGEOUS Michelle!!! I have to have it now!!
    Lovely lovely, lovely 🙂

  14. OK, now you’ve done it. I was not sold on this design until now…yours is GORGEOUS Michelle!!! I have to have it now!!
    Lovely lovely, lovely 🙂

  15. Nice finish. I didn’t get to start Miss Cottam yet. I kind of wish I had worked on it while it was still a mystery!

    Forgot to check your WIPocalypse list…will go do that now. Have fun.


  16. Nice finish. I didn’t get to start Miss Cottam yet. I kind of wish I had worked on it while it was still a mystery!

    Forgot to check your WIPocalypse list…will go do that now. Have fun.


  17. Wow you are an incredibly fast stitcher to get that sampler done so fast!! It is also quite beautiful. And on 40 count, my goodness. I will certainly enjoy watching your progress.

  18. Wow you are an incredibly fast stitcher to get that sampler done so fast!! It is also quite beautiful. And on 40 count, my goodness. I will certainly enjoy watching your progress.

  19. It’s beautiful, Michelle!!!!! LOVE it…and now must stitch (of course!). Love the colors and congrats on such a wonderful finish.

  20. It’s beautiful, Michelle!!!!! LOVE it…and now must stitch (of course!). Love the colors and congrats on such a wonderful finish.

  21. Miss Cottam is wonderful and you stitched it so fast. I must get working on mine – right after I finish “I Sigh Not For Beauty” which really is almost done.

  22. Miss Cottam is wonderful and you stitched it so fast. I must get working on mine – right after I finish “I Sigh Not For Beauty” which really is almost done.

  23. MC is darling, and I am anxious to see her in person! Seeing your ATS makes my fingers itch to take out mine and continue.. it will have to wait until I return. See you soon!!!

  24. MC is darling, and I am anxious to see her in person! Seeing your ATS makes my fingers itch to take out mine and continue.. it will have to wait until I return. See you soon!!!

  25. Oh my GOSH! Michelle, Margaret Cottam is beautiful!! I took mine out to photograph it for a blog update and couldn’t put it back in the bag. Having seen yours, now I’m going to have to keep it out to work on it. It might become my focus project for this weekend. Yours is GORGEOUS. Love your WIPs, too! I can’t wait to see what you come up with for the third AotH block.

  26. Oh my GOSH! Michelle, Margaret Cottam is beautiful!! I took mine out to photograph it for a blog update and couldn’t put it back in the bag. Having seen yours, now I’m going to have to keep it out to work on it. It might become my focus project for this weekend. Yours is GORGEOUS. Love your WIPs, too! I can’t wait to see what you come up with for the third AotH block.

  27. Beautiful finish Michelle! I think this sampler is a beautiful design. Enjoy your WIPs and all your new starts for 2012!

  28. Beautiful finish Michelle! I think this sampler is a beautiful design. Enjoy your WIPs and all your new starts for 2012!

  29. Absolutely gorgeous finish, Michelle! I’m so tempted to start this one! And beautiful work on your wip’s as well. Your stitching is so beautiful!


  30. Absolutely gorgeous finish, Michelle! I’m so tempted to start this one! And beautiful work on your wip’s as well. Your stitching is so beautiful!


  31. Congrats on your lovely MC finish Michelle, beautiful! Haven’t seen this linen in person, wondering how you like the WDW Cocoa shade? Maybe there’s a DMC near equivalent?

  32. Congrats on your lovely MC finish Michelle, beautiful! Haven’t seen this linen in person, wondering how you like the WDW Cocoa shade? Maybe there’s a DMC near equivalent?

  33. Margaret is fantastic! What a great way to start off the 2012 stitching year. Why yes that leg definitely needs a lampshade! Now that’s a a fun twist to A&E. LOL! I hope to join you and Sylvia next Sunday. I need to restart my ATS.

    AotH is on my to start list too. Can’t wait to see what you do with the bonus block.

  34. Margaret is fantastic! What a great way to start off the 2012 stitching year. Why yes that leg definitely needs a lampshade! Now that’s a a fun twist to A&E. LOL! I hope to join you and Sylvia next Sunday. I need to restart my ATS.

    AotH is on my to start list too. Can’t wait to see what you do with the bonus block.

  35. Margaret Cottam is gorgious – for sure. I am so impressed with anyone who tackles ATS (with a one-legged lamp or not). Wow!

  36. Margaret Cottam is gorgious – for sure. I am so impressed with anyone who tackles ATS (with a one-legged lamp or not). Wow!

