Fall may be one of my favorite times of the year, I think. Not that we really have Fall here in Texas, but I have a vision of what Fall looks like, that I keep holding on to. And I think the beginning of October brings me around to thoughts of what I want to accomplish by year end. I have been sleeping relatively well this week, thankfully, and that sleep brings with it a renewed interest in projects, renewed creativity and inspiration.
With all of that in mind, I’d like to take a look at how I did on my September goals.
- Knit on Homespun Wrap yes!
- Finish Katrina’s RR and Mail by 9/15 yes!
- Finish Row 1 of Tesori (Lazio and Calabria) no – barely started on Lazio
- Stitch one SB ornament no – barely started on As Bethlehem Slept
- Stitch one WhimZi yes – stitched and framed Frost Flower
- Stitch on Baby Garden yes – less than two rows left!
- Read 3 books two read, and part of a third
- Do some quilting no – still haven’t figured out my new machine
Not too bad. Instead of making October goals, I am going to make year end goals, with the thought of getting a better idea of what I’d like to do in the next three months.
- Finishing on all of my finished but unfinished pieces (right now that list includes two framing pieces, two pinkeeps, a fob and a wall-hanging)
- Finish stitching on Baby Garden and frame to send for Christmas
- Finish Shepherd’s Bush ornaments and make into wall hanging for Christmas
- Stitch and finish 2nd Day of Christmas ornament for Eric
- Get to the halfway mark on Tesori (that will give me three months in 2008 to get the other half finished)
- Keep up with Neighborhood RR (I should get two more before the end of the year)
- Sew on quilt squares, get ready to start wedding quilt in January
- Blog more consistently – let’s shoot for every other day
- Take stock of my 101 Things List and cross some more things off
- Organize our travel photos – print and make books
- Continue with Home Project, finish three rooms (1 per month)
- Read two books per month
- Finish writing my two poems
- Focus on my fitness, continue my weight loss – meet my end of year goal weight
- Decorate for the holidays, enjoy and relax!
I think it will be a stretch, but I can do it. And if you’re curious about my Home Project, you can take a look at it here. I’ll have photos of the inside soon.

This weekend (apart from taking a million photos of my house) Eric and I had some friends over for dinner on Saturday. Eric made Cuban food that was yummy!! Sunday we went to the Dallas Museum of Art to see their exhibit “From the Ashes of Vesuvius”. It was excellent. The red they used – wow – I am such a sucker for red! We went shopping for some new clothes for me, as I needed smaller sizes, and some things for fall. I am trying to get by with buying as few clothes as possible since I won’t have them probably for more than one or two seasons. It’s a good feeling though! Then, we went to the grocery store to buy food for the week. Whew! I’ve stitched a little bit on Baby Garden, but I had to rip out some over one again last night because I wasn’t paying attention. But, the clock is finished and I am moving along. Oh, and I had my book club to discuss Peony in Love on Friday.

We looked at some of the Chinese art in the Kimbell’s permanent collection. We touched on subjects such as footbinding, Confucianism, traditional roles of women, and of course love. It was a great discussion.
I have Philadelphia photos all ready to show you too in the next couple of days. I had intended to show you today, but somehow I didn’t put them on my thumb drive to bring with me. Oh well, it’s not like you haven’t been waiting over a month for them!
Oh, and that beauty up at the top of my post. It’s Martina Weber’s (Chatelaine) new Hawaiian Mandala. It starts in December. I love it. I have such a love of Hawaii. It will definitely be a must for my stitching bag. One of these days I would really love to make a traditional Hawaiian breadfruit quilt to put on a bed – red and white. I can’t seem to find a pattern for anything bigger than a pillowcase though. My best friend’s mother used to have a “Hawaiian Room” that was decorated with some things from Hawaii, and ever since then I’ve loved that idea of a Hawaiian Room. I think my favorite part of the Mandala though may be the sea turtles – love them!!
Walk to Rivendell: Reach Tom Bombadil’s house. Stars are out (ca. 7 p.m.). Rainy. Spend the day at Tom Bombadil’s house. Leave Tom’s house and climb zig-zag path to brow of hill on west side of Barrow-downs (ca. 9 a.m.). On ponies go up steep slopes and down long limbs. No trees or water. Turn more east than they intend and enter the Barrow-downs, a place of great dread: inhabited by evil Barrow-wights from Angmar. (Total Miles Walked: 99.75)
I am grateful for October.
