Numbers 10 and 21

I feel like I’ve been productive. I finished reading Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone yesterday, and will be starting Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets today. I want to re-read all of these before Book 7 comes out in July. That is one of the items on my 101 Things in 1001 Days list. And speaking of that list…I’ve completed one and a half more things off the list. Number 21 was “Have a physical”, so as of Wednesday when I had my follow-up, I crossed that one off! Number 10 is “Finish Travel Album and put together Honeymoon Album”. I finished my Travel Album yesterday too!

I wanted to record the places I’ve been, and I was finally able to get this finished. These trips are all pre-Eric. So, the trips I’ve taken with him will all be recorded in other albums, such as our Honeymoon Album. I have an idea in mind of how I want to do that one, and I want to give it to him for our first anniversary in April. I’d better get cracking on it though, huh?!

It’s nothing too fancy, I wanted the photos to speak for themselves.

I stitched on my Water ACEO again on Wednesday for the QuickStitch SAL on the HAED BB. I finished another 10 x 10 block, and now have made it to the edge of page 1. I’m going to go back and stitch row two next. I feel really good about making it across the page. And once I start getting a little further down the page, hopefully you (and I) should be able to see the progress a little better. You guys are probably looking at this every week thinking, “it looks exactly the same!”.

Tonight I have my book club at the museum. We will be discussing Yasunari Kawabata’s Snow Country. This book was published in 1956. I’ll let you know how it goes. Have a great weekend!

Walk to Rivendell: “And now to bed!” Pippin says, when a Black Rider is heard again. Elves arrive, Rider leaves, and Frodo & Co. continue with Elves. (Total Miles walked: 41)

I am grateful for reaching my goals.

16 thoughts on “Numbers 10 and 21”

  1. Way to go in knocking two more items off of your 101 list. I need to take a look at mine again and get cracking! I think your HAED is looking wonderful and I admire you for taking one on. I have yet to even try one.

  2. Way to go in knocking two more items off of your 101 list. I need to take a look at mine again and get cracking! I think your HAED is looking wonderful and I admire you for taking one on. I have yet to even try one.

  3. You have been very busy Michelle!

    Your HAED is looking great. I am watching this one with interest as I have it in my stash.

  4. You have been very busy Michelle!

    Your HAED is looking great. I am watching this one with interest as I have it in my stash.

  5. I love your travel album! I prefer the “just pictures” look myself. Can’t wait to see your surprise album. :o) Congrats on your progress, stitching and otherwise.

  6. I love your travel album! I prefer the “just pictures” look myself. Can’t wait to see your surprise album. :o) Congrats on your progress, stitching and otherwise.

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