
November 1st arrives, and the Christmas rush begins…even though I don’t understand it. Why can’t we just bask in the glow of Halloween and begin to look forward to Thanksgiving? Anyway, it does have me thinking about the end of the year and what I’d like to accomplish, even if I’m not quite ready to think about Christmas. I’ve been doing pretty good on my personal book challenge, which I’m happy about. So, I thought I’d apply the same logic to my stitching and see what happens. Not wanting to push myself over the stress cliff, but just to put some focus around what I’d like to work on, and keep those things with deadlines on my radar.

I’m of course working on Jenny Bean. So, I plan to continue with her until she’s finished. I have two Christmas ornaments that need to be stitched – one for our guild exchange and one for Eric (the 4th day of Christmas). The day after Thanksgiving, my friend Sherri and I will be starting on a piece we’ve been talking about stitching for awhile, the Marbek Nativity. I ordered a beautiful Sapphire linen for it a couple of years ago, so I just need to pull threads and I’m all set to go. We don’t have any sort of timeline associated with working on the piece, just a start date. So, that will be on my radar soon. I also need to finish the baby quilt sooner rather than later, so that’s on my list of things for the end of the year too. Dorothy’s Garden is my MAGIC piece, so even though it probably won’t get finished by the end of the year, I would like to put some more stitches into her. And finally, I would really like to work more on my CHS A&E. I’d love to have my first A&E finished, so I’ll put some stitches in that. So, here’s my end of year list…

1. Jenny Bean
2. Exchange ornament
3. 4th Day of Christmas ornament
4. Nativity
5. Baby quilt
6. Dorothy’s Garden
7. CHS A&E

Not bad, I think that’s all do-able. And I also have on my radar getting fabric for my New Year’s Day start. I’ve already decided what it will be, I just need to decide on fabric. I also need threads for my Valentine’s Day project. So, I’ll be working on collecting the Belle Soies for that.

I am hopeful that I will be finished with school by the end of the year too – that is my big challenge. And once school is finished, my stitching time should increase dramatically! I think I’ve managed to keep up with the blog and manage to do some stitching even with working full time and going to school for the past almost two years. I’m ready to have some free time though!!

I’ll have a Jenny Bean update for you soon. I’ve finished the cartouche with her name and date in it, and have done half of the top border. Moving along on her!

I am grateful for hugs and kisses.

36 thoughts on “November”

  1. What lovely pictures! I hope you manage to meet all your goals — especially finishing up with school! Good luck. Hopefully you won’t feel too rushed too. 😀 Can’t wait to see more Jenny Bean — she’s so pretty!

  2. What lovely pictures! I hope you manage to meet all your goals — especially finishing up with school! Good luck. Hopefully you won’t feel too rushed too. 😀 Can’t wait to see more Jenny Bean — she’s so pretty!

  3. I’m not in a rush for Christmas…but do have to start thinking about them early in order to get gifts made and sent in time 🙂

    Good luck with all of your goals and especially finishing up school!!!

  4. I’m not in a rush for Christmas…but do have to start thinking about them early in order to get gifts made and sent in time 🙂

    Good luck with all of your goals and especially finishing up school!!!

  5. Michelle, Your snaps are wonderful. Your goals look doable…but don’t stress over them…remember, stitching is supposed to relax us and be enjoyable. We have enough deadlines to meet in out lives.
    You must e so anxious for school to be ‘fini’… I can’t imagine what you’ll do with all that extra time you’ll have. lol

  6. Michelle, Your snaps are wonderful. Your goals look doable…but don’t stress over them…remember, stitching is supposed to relax us and be enjoyable. We have enough deadlines to meet in out lives.
    You must e so anxious for school to be ‘fini’… I can’t imagine what you’ll do with all that extra time you’ll have. lol

  7. love your photos – gorgeous !
    Your Jenny is looking great – I’m still waiting on linen – urghhh

    I agree about enjoying the seasons as they come – fortunately for me – with no children and being an only child myself – we dont do a big christmas in my tiny family so we really do relish each season as it comes ! Enjoy Melody

  8. love your photos – gorgeous !
    Your Jenny is looking great – I’m still waiting on linen – urghhh

    I agree about enjoying the seasons as they come – fortunately for me – with no children and being an only child myself – we dont do a big christmas in my tiny family so we really do relish each season as it comes ! Enjoy Melody

  9. Love your photos. The antique silver is gorgeous!
    I hope you meet all your goals. Christmas for me is done and packed back up. We will have a very quiet one after celebrating with the family in October.

  10. Love your photos. The antique silver is gorgeous!
    I hope you meet all your goals. Christmas for me is done and packed back up. We will have a very quiet one after celebrating with the family in October.

