Inspired by all the beautiful Prairie Schooler pieces on Nicole’s blog, I decided that perhaps I would start collecting PS charts. I only had two in my stash before making this decision (A Prairie Year and Starry Night), so you can see I have a long way to go. So, on a recent trip to my LNS, I decided to pick up a few PS charts – as you can see, I got Rain, Rain, Go Away, Winter Wind and Summer Breeze. I’ve also realized I’m lacking in the PS freebies too, but hopefully I will be able to get a hold of some of those as well. Any must-stitch PS charts I should get? I’ve been wanting the New World Sampler for a long time, ever since I saw a model (of course that was after it had already gone out of print). Every time I see it on eBay, it is going for outrageous amounts (as a lot of PS charts do).

Anyway, I attempted to stitch on Baby Garden Monday night. I got about halfway through my over one goldfish pond and noticed two mistakes. I was so frustrated I couldn’t even figure out where I’d gotten off-count. So I put it down and didn’t stitch the rest of the night. I’ve just been stitching on my Mystery Sampler again. My May goal for this is to finish part 1. There are four motifs in part 1 that are continued over into parts 2 and 3. With the variegated thread, I don’t want to stitch half a motif, so I’ve gone ahead and stitched the peacock and am stitching the wreath above it. Once I get those four motifs finished, I will consider part 1 done. I’ll probably end up stitching on this a little more tonight, and then maybe Barnabee tomorrow. Have I mentioned how much I love stitching on this? When I stitched the peacock last night, I kept thinking about the peacock bead that goes on Just Nan’s Peacock Cypher, which Cathy is stitching on currently. I just love that piece! Sorry for the dark photo here…we are still having crazy thunderstorms, etc.

And finally, my next block for the Leanne’s House block of the month came. It will be so fun when I can actually sew these up! I love applique and embroidery on quilts, so this will be a fun way to do that for the first time (the embroidery, that is). Hope you’re all having a great week!
Walk to Rivendell: Wood ends. The land steadily becomes more tame. Sun is shining brightly. (Total Miles Walked: 55.5)
I am grateful for being the crafty girl that I am!
I love Prairie Schooler charts too…Johnny Appleseed is one of my favorites 🙂
Good luck collecting, I’ve found ebay to be the best place to find OOP charts…
Hi Michelle I haven’t seen/heard of PS New World that I know of, so I googled it in hopes of seeing a picture. I too love PS patterns. I found this web site that claims to see oop patterns. I’ve not bought from them and you may want to check around to see if anyone has first, but they appear cheap.
Your quilt blocks are going to look great, I love that fabric. Between your posts and two other quilt blogs I visit, I may just start quilting myself! As if I need another hobby!
Sorry for the long comment, Julie
the fabric for the quilt is pretty!!
nice progress on the sampler 🙂
I love PS as well! I have some freebies saved to my computer, let me know if you would like them, my email address is mhighfill@gmail.com. You can get the most recent one from the PS website.
: )
The fabric for Leanne’s house always looks so yummy!
I’m a secret PS fan too. Got a few sitting in my stash but yet to start one.
I’m only just starting to appreciate PS designs … and Mum’s on a major kick for all the Xmas ones, so she’s drawing me into them more and more. Luckily she lets me share 😉 Your sampler is coming along beautifully 😀
I haven’t been to your blog in a while, but you’ve made some great progress! I love the kimono quilt squares – can’t wait to see the finished thing.
Nice progress!! And nice stash aquisition! 🙂
Also, I really like your “I’m grateful for….” comments at the end of each post. Sometimes its nice to just stop and think of how truly blessed we can be 🙂
Love those PS charts…the only one I have is Autumn Leaves. I must fix that situation! LOL. Mystery sampler is looking great!
New stash is always nice, isn’t it? 🙂
The sampler looks beautiful and the fabrics are really pretty!
Very nice new stash Michelle.
The sampler is looking so pretty.
I recently hopped aboard the PS train after stitching one of their freebies. Gorgeous designs and colors! Good luck with your collection!
The fabric for Leanne’s house looks so pretty!
I just love your blog, so many pictures and all of them inspiring.
BTW, I tagged you in my blog.
Those are great charts 🙂 I like the next block you will be doing on your quilt. One of these days I hope I can make that quilt too!
Great chart choices Michelle. I have recently become more of a fan of PS and have a the Winter Wind and Autumn Wind charts as well as Birdsong I. I hope to get Birdsong II and the Spring and Summer breeze charts. Nice progress on your mystery piece too!
I just love that Leanne’s House project! And I had to laugh because what you said about PS sounds like me and my Cozzolino collection 🙂
You should be grateful for the crafty girl that you are! Can you imagine how boring it would be without all of those fun crafts?
I am starting to really like Prairie Schooler too – especially after seeing so many lovely WIPs on various blogs!