  37. Congratulations on your first finish of 2012! It looks absolutely beautiful on that fabric and I love your other ongoing projects as well. Cannot wait to see more!

  38. Congratulations on your first finish of 2012! It looks absolutely beautiful on that fabric and I love your other ongoing projects as well. Cannot wait to see more!

  39. Congrats on the first finish of the year! What a great sampler, will have to stitch her one day too 🙂 Looking forward to more of ATS and the Hearts piece. Hope you are well!!!

  40. Congrats on the first finish of the year! What a great sampler, will have to stitch her one day too 🙂 Looking forward to more of ATS and the Hearts piece. Hope you are well!!!

  41. Your finishes from the last post are very impressive Michelle. You got a lot done and WOW what about that finish on Margaret Cottam – I hadn’t seen one finished before yours and it IS gorgeous! Will be fun to keep up with all your pretty WIP’s in the coming year. Mel

  42. Your finishes from the last post are very impressive Michelle. You got a lot done and WOW what about that finish on Margaret Cottam – I hadn’t seen one finished before yours and it IS gorgeous! Will be fun to keep up with all your pretty WIP’s in the coming year. Mel

  43. Gorgeous finish of Margaret Cottam. I really need to start mine.

    ATS is looking so bright and cheery. This is a chart I’ve had for a while, just never have gotten brave enough to start it.

  44. Gorgeous finish of Margaret Cottam. I really need to start mine.

    ATS is looking so bright and cheery. This is a chart I’ve had for a while, just never have gotten brave enough to start it.

  45. Congrats on the amazing finish Michelle!! I wasn’t sure I was going to get this one until I saw yours – now it’s a must stitch!! Your wips are looking great too!! 🙂

  46. Congrats on the amazing finish Michelle!! I wasn’t sure I was going to get this one until I saw yours – now it’s a must stitch!! Your wips are looking great too!! 🙂

  47. Wow, congrats on your LaDDa finish! You stitched it up fast! And your ATS is really coming along. I’m glad that you’re digging it back out again on Sundays! Can’t wait to see what you have in the works for the bonus block of ATS.

  48. Wow, congrats on your LaDDa finish! You stitched it up fast! And your ATS is really coming along. I’m glad that you’re digging it back out again on Sundays! Can’t wait to see what you have in the works for the bonus block of ATS.

  49. Michelle, Margaret Cottam is gorgeous! I love it on the 40 count cocoa and will copy your idea!

    You are making good progress on your ATS! The angel is so cool. I really like her. And what a sexy bare leg!

    Great WIPocalypse list! Mine is way too long.

  50. Michelle, Margaret Cottam is gorgeous! I love it on the 40 count cocoa and will copy your idea!

    You are making good progress on your ATS! The angel is so cool. I really like her. And what a sexy bare leg!

    Great WIPocalypse list! Mine is way too long.

  51. Beautiful stitching on Margaret and the colors on that fabric are just gorgeous! Anniversaries of the Heart is another lovely one as is ATS. It looks like the rabbit is contemplating that leg. 🙂

  52. Beautiful stitching on Margaret and the colors on that fabric are just gorgeous! Anniversaries of the Heart is another lovely one as is ATS. It looks like the rabbit is contemplating that leg. 🙂

  53. Chocolates4Breakfast (TerriBoog)

    MC is gorgeous, Michelle! I really love the colors and the border. So pretty! AotH is also very pretty. ATS is progressing quite nicely, I’d say. Will look forward to your progress on it and your other WIPs, too. Lovely post!

  54. Chocolates4Breakfast (TerriBoog)

    MC is gorgeous, Michelle! I really love the colors and the border. So pretty! AotH is also very pretty. ATS is progressing quite nicely, I’d say. Will look forward to your progress on it and your other WIPs, too. Lovely post!

  55. I am drooling over the photos of so many beautiful projects. Congratulations on your first 2012 finish. Absolutely gorgeous.

  56. I am drooling over the photos of so many beautiful projects. Congratulations on your first 2012 finish. Absolutely gorgeous.

  57. Oh my word. How did I miss this?? Margaret Cottam is ridiculously pretty, Michelle!! I LOVE that border!! And I don’t have this one. Okay. I’m thinking I need to do something about that. 🙂

  58. Oh my word. How did I miss this?? Margaret Cottam is ridiculously pretty, Michelle!! I LOVE that border!! And I don’t have this one. Okay. I’m thinking I need to do something about that. 🙂

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