More in the Haunted Neighborhood

Hello, all! It’s been pretty busy around our house with Eric’s birthday celebrations, a Halloween party, the State Fair, etc. So, not a lot of stitching has been done. I wanted to share photos though of how my Neighborhood RR is looking right now. Annemarie stitched the Just Nan piece that you see on there, and then sent it on to Kathy. Kathy chose a great design – she said it is from an old Prairie Schooler chart called Trick or Treat! I borrowed Kathy’s photos from the group blog to show you – I hope she doesn’t mind! I just love the way my piece is turning out…and I am so glad that I chose a Halloween neighborhood theme! Katrina is now in possession of the piece, and then it will go back to AnneMarie for her to finish up her stitching. Then, it comes home to me! Woohoo!

I received Judith‘s piece in the mail on Saturday, so I’ll need to get busy on it. It’s due to be mailed out November 15th and then that is the last of the RRs I have to stitch on.

I haven’t done any more planning on my Me, Myself and I RR. I need to figure out the stitched size of each of the charts in order to do a final layout and determine what size fabric I need.

Hope you are all doing well, and enjoying your stitching!!

I am grateful for time for an update.

24 thoughts on “More in the Haunted Neighborhood”

  1. Your neighbourhood is so much fun! It was/is great to work on it too. I can’t wait to finish my block on it. It’s not really a house I stitched. More sort of an entrance building to your grave yard, perhaps, with the skeleton as the gate keeper.
    I love Kathy’s work on it. What a treat to get to see it almost finished!

  2. Your neighbourhood is so much fun! It was/is great to work on it too. I can’t wait to finish my block on it. It’s not really a house I stitched. More sort of an entrance building to your grave yard, perhaps, with the skeleton as the gate keeper.
    I love Kathy’s work on it. What a treat to get to see it almost finished!

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