More Crazy Cat Ladies

Nicki, Lulu and Polo have sent word that they received the Crazy Cat Lady Exchange from me. I was so nervous about sending it to New Zealand, as I have never mailed something overseas before. This is also my very first exchange to participate in, so I was nervous about that as well. Obviously, it arrived safely and quite fast. I stitched a needlebook for Nicki. I took elements from Martina Weber’s (Chatelaine Designs) Egyptian Garden. I have had that design all kitted up for awhile, I just can’t manage to get to it. So, I combined different elements from that design for Nicki’s needlebook. Nicki and I both love the Amelia Peabody books, so I thought this would be perfect for her (plus the two black cats were a must!). I stitched this on 28 ct. Lugana from Silkweaver, the color is Cameo. I used both DMC, silks and Petite Treasure Braid (that I raided from my kit). I stitched everything over two, except the year.

On the back, more of Martina’s elements, plus I added both of our initials. These are little fishies swimming around a pond.

I finished the inside with blue swirly fabric, blue felt and used a blue ribbon for the tie. The blue is what Nicki and I would refer to as an “Egyptian Blue”. It is almost like a cobalt. Actually, Eric picked out what color I would use for the inside…what a big help he is! You can see more pics on Nicki’s blog as well as see the other goodies I sent along for her kitties and her. So, now I can officially cross of my 101 Things in 1001 Days list number 91 “participate in an exchange”. I have officially crossed six things off of my list, and have several others in the works. For example…

My Just Nan Round Robin. I basically have this all ready to go out. I am rounding up a few things and should be able to mail it out tomorrow. I need to add my last initial to my square, since I am sending it on to another Michelle in Texas. I am using DMCs on 28 ct. Lugana in Blue Dynasty by Silkweaver. I used elements from the Queen of the Needle piece for the top, and in my square stitched the Mermaid Heart WhimZi.

I did not add any beads or backstitching to my square (mostly because I didn’t have the beads on hand). I love, love, love how the colors look on the fabric. I am so glad I chose it. So, off it goes tomorrow. This is my very first Round Robin also, so it will be another new experience for me (and another item on my list)!

I am grateful for new experiences.

15 thoughts on “More Crazy Cat Ladies”

  1. You did a wonderful job on Nicki’s exchange, I was admiring it on her blog yesterday! Lovely choice of design and finishing fabric 🙂

  2. I love the needlebook you stitched for Nicki! This is just so perfect for her 🙂

    Your RR looks great too – what a great choice of design for a RR, I’m sure it’ll turn out wonderful.
    I happen to have some of that blue Dynasty fabric and know how beautiful it is!

  3. Love your exchange piece for Nicki, it is fantastic! Your Just Nan RR is going to be awesome. Great layout and I love the crown at the top.

  4. I had spotted your needlebook on Nicki’s blog and thought it was just wonderful, the blue fabric is gorgeous. Well done on a lovely exchange.

    (I recognise the Mermaid heart – its one of my current wips, although sadly neglected due to exchange committments) Look forward to seeing how your RR turns out. have good rest of the week Michelle!

  5. Anna van Schurman

    Hooray for crossing things off the list! I love that blue fabric. I have a knotted mermaid that would look perfect on that fabric. 😉

  6. Stitch or no stitch

    What a pretty needlebook – lovely design & finishing.
    Your RR start looks great. Love the colors you chose. How exciting to wait & see what your RR partners will stitch.

  7. The needlebook you made for Nicki is beautiful, lucky Nicki. 🙂 What a great idea taking elements from Egyptian Garden.

    I really enjoyed reading about your trip too – great photos, and it sounds like you had a wonderful time.

  8. Michelle, I loved your exchange for Niki. It was gorgeous. The RR looks great too. Congrats. I am trying to learn to finish more things-can you give me some instructions on completing a needlecase?

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