No Good Can Come of This

Yes, I know…I can see where this is going too. I took Rosemary‘s recommendation, and added these two books to my library. One really shouldn’t be in a mall whilst under the influence of cold medicine and mentholated cough drops. One should keep all crafty obsessions under wraps until one finishes her exchanges and Round Robin pieces. But, while I was there…these little beauties had to be brought home as well. I mean, who can resist silver nail polish? I mean…

On the left is “It’s a Doozi Says Suzi”, in the middle is “Birthday Babe”, and on the right is “OP-I Love This Color”. I foresee a pedicure in my future, possibly following a hot bubble bath. As you can see, though, still no stitching worth showing. One day soon, I will be able to stitch and stitch and stitch and have many things to share with my beloved readers. And if the lure of knitting gets any stronger, I will maybe even have other craftiness to share. Scarves! Socks! Kitty Pi! If I start doing macramé plant hangers, y’all stop me, ok? Anyway, my exchange piece is all wrapped up and ready to be mailed tomorrow morning. We have a stack of boxes to go to the post office. Wedding pics, etc. all needing to be mailed also. And, I think I may have a package from Martina waiting for me, with my Mystery 9 embellishments in it. And let me just say (as a possible warning to my exchange partner), I rediscovered today (because I can’t say I didn’t already know it) that 1) I am really bad at gift wrapping and 2) I love tape. So, there you have it. Have a great weekend everybody, and please know that I am trying to get caught up on blog reading, etc.

I am grateful for my cats – wish I could get good pics of them.

8 thoughts on “No Good Can Come of This”

  1. Ah, macrame plant hangers … brings back visions of my early childhood and my mother’s obsession with all things macrame – lol! Thankfully I was too much of a tomboy and was never inside long enough to learn the intricacies of macrame making!!

  2. Welcome back! I’ve been fighting the urge to pick up the knitting needles again (I have 3 sweater WIPs) but have so far resisted. And you aren’t helping! LOL–I’ve got the same cold, although mine’s on the downward swing. It got bad enough not to want to stitch–call the coroner!

  3. Anna van Schurman

    If I see you heading for the hemp with visions of square knots, I’ll stage an intervention. Maybe we can get on that tv show.

  4. I agree-who could resist silver nail polish 🙂 Hope you feel better soon. I keep wanting to try knitting-but I am trying to really be good at stitching (or so I hope)

  5. Michelle, I do hope you’re feeling better, but you’re very entertaining when you’ve imbibed in cold medicine and cough drops. 😀 Great post!

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