Shall we begin with a little end-of-year stash? I wasn’t able to get a good photo of my jewelry from Eric, since it is glass, but here is another gift he got for me – Harry Potter 6 Audiobook. This will get me all ready to go for the new book release, whenever that may be (I’ve heard rumors of July 07). I also bought myself a small gift of the Cheetah Ginghers from Carol’s husband. Love these!

Then, I partook of HAED’s year end sale by buying myself Bright Skies by Selena Fenech (I have Dark Waters and the center piece for the two), Mask of Autumn Storykeep by Jessica Galbreth, and Faery Tales by James C. Christensen. I just can’t resist those HAED charts!

Next up, I received my pearls from Martina. These are extra embellishments for Pearl Lights. I just love all the colors and shapes. Beautiful and so luxurious!

And finally, I did finish my January blanket so that brings my yearly total up to 25! Hurrah. You will have to wait to see the January blanket until, well, January. So, I thought I would pull out another WIP, dust it off and get to work on it. This is Lemon Meringue Sampler by Casey Buonaugurio. I was able to stitch the white motif in the center, and then the lemon slice yesterday.

I feel like I’ve done a lot this year…I got married, we went to Rome, we moved, we went to see King Tut in Chicago, I paid off my debts and began contributing to my 401k and IRA, I got serious about losing weight and getting healthier, I started a blog, and I managed to even get a little stitching, reading, quilting and other crafting in. Not too shabby. I am so thankful for my life and all of those people in it that make it so special.
Since I started the 101 Things in 1001 Days challenge this year, I thought it would be good to recap what I’ve been able to cross off my list this year (I started the challenge on June 21, 2006).
1. Begin contributing to 401k.
7. Stitch Eric’s Stocking and make both mine and his into stockings.
25. Hang curtains in kitchen window.
43. Frame one stitched item myself.
47. Get an MP3 Player and get it set up with workout music and audiobooks.
56. Organize office – clean up files.
62. Research starting a blog.
72. Look into credit card balance, close account.
91. Participate in a stitching exchange.
93. Participate in a SAL.
Not too bad. I have several (like 30) that are in progress. So, I should be able to knock some more out soon. Like I said, it’s been a great year. Hope you all have had great years as well. Happy New Year! We are having steak with garlic basil linguine for dinner, champagne for later and will be watching Dick Clark’s New Year’s Eve special on tv.
I am grateful for a year well spent.
Happy New Year! I love the new scissors. Can’t wait to see the new sheeps blanket.
OOOOH, nice scissory and I love Faery Tales. I’ll have to take a closer look at that one. Are you going to actually stitch the HAED or are you a collector only? Happy New Year.
Glad to see Lemon Meringue sampler back! You’ve had a most impressive year! Happy New Year–may next year be even better!
Happy New Year Michelle! I’m looking forward to seeing your January blanket. I picked up the Feb/March charts on Saturday. I’m so far behind!
LOVE that Lemon Meringue sampler! How cute is that?
Happy New Year!
Love Lemon Meringue sampler – it’s very sweet!
I can’t wait to see how you use those pearls!
Happy New Year Michelle!
Glad the scissors arrived safely 🙂 Happy New Year!!
You are an inspiration to me! I’m glad that your year was great and I’m sure 2007 will be the same.
Wow you’ve been busy this year! You got some great HAED patterns.
I’d not hear about July for the new HP book but, that is what i was assuming since they gave us the title of it around the same time they did for book 6. So if all goes the same we should be able to preorder it by the end of this month or the middle of next month.
You’ve made a good dent in your 101/1001 days list. I’ve been trying to be good and updateing it every few weeks.
I severely doubt we’ll see Book 7 before at least fall of this year. The OOTP movie will be out July 13th and it would be very, very unusual if they released a book the same month. Especially a book with this much significance. They’re going to want to spread out the profit making events as much as possible.
But, I’m ok with that. I would definately prefer to wait and have the best book possible.
You *did* accomplish a lot in 2006!