My Neighborhood RR

My Neighborhood RR Block
Modified from Village of Hawk Run Hollow
Carriage House Samplings
DMC and Weeks on 36ct Meadow Rue (Lakeside Linens)
Finished 7/12/07

The day has finally come! I have finished up my Neighborhood RR and I’m ready for mailing today. I decided that I wanted a Halloween/Autumn theme for my neighborhood, and so chose to stitch the cemetery block from Village of Hawk Run Hollow (see below, bottom right block).

I modified the block somewhat, I eliminated the black background, changed my bats to black and moved them around a little bit, I eliminated the stars and the moon and I moved my tree to the opposite side. Some of the tombstones and ground had to go because of the size of my blocks (70 x 70). I am very pleased with it, and am excited to see what everyone stitches on my piece.

This photo makes it hard for you to get an real look at my layout, but maybe you can get the general idea. The black backstitched line will be a road that will wind through my neighborhood. I have placed the other eight blocks throughout the piece along the road. I also left some room up at the top in order to add a quote or a title of some kind once I see how the whole thing shapes up. I also plan to add some other things around the house blocks, like a pumpkin patch, maybe some trees, etc. I am really looking forward to seeing how this will turn out. This is my second RR to participate in, and I am trying to be more creative this time, now that I have a little experience. It’s a big piece of fabric, but I hope that no one curses me for using it.

Now, back to stitching on Their Song until my first RR shows up to stitch on.

I am grateful for going to the Post Office.

32 thoughts on “My Neighborhood RR”

  1. I love it! The bats are so cute. I can’t wait to see the final product and see what everyone adds to it. Ann.

  2. I love it! The bats are so cute. I can’t wait to see the final product and see what everyone adds to it. Ann.

  3. The Silver Thistle

    Your RR is going to be so cool!! I love the way you’ve dotted all the blocks about and will put a road in later. The pumpkin patches and extra things are such a great idea!

  4. The Silver Thistle

    Your RR is going to be so cool!! I love the way you’ve dotted all the blocks about and will put a road in later. The pumpkin patches and extra things are such a great idea!

  5. Love it, I think I will be last to get to stitch on it. If I am not mistaken I mail to you :-). I am too lazy to look at my list right now, LOL.

  6. Love it, I think I will be last to get to stitch on it. If I am not mistaken I mail to you :-). I am too lazy to look at my list right now, LOL.

  7. Aussie Stitcher

    You have some great ideas for you RR Michelle. I love the changes you made to your block.


  8. Aussie Stitcher

    You have some great ideas for you RR Michelle. I love the changes you made to your block.


  9. Michelle, I’m sending my neighborhood off today too. It’s going to be a lot of fun coming up with a autumn themed design for your piece – what a great idea!

  10. Michelle when I first saw your finish I was starting to worry about you… but then I read on.

    I look forward to seeing how this turns out.

  11. Wow Michelle, I really love your RR layout, and the theme. Autumn is my favourite time of the year, and the colours that are associated with that season are some of my favourites too.

    It’s a nice change to see an RR layout that is different from the usual blocks. I suspect that the stitchers who’ll be working on this will have a blast doing it.

    Congratulations on your 3 year anniversary (for first date). Your Eric remembers these things? My, he is a keeper. Lol! How did you meet, if I may ask?

    Your Lemon Merangue Pie sampler looks scrumptious and pretty in it’s frame, and the mat is the perfect colour for it.

    Romeo is adorable. But I’m sure he knows that already.


  12. Wish I were in this group! I love the design that you stitched~Halloween/Fall are my favorite!
    I enjoy your blog and will stop back again.

  13. Oh, Michelle!!! How totally awesome this is going to be! I can’t wait to follow it’s progress and watch your Halloween Village grow! And I so love your road meandering through the village… and your idea of a pumpkin patch and the trees is perfect!!! Oh, and maybe a few Owls and Crows and a wee ghostie here and there… 😉

    I do wish I was in this NRR so I could stitch on it… Oh, I just can’t wait to see more… 🙂

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