Thanks for visiting my blog.. It’s nice to meet another Michelle!
Thanks for visiting my blog.. It’s nice to meet another Michelle!
Rest of the year goals is a great idea! Good luck in meeting your goals.
I like the Hawaiian Garden too. I think it’s the little turtles that caught my eye. I’d like to go to Hawaii one day.
Rest of the year goals is a great idea! Good luck in meeting your goals.
I like the Hawaiian Garden too. I think it’s the little turtles that caught my eye. I’d like to go to Hawaii one day.
That Hawaiian piece is gorgeous! I need more projects like I need extra holes in the head. Good luck with your goals-I know if anyone can do it-you can!
That Hawaiian piece is gorgeous! I need more projects like I need extra holes in the head. Good luck with your goals-I know if anyone can do it-you can!
Wow Michelle, after reading your goals I needed a rest myself! But what a great idea! And that Hawaiian Garden Mandala is to die for! Good luck to you.
Wow Michelle, after reading your goals I needed a rest myself! But what a great idea! And that Hawaiian Garden Mandala is to die for! Good luck to you.
I just love Fall, even here in Phx where we don’t really get seasons. You covered a lot of ground in this post, I hope you are able to reach your goals. I have tons of projects too that I would like to do and always seeing more new ones that I want.
I just love Fall, even here in Phx where we don’t really get seasons. You covered a lot of ground in this post, I hope you are able to reach your goals. I have tons of projects too that I would like to do and always seeing more new ones that I want.
What a lovely long post, Michelle. And such gorgeous pictures too! That book looks particularly nice to me.
Good luck with your goals. I’m done with goals. They never work in my case :o)
What a lovely long post, Michelle. And such gorgeous pictures too! That book looks particularly nice to me.
Good luck with your goals. I’m done with goals. They never work in my case :o)
Good luck with your goals Michelle:)
Isn’t the Hawaiian Mandala gorgeous! I’d love to stitch it but have nowhere to hang it plus Martina’s designs are so expensive to stitch. If I get a lottery win I might just take the plunge:)
Good luck with your goals Michelle:)
Isn’t the Hawaiian Mandala gorgeous! I’d love to stitch it but have nowhere to hang it plus Martina’s designs are so expensive to stitch. If I get a lottery win I might just take the plunge:)
What a newsy post 🙂
I love the idea of you making your house a home…that’s how I have to live myself, for my home centers me. I wish you luck and your house is beautiful – I bet all those windows do make lovely light inside!
The Hawaiian Mandala is lovely!
Good luck with your goals. You are very inspirational when it comes to goals. I wish I had as many that I could work on. But my goals with 4 kids are to 1.) Make it through the day 🙂 and that’s about it! LOL!
What a newsy post 🙂
I love the idea of you making your house a home…that’s how I have to live myself, for my home centers me. I wish you luck and your house is beautiful – I bet all those windows do make lovely light inside!
The Hawaiian Mandala is lovely!
Good luck with your goals. You are very inspirational when it comes to goals. I wish I had as many that I could work on. But my goals with 4 kids are to 1.) Make it through the day 🙂 and that’s about it! LOL!
That’s a BIG list! I know you’ll pull it off though. I’m rooting for you! 😀
That’s a BIG list! I know you’ll pull it off though. I’m rooting for you! 😀
My goodness. That is quite the list of goals. I need to sit down after that. I will watch with bated breath as you work to complete much of these. Hawaiian garden is gorgeous. Went to Hawaii several years ago and the vibrance is still in my memory
My goodness. That is quite the list of goals. I need to sit down after that. I will watch with bated breath as you work to complete much of these. Hawaiian garden is gorgeous. Went to Hawaii several years ago and the vibrance is still in my memory
Fall is absolutely my favorite season. The weather is cooling off, leaves change color, the air has that lovely, crisp scent to it. It’s wonderful!
Fall is absolutely my favorite season. The weather is cooling off, leaves change color, the air has that lovely, crisp scent to it. It’s wonderful!
Thank you for visiting my blog. I am glad to have found yours.
Good luck with your rest of the year goals!
Thank you for visiting my blog. I am glad to have found yours.
Good luck with your rest of the year goals!