
I am so tired this morning. We had a great, but busy weekend. Saturday was filled with a little anxiety. I had to take Hamlet to the vet for his annual shots and exam. Hamlet doesn’t do so well at the vet, and has to be knocked out with gas once he gets there. I was nervous/anxious because our normal vet wasn’t there so he was going to be seeing a different vet. I also had to leave him and come back for him, which was a little nerve-wracking. I went over to the bookstore and tried to keep myself entertained for the hour they had him. They declared him in good health, but said his hips were really stiff. I have been giving him medication for the arthritis in his hips for about a year now, so that came as no surprise. Once I got him home, he did his normal sleep all day thing, so it didn’t concern me. But come dinner time, he refused to eat. I could tell he was really stiff and sore, and was hurting a lot, but since I couldn’t get him to eat, I couldn’t get his medication in him. Poor thing, it was a rough night and it wasn’t until lunchtime Sunday that I finally got him to eat and drink. With his pain medication in him, that appeared to help. He seems his old self now, but I was really worried about him there for a while.

Saturday night we went to the art museum where I have my book club, and went the the “After Hours at the Kimbell” they do once a month. They have a jazz band, a bar, hors d’oevres and docent led tours. It was the first time we’ve been and it was lovely. Eric and I sat in one of the galleries for a while and just talked…it was wonderful. Not that we don’t talk anyway, but there is something so wonderful about really enjoying the company of the person you’re with and when it’s your husband or significant other, that makes it even better! I was craving Mexican food, so we went to dinner afterwards and I had a dinner that hit the spot exactly and a Mango Margarita…mmmmm. It was such a nice evening.

I did spend the majority of my weekend at home. I did a little stitching on Their Song. I also started the layout of my Neighborhood RR. That is going to take a while to grid, I can already tell. But, I sat at the dining room table with the sunlight streaming in and just quietly worked on it. It was so nice. I also finished reading Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix. So, I am on to reading the last book (well, the last one before the new one comes out). I should be able to finish it in time.

Sunday, I spent a little time doing things around the house, laundry and such. I practiced on my knitting too. I am practicing on my doing purl and switching back and forth between the two. So, I knitted a length with a border to see what that looked like. It was good practice having to figure out whether I was supposed to be knitting or purling. I will be going to my knitting class again tomorrow afternoon, which I am looking forward to. And hopefully I will soon be knitting on something other than this flourescent orange yarn…yikes!!!

So, nothing too exciting this weekend, but it was nice (other than the Hamlet thing). Oh, and our tree is finally gone! All the pieces of it and the stump that have been laying on either side of our driveway for a month – it has all finally been hauled away! It was so nice backing out of the driveway this morning without having to dodge obstacles!!! Hurrah!

I am grateful for dates with my husband.

33 thoughts on “Monday”

  1. Sorry to hear about Hamlet. I hope he’s eating, drinking and feeling better today.
    Your Their Song piece looks great as does your knitting.

  2. Hope Hamlet is doing a little better now.

    Their Song is looking lovely and your knitting is progressing beautifully!

  3. Hope Hamlet is doing a little better now.

    Their Song is looking lovely and your knitting is progressing beautifully!

  4. It sounds like you had a nice weekend. I’m glad that Hamlet seems to be back to normal now. 🙂 Enjoy your knitting class!

  5. It sounds like you had a nice weekend. I’m glad that Hamlet seems to be back to normal now. 🙂 Enjoy your knitting class!

  6. glad to hear Hamlet started perking up! and what a lovely time you and your hubby had 🙂 You are really doing well with your knitting!

  7. glad to hear Hamlet started perking up! and what a lovely time you and your hubby had 🙂 You are really doing well with your knitting!

  8. What a lovely warm colour you have chosen for your knitting practice (looks very pretty!)

    Sorry to hear Hamlet has been under the weather. Poor old soul.

    Their song is looking just gorgeous.

  9. What a lovely warm colour you have chosen for your knitting practice (looks very pretty!)

    Sorry to hear Hamlet has been under the weather. Poor old soul.

    Their song is looking just gorgeous.

  10. I’m a little late, but I wanted to thank you for visiting my blog, and for leaving such a lovely comment!
    Sorry to hear your Hamlet was poorly. Still, it sounds like you had a lovely weekend. I love the BD project you’re working on, and also the knitting. Just tell me one thing… why poisonous orange? [unless you really like it, of course :o)]

  11. I’m a little late, but I wanted to thank you for visiting my blog, and for leaving such a lovely comment!
    Sorry to hear your Hamlet was poorly. Still, it sounds like you had a lovely weekend. I love the BD project you’re working on, and also the knitting. Just tell me one thing… why poisonous orange? [unless you really like it, of course :o)]

  12. Glad to hear Hamlet is doing a little better. Their song is such a beautiful piece and yours is coming out just gorgeous. 🙂

  13. Glad to hear Hamlet is doing a little better. Their song is such a beautiful piece and yours is coming out just gorgeous. 🙂

  14. So, how is Hamlet doing?

    I just love that orange yarn! It is so cool!

    I’m awaiting my BD chart – they said they mailed it yesterday…I’m so impatient!

  15. So, how is Hamlet doing?

    I just love that orange yarn! It is so cool!

    I’m awaiting my BD chart – they said they mailed it yesterday…I’m so impatient!

  16. It sounds like a great, relaxing weekend for you! Your knitting looks great! Poor Hamlet though, it doesn’t sound like he tolerates his vet visits very well, even with the gas.

  17. It sounds like a great, relaxing weekend for you! Your knitting looks great! Poor Hamlet though, it doesn’t sound like he tolerates his vet visits very well, even with the gas.

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