New Releases

Probably everyone has seen these already, but I’ve been a little slow on the uptake. This is the new Mirabilia Limited Edition fairy. I love these. I still need to get the Halloween Fairy, but I am thinking this one is a must-have too. I have a full punch card to use at my LNS, which gets me like $15 off. So, I think I may use it on the Halloween Fairy and then I’ll have my eye on this one.

I am not sure how I feel about the South Seas Mermaid. I love the colors in it, but still not completely sold. I have heard though that the photos of Mirabilias often don’t do them justice. So, perhaps she is prettier in person. I bought Mermaid of the Pearls after seeing a model of her, and can’t wait to stitch her.

I love mermaids, and seem to have a lot of charts in my stash (including Mermaids of the Deep Blue, that Carol recently had a gorgeous finish on). Here’s my one and only mermaid finish.

This is one of the Essie’s Friends pieces from Elegant Stitch. I love this little piece. My first experience with making a pin and with the ruched ribbon trim. One day I will have other mermaids to accompany her, I am sure. I hope all of you are having a great week. It has been a hard, emotional couple of weeks here, but I am learning a lot and I know that everything happens as it should. I hope to be able to share my RR piece with you next post, I am close to having it done. Happy Tuesday!

I am grateful for being who I am right where I am.

8 thoughts on “New Releases”

  1. What a sweet little finish! I got South Seas Mermaid – wasn’t sure about her at first, like her much more now – she is really small – should be a quick stitch! Just not sure yet what fabric to use for her.

  2. I have to agree that the photos of Mirabilia designs do not do them justice. They are gorgeous in person. I was collecting them for awhile but stopped when I realized I was buying more than I was stitching. LOL

    I hope you are feeling better soon. Take some time for you. 🙂

  3. I’m attracted to Mermaids but I don’t care for the new South Seas Mermaid. I pulled all the floss and the beads and the colors just aren’t right for a mermaid (in my mind anyways), so I’ll be passing on her. I hope to be starting Mermaids of the Deep Blue in January (now those are gorgeous mermaids).

  4. I missed that one, too! I’m not sure why, but I didn’t realize that it was one of the holiday fairies. I thought it was a full sized release. She sure is beautiful!

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