  11. Thanks for sharing these lovely photos Michelle! I love the pumpkin hidden in the flowers.

    I’ve been doing a list of stitching too, but where you have yours in writing mine is still in my head! I have never done a New Year start, but I have a pattern and threads ready to go for 2010. Maybe that’s a good sign!

    I look forward to seeing a progress photo of Jenny Bean, and I always, always enjoy your blog!

  12. Thanks for sharing these lovely photos Michelle! I love the pumpkin hidden in the flowers.

    I’ve been doing a list of stitching too, but where you have yours in writing mine is still in my head! I have never done a New Year start, but I have a pattern and threads ready to go for 2010. Maybe that’s a good sign!

    I look forward to seeing a progress photo of Jenny Bean, and I always, always enjoy your blog!

  13. I love the photos!

    You must share your New Years and Valentines Day projects! Can’t wait to see the update on JB and to see your other projects.

  14. I love the photos!

    You must share your New Years and Valentines Day projects! Can’t wait to see the update on JB and to see your other projects.

  15. It hink you’ve done wonderful on everything considering how much you have going on 🙂 You are the most well rounded individual…I think you are fabulous! 🙂

  16. It hink you’ve done wonderful on everything considering how much you have going on 🙂 You are the most well rounded individual…I think you are fabulous! 🙂

  17. The Scarlett House

    Michelle, your photos are just stunning. I’m with you with the rush towards Christmas. I hate going in to a store and seeing three holidays displayed at the same time. Confusing!

  18. The Scarlett House

    Michelle, your photos are just stunning. I’m with you with the rush towards Christmas. I hate going in to a store and seeing three holidays displayed at the same time. Confusing!

  19. Love the idea of having a few goals, maybe I will try that again too :-).

    Can’t wait to watch your progress, I remember how happy I was when I finished school. I worked full time and had a full time schedule at college. I just didn’t know what to do with myself when I finished. You’ll love it.

  20. Love the idea of having a few goals, maybe I will try that again too :-).

    Can’t wait to watch your progress, I remember how happy I was when I finished school. I worked full time and had a full time schedule at college. I just didn’t know what to do with myself when I finished. You’ll love it.

  21. What gorgeous pictures, Michelle!

    I agree about enjoying November and not rushing right into Christmas. I love the holidays but time just seems to go so fast nowadays. I sound like a crabbid old woman, don’t I!? (don’t answer that…)

    Can’t wait to see some more Jenny Bean! Good luck with the Marbek Nativity, too–it’ll be incredible!

  22. What gorgeous pictures, Michelle!

    I agree about enjoying November and not rushing right into Christmas. I love the holidays but time just seems to go so fast nowadays. I sound like a crabbid old woman, don’t I!? (don’t answer that…)

    Can’t wait to see some more Jenny Bean! Good luck with the Marbek Nativity, too–it’ll be incredible!

  23. mainely stitching

    Your pictures are stunning! That water wheel reminds me of a cider mill I used to go to when I was very young. 🙂

    I don’t rush the darned seasons either. It irritates me to no end to see Christmas stuff out side-by-side with back-to-school stuff!

  24. mainely stitching

    Your pictures are stunning! That water wheel reminds me of a cider mill I used to go to when I was very young. 🙂

    I don’t rush the darned seasons either. It irritates me to no end to see Christmas stuff out side-by-side with back-to-school stuff!

  25. What cool pics…Thanksgiving was my moms’ holiday to cook, cook, cook so I have a hard time overlooking that one. I love turkey day and celebrate it in all it’s glory. 🙂

  26. What cool pics…Thanksgiving was my moms’ holiday to cook, cook, cook so I have a hard time overlooking that one. I love turkey day and celebrate it in all it’s glory. 🙂

  27. Such pretty pictures.
    I’m sure that you will meet all your goals. And you definitely deserve some more stitching time after finishing school.

  28. Such pretty pictures.
    I’m sure that you will meet all your goals. And you definitely deserve some more stitching time after finishing school.

  29. Michelle, your photos are so interesting. The water wheel looks like something that should be stitched, maybe in VoHRH.

    Great end of the year list. You are making good progress even as you are in school.

  30. Michelle, your photos are so interesting. The water wheel looks like something that should be stitched, maybe in VoHRH.

    Great end of the year list. You are making good progress even as you are in school.

  31. Those are beautiful pictures! I hope that you meet all your goals. I know how it is to work full time, go to school, and try to stitch too. Not a lot of stitching got accomplished unfortunately. But your goals are so doable and when those classes are finished, you’ll almost miss it (well, maybe not – LOL). But you’re sure to get a lot of stitching done.

  32. Those are beautiful pictures! I hope that you meet all your goals. I know how it is to work full time, go to school, and try to stitch too. Not a lot of stitching got accomplished unfortunately. But your goals are so doable and when those classes are finished, you’ll almost miss it (well, maybe not – LOL). But you’re sure to get a lot of stitching done.

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