New Beginnings

Easter Eggs

This past weekend we had a lovely spring weekend here. I do love this time of year, and of course with our anniversary coming up this week and Easter this past Sunday I always think of being in Rome. Maybe one day we’ll go back. But aside from some family time and an amazing pre-anniversary dinner this weekend, I did manage to squeeze in some stitching time too.

Where My Heart Blooms is moving along, slowly but surely. I mindlessly worked on the side of my house. I have been watching that show on Friday nights called “Who Do You Think You Are?”. I am finding it so fascinating. Of course, Eric and my father are both knee-deep in genealogy, and I’ve done some research on my own family too (prior to my dad taking it over). So, it really is interesting to see these shows. Plus, with it being Census time, and having done research by looking into the Census Records, I’m very excited to fill ours out and be counted. If you haven’t filled yours out yet, please do it! Anyway, I’d finally convinced Eric to watch the show with me, but our DVR thinks it is smarter than we are and didn’t record the new episode on Friday. I was so disappointed, because I really wanted to see Brooke Shields, since she goes to Rome to research her family history. Well, Eric to the rescue, he was able to find the show online and we watched it through our tv last night – how cool is that??? It was a good show, and not only did I get to see a bit of Rome, but also Villa Torlonia, which Eric and I had actually been to while we were there! It’s all making me want to get out my Tesori d’Italia again and work on it asap! But, for now…here’s WMHB…

WMHB 040410

I also worked on bit on ATS on Saturday. I knew I probably wouldn’t have time for it on Sunday, so I got my weekly stitching in a day early. This is a horrible photo because I didn’t take it off the scroll frame to photograph it. Just use your imagination that it’s a better photo. I finally got both of those pikes done, which was a good stopping point. The tops of them remind me of the Tin Man’s funnel hat. But, I digress… Next week – SNAKES!

ATS 040410

So, that’s it for me. I hope to have an anniversary post up on the other blog later this week, if you’re interested. Enjoy your week!

I am grateful for a romantic dinner and memories of Italy.

48 thoughts on “New Beginnings”

  1. Fantastic progress on both pieces! And your eggs — so bright! We can never get ours that bright. lol!

  2. Fantastic progress on both pieces! And your eggs — so bright! We can never get ours that bright. lol!

  3. Happy Anniversary!! I’m loving those wip’s, great progess Michelle. I haven’t seen that show yet, but sounds like I should!!

  4. Happy Anniversary!! I’m loving those wip’s, great progess Michelle. I haven’t seen that show yet, but sounds like I should!!

  5. Both projects are looking gorgeous, Michelle! And like Ranae, they are two of my favorite designs. Must get them stitched very soon.

  6. Both projects are looking gorgeous, Michelle! And like Ranae, they are two of my favorite designs. Must get them stitched very soon.

  7. You are doing so good! Now you have got me motivated to post my pic of ATS. I will do it today, since the sun is shining and I can get a good pic of it. I think today I will come back to my poor neglected Jenny – its time to finish her once and for all!!

  8. You are doing so good! Now you have got me motivated to post my pic of ATS. I will do it today, since the sun is shining and I can get a good pic of it. I think today I will come back to my poor neglected Jenny – its time to finish her once and for all!!

  9. Pretty, love ATS and Where My Heart Blooms. I really need to pull that one out, I am almost done with it.

    Happy Anniversary!

  10. Pretty, love ATS and Where My Heart Blooms. I really need to pull that one out, I am almost done with it.

    Happy Anniversary!

  11. Lovely progress on both projects. Looking into your family history becomes very addictive, doesn’t it?! Having looked at census details from the past it does makes me wonder about who might be looking at my family’s details on the census in a hundred years time.

  12. Lovely progress on both projects. Looking into your family history becomes very addictive, doesn’t it?! Having looked at census details from the past it does makes me wonder about who might be looking at my family’s details on the census in a hundred years time.

  13. Great progress on your WIP”s – I love them both! I missed commenting on your previous post – that Alice in Wonderland bronze (is it a bronze?) is wonderful! So cool – congratulations on your 100+ followers and your anniversary! Mel

  14. Great progress on your WIP”s – I love them both! I missed commenting on your previous post – that Alice in Wonderland bronze (is it a bronze?) is wonderful! So cool – congratulations on your 100+ followers and your anniversary! Mel

  15. mainely stitching

    The show sounds great! Our library is having a lecture to introduce people to how they can research their own geneology – I hope I can go (it’s also Max’s birthday).

    Your stitching looks wonderful!!

  16. mainely stitching

    The show sounds great! Our library is having a lecture to introduce people to how they can research their own geneology – I hope I can go (it’s also Max’s birthday).

    Your stitching looks wonderful!!

  17. Aussie Stitcher

    Your wips are looking great Michelle. I have ATS in my stash and would like to make a start on it soon. I was just wondering how many threads of each color you have purchased? Or have you just purchased one skein of each and are prepared to take you chances with different dye lots? Thanks Michelle, looking forward to seeing future updates of this wonderful project.

  18. Aussie Stitcher

    Your wips are looking great Michelle. I have ATS in my stash and would like to make a start on it soon. I was just wondering how many threads of each color you have purchased? Or have you just purchased one skein of each and are prepared to take you chances with different dye lots? Thanks Michelle, looking forward to seeing future updates of this wonderful project.

  19. The Scarlett House

    Hope you had a wonderful Easter weekend, Michelle. Love the wip’s!
    BTW, when I think of Italy these days, I think of Edward, lol!

  20. The Scarlett House

    Hope you had a wonderful Easter weekend, Michelle. Love the wip’s!
    BTW, when I think of Italy these days, I think of Edward, lol!

  21. SimplyStitchingintheGarden

    Happy Anniversary!

    ATS and Where my Heart Blooms are lovely and coming along nicely.

    Congrats a bit late on passing your test.

  22. SimplyStitchingintheGarden

    Happy Anniversary!

    ATS and Where my Heart Blooms are lovely and coming along nicely.

    Congrats a bit late on passing your test.

  23. Both your WIPs show some great progress.
    Family history is such a very interesting thing. It’s my husband’s hobby, too, and he can trace his family back into the 17th century. Very exciting.

  24. Both your WIPs show some great progress.
    Family history is such a very interesting thing. It’s my husband’s hobby, too, and he can trace his family back into the 17th century. Very exciting.

  25. Great progress on your WIPs!! I would love to hear more about your genealogy–I find it fascinating. I have to see if I can figure out a way to watch the US show on the net–I would love to see Brooke Shields do her journey.

  26. Great progress on your WIPs!! I would love to hear more about your genealogy–I find it fascinating. I have to see if I can figure out a way to watch the US show on the net–I would love to see Brooke Shields do her journey.

  27. Italy is my dream vacation..which I will make a reality soon! You are making great progress on your projects.

    Have a great weekend!

  28. Italy is my dream vacation..which I will make a reality soon! You are making great progress on your projects.

    Have a great weekend!

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