Missing in Action

So, I’ve spent the last few days with a migraine…and on top of my allergies, it hasn’t been a whole lot of fun. Basically, we’ve spent the weekend again trying to stay out of the heat. I think it actually hot 105 a couple of days ago. We watched the third of our Best Picture winners. This time it was Cimarron, the first Western to win. I would put this one as better than Broadway Melody, but not nearly as good as All Quiet on the Western Front. We’re still in the black and white films, which is fine. Frankly, I am glad there has been a variety of genres that we’ve seen. So, next up is Grand Hotel. I think I actually studied part of this one in one of my art history classes, strange as that may seem. So far, Netflix has been great – I have been able to get these as frequently as I want and they’ve come in order, which is what I wanted. So, thanks to Anna for her information on it. Tomorrow Midi Mystery I goes to be framed. I am so excited. This is the third piece I’ve had framed. Here’s the first one, House on Booberry Lane by Brightneedle. The second piece I had framed was a gift.

The frame is actually purple and matches the border on the design. But, this is the smallest little thing. The frame is probably 6″ x 6″. So, having a big piece framed is really exciting. I will, of course, share a photo when I get it back. I have been stitching as much as I could this weekend (between laying down in a dark room) on Quaker Garden. So many people in our SAL have finished this, that I felt I needed to make it a priority. I definitely want to have it finished by the end of the month. I also need to finish reading On Beauty by next Friday as well, since that is when my book club meets. So, here is Quaker Garden, and I’m off to finish laundry and get back to stitching on it. Hope everyone had a great weekend!

I am grateful for quiet Sunday mornings with the sunlight coming through the windows.

5 thoughts on “Missing in Action”

  1. Hi Michelle, can you send me an email with your snail mail address so I can post the bag pattern to you -my email is:katrinarosser@xtra.co.nz. Thanks! sorry to hear that you haven’t been feeling too great, hope you feel better soon. You are making great progress with the Quaker Garden, the colours are so lovely.

  2. Michelle – I think you are making great progress with Quaker Garden! I’m not finished either and I’ve decided to put it away for a few days.

    Hope you are feeling better and that you get relief from the heat soon!

  3. Michelle, Quaker Garden is looking lovely – you’re making great progress!

    Sorry to hear you’ve been feeling poorly, hope you’re feeling better soon. The heat’s been pretty bad here too just lately.

  4. I love your House on Booberry Lane, it is really cute and the frame goes very well with it! I have that pattern somewhere in my stash.

    I am participating in QG SAL and I have been a bad SAL girl as I have been stitching on other things. Your QG is looking great!

  5. Ugh, sorry to hear about the migraine. I guess we shouldn’t have talked about allergies probably being preferable to migraines, eh? I hope that you’ve kicked it and the heat out of your days now!

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