A Much-Needed Break

I was thrilled to be able to take a vacation day on Friday of last week. It’s the first vacation day I’ve had since Christmas. And let me tell you, the four-day weekend (due to the holiday yesterday), was much needed and much appreciated! I got a ton of stuff done that I’d meant to do the weekend before. Othello was very sick that weekend though, so I only ventured away from him a couple of times. But he seems to be better now, so I took advantage of that and my extra time and did a ton of things!

Just to give you an idea what I was up to this weekend, I enrolled in a basic jewelry making class with a gift certificate a friend had given me for my birthday a while back. I’m really looking forward to my class and I think it will be fun. I’d love to learn more about beading and jewelry making!

I also decided to make use of a little bit of the bonus I got at work and I went up to the quilt shop to buy backing fabric for a little patriotic table top quilt I have. I thought I’d chat with my quilter while I was there about possibly dropping it off with her for quilting. Unfortunately, my quilter has taken a two-year hiatus, but I was directed to another quilter who works out of the shop. She took a look and said she’d be able to get it quilted before 4th of July for sure. So, I left it with her. I got a call the next day and she’d finished it! So, I picked up my little quilt and got to work on cutting, pressing and machine-sewing on my binding (as you can see above). All I need to do now is hand-sew down the binding and attach a label and it is done! Woohoo! And it was fun working on this yesterday (Memorial Day), so I had to tweet a photo of it from my phone.

And since we’re talking about being productive, I did also finish my Stacy Nash sewing roll. It’s ready to be finished and then aged.

Part of my errands that I ran over the weekend included taking one of my pieces to be framed (also using a little bit of my bonus). I think I picked out a great frame and I’m anxious to see how it looks. So excited!

Of course, I couldn’t leave empty-handed. I was sucked in by seeing a WIP of the With thy Needle & Thread Mystery Sampler. I had to have it! So, I came home with the Confederate Grey fabric in 40ct as well as the first chart. I made a little bitty start on it and I’m just loving the colors! I am using the called for Weeks threads, luckily I had them in my stash.

I spent a good part of the weekend learning more about Lightroom and working on taking photos with a new set up (plus learning how to edit them in Lightroom). Big learning curve, but I’ll get there eventually.

And then of course, on Sunday (and actually last night too), I worked on And They Sinned. I was so happy to finish this little motif last night that an Instagram photo was in order.

So, busy weekend. But I also had time to relax, sleep in a little bit, spend some quality time with Eric, see my parents, read a little bit, and stitch with Othello on my lap. You can’t beat that! I actually have several more things to show, but I’ll save those for another post. This is what happens when I fall behind on my posting!

I am grateful for four-day weekends!

21 thoughts on “A Much-Needed Break”

  1. I think you got more done than I did with the entire week off. I slept and read and avoided housework.

  2. Sounds good to me! You have been very productive. I love your finish. Your quilt looks fab too. So talented! x

  3. Wow, sounds like a great weekend! Very productive. I can’t wait to see your quilt all quilted and bound. Love your Stacy Nash!

  4. Wow-busy girl! You have done a lovely job on the S. Nash piece. I’m looking forward to seeing your frame!

  5. Glad you got an extra day off! Love the Stacy Nash finish! Love the mystery sampler too — I need to get mine from my LNS! Sounds like you had a nice weekend for sure! Can’t wait to see more of the quilt! As for Othello — well, Mia is doing the same thing — sleeping on my lap while I stitch. Don’t you love it? 😀

  6. Those much-needed-breaks weekends are great! Glad you got so much enjoyment and stitching out of it!

  7. What a productive weekend you had Michelle. TFS all your work. I really enjoyed seeing them. Can’t wait to see the little quilt your are working on. Also bit the bug on WTN Mystery Sampler and awaiting for it to come in, but have not yet decided if I want to start it now.
    TFS again.

  8. I am loving the corner of the quilt that I can see – High five on almost having another one done!!

    The Stacy Nash piece is darling and will look so good once you are done with it.

    I really liked that motif you just stitched on ATS – maybe it was the purple grapes??

    Boy, you rocked on your Mystery Sampler start – I have been stitching on it all week and have just now gotten the 4th of the large flowers done… ok, almost done…lol. Still lots to and Hare Pyns will be here this week… yikes, I have to find my turbo needles!! Wait, never mind, I don’t have any, so I will just have to stitch it a regular speed with my normal slow poke needles. Sigh.

  9. That sounds like a very busy weekend indeed.
    Love how your stitching for the needle roll turned out. Looking forward to see it finished and aged. Love also your start on Birds of a Feather. And they Sinned is looking great too.

  10. Wow, you’ve been busy! Quilting, Stacy Nash, Mystery Sampler, ATS. It all looks terrific!

    I’m going to have to dig through my threads and see if I can start the Mystery Sampler myself. Although the last thing I need is another start! lol

  11. I can’t wait to see your table quilt finished! Can you hurry up? LOLLLLLL!

    Oh, I love that mystery piece..the fabric, the color, everything.

  12. It sounds like a glorious weekend! I’m looking forward to seeing more of the mystery sampler in blogland – so far it looks fantastic.

  13. Laurie in Iowa

    You accomplished so much with your extra day off this past weekend. I can’t wait to see the entire patriotic quilt… you tease. I’m also looking forward to seeing the SN project in aged and finished.
    Glad you enjoyed your weekend.

  14. Sounds like a perfect and productive weekend. Glad Othello is doing better, poor baby. I am sure the lap time helped him :-).

    Everything is gorgeous too!

  15. Everything looks lovely. Love the purple heart on ATS. It looks great! Sounds like a great weekend all told. Can’t wait to see your quilt and your framed piece!!

  16. Sounds like you had a very productive four days. I think those came far too few and in between, don’t you. I can’t wait to see your quilt and your framed piece. And your Stacy Nash all aged and finished too.

  17. Four day weekend – how nice, love the quilt and Stacy Nash. Don’t you just love when you have a fur baby sitting with you when you ae doing something you love – stitching.

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