Tuesdays and Wednesdays are my late nights. I get home late and thus, very rarely stitch on these nights. So, I will show you the progress I made over the weekend on Bay Sampler. I love the colors in this. I am using Thread Gatherer Silk n Colors.

On another note, my chart that I ordered a month ago and then this weekend found out it was not available…I ordered it from another company that had it on their website. I got an email this afternoon telling me it was unavailable. So, basically I am pretty disappointed. The chart is Moon Garden by Blackbird Designs. I can only find one other ONS that has the chart listed on their website, so I am going to try them tomorrow. Here’s hoping they have it. Why, oh why did I fall in love with this design on Anna‘s blog after seeing her stitch it???

And…just in case you haven’t seen it yet, part 6 of Quaker a 6 Mains has been released. I can’t wait to stitch this one. Those stitching it have been doing such a lovely job. I think I want to stitch this with Vikki Clayton’s Ink Spot thread.
I am grateful for my friend Joan sharing her experience tonight, which helped me see my own experiences from another perspective.
Hi. I am the same as you (other than just the name), just starting my blog and lordy isn’t it fun?! :o) I love your stitching and CONGRATULATIONS on getting married!!
I had NetFlix for awhile (’til I ran out of new movies to watch) and you do get the movies exactly as you ask for them. A good thing about them (compared to others) is they almost never run out of copies (I haven’t seen it, but it might happen) of whatever you order, I know Blockbuster often had a waiting list.
Very nice start Michelle! 🙂
Love the cat!